Recently the enemy has brought many trials and hardships to the Christians among the Digo. It is obvious there is a spiritual battle raging, and the intent of the devil is to discourage and defeat those who are trying to share the gospel and foster the church. Please pray that Jesus will win decisive victories that demonstrate His Lordship, and that as the Digo have been known for their zeal for Islam, one day they will be known even more for their zeal for Jesus.
One couple choosing Life!
The visit made by the church of southern Chadians led to leaflets with the word of God being distributed to 400 households with team members being welcomed by most. One couple decided to follow the one Saviour. Pray that they will grow in their fledgling faith. They have a new testament in local Arabic. Pray that they will understand it. The husband can read but it is not clear how well.
Diaspora in Florida
• Praise for the December Christmas party organized by an Muslim friend. We were able to clearly share the Good News. Pray that the seeds planted would bear fruit.
• Pray for a proposed get together with 10 East African Muslims and others from our community. Pray for unity and clarity for this get together.
Seeking Calm
A friend writes, “We are receiving Mbororo communities from over 700 km west of Obo who travel to Obo by foot seeking the calm and stability that the town of Obo offers. On the way some of them have lost all their cattle, and they are desperate for help of every kind.” This should provide an opening to share the Gospel. Pray that Zande believers will forget their fears of the Mbororo and reach out to them in their need with help and the gospel.
Diaspora in Portland
• Praise God for great times of talking about our faith with a Saudi neighbor and his daughter. Our granddaughter got to share the Gospel and her testimony with the 28 year old daughter. Pray for the Saudi family as they moved after Christmas. Pray they will keep searching and reading the Scriptures.
No Water
Pray for the village of Miono and surrounding areas. The water has been cut for the better part of 5 or 6 weeks. People are starting to be admitted to the hospital for lack of clean drinking water. Pray that the issue with the water pump will be resolved soon! Ask the Lord to intervene and glorify His name among the people!
Glorious departure
We spent Thursday evening visiting with Bibi H again, caring for some of her needs, making her more comfortable, and praying for and encouraging her in the hope of Heaven in Jesus. We knew her time was near. Bibi H passed away the next morning and became the very first Christian ever allowed to be buried in our village! I shared with her neighbor ladies as we washed and shrouded her body for burial and then I prayed over her again thanking God for her life & the hope of heaven and assurance of salvation we have in Christ Jesus. Her funeral was attended by the few Christians in our area and a surprisingly large number of Muslim neighbors. It was a peaceful witness of Jesus Christ as the church came together to honor her life and share the Gospel she had put her hope in. We can’t count how many heard the gospel that day and witnessed the Body of Christ lived out amongst them. I do know Bibi H had no idea how beautifully & broadly the Gospel would be shared through her death. She was probably the most insignificant weak powerless woman in our village and yet God chose her to make glorious history & share the gospel with more than ever before here! Praise Be To God!
Believers leaving
Four believers (who came to Jesus in mid-2017) have left the country. Another family (husband and wife both believers) with five kids plans to leave soon. Most are leaving because of economic chaos here. This is a large percentage of the believers in the city and leaves such holes of loneliness. Ask that none would fear, that each would love Jesus above all, that each would hear and obey the voice of the Shepherd and that He would increase their love for each other.
The Outreach Visit Went Very Well
We met with a group of Okiek elders just outside Cengalo Forest. There are several Christians there. The Okiek elders presented many needs and asked for help in educating their children and advocating for their right to move back into the forest, their ancestral homeland. We prayed with them and agreed to sponsor a young Okiek man with a call to pastoral ministry. On Mt Elgon we visited two villages. Each village has a church and a school and we met one young Okiek pastor. We prayed with him and are praying for wisdom on how best to encourage these Okiek people.
Trusting their Heavenly Father
In the past year two sons of a powerful village elder have become baptized believers. Their father is trying to use scare tactics about their inheritance to control them. He has summoned them to court tomorrow. Please pray that they will trust their Heavenly Father, and his Holy Spirit will continue to remind them of his love that doesn’t control us through fear.
Diaspora in Detroit
We have many opportunities to interact with people as they come to our homes. We desire to study the Bible with our friends in our homes, at the church, or in their homes. Ask God to work in the hearts of our friends to join us in Bible study.
Listening, Considering
Recently a group of nomads have watched the Jesus Film and have been listening to the audio Bible. They have also gotten some health care from the missionaries. Pray that they will be moved by the Holy Spirit and understand that Jesus is the Son of God and turn their lives to Him.
Sufficient courage
Continue to pray that each new believer “will have sufficient courage so that now as always Christ will be exalted in [their] bod[ies], whether by life or by death.” Philippians 1:20
Ask that love would overcome fear and because of the same “spirit of faith” each would “believe and therefore speak.”
2 Cor 4:13
A way forward
It has continued to be very tough for Cal in the village – he says he has no fear, but he does everything to keep his faith hidden. He did not speak up to his father to tell him he didn’t agree to marrying this Muslim girl who they’ve formally tied the knot with. In fact when the knot was tied – he did what they demanded, and bowed before the two fathers in the ritual prayers to prove himself a Muslim. Cal said he felt a great darkness come over him– but he has confessed and repented from that. It looked like the wedding was going to be in January. We just kept praying. Suddenly the girl’s father said she was too young and wasn’t yet ready for the wedding – so it’s postponed. Then a contact showed up from outside our tribe who has a formal technical school, and an interest in discipling young believers. A miraculous scholarship showed up for Cal covering about half his fees, and now both the family and all of us are thrilled that Cal is heading off for a one-two year certificate or degree in tailoring at this technical school and under the intentional discipleship of this pastor. Pray that Cal will grow strong and deep in his faith and relationship with Jesus, and that God will orchestrate Cal’s future to be a strong testimony of his grace and salvation
We have witnessed a remarkable amount of growth from those who attended a discipleship training. They have built lasting relationships with other seminar participants and continue to stay in contact and encourage each other. Just this week they met again in a different area to learn more about preparing and sharing God’s Word. They continue to visit and do outreach in the local village where they ministered during the training seminar. We continue to praise Jesus for the mighty way he is working and continues to work to share His glory among the lost.
Recently the church leaders told a story of the village elders visiting and threatening to close the church because the church leaders refuse to take part in cultural ceremonies which contradict their faith. We are thankful that the issue seems to have died down for now, but please pray for the church and the leaders. Pray for discernment and strength to say no and how to do this in a way which points people to Christ. Give thanks for their boldness and courage as they face these pressures on a daily basis.
Desperately Needed
Pray for rain! Many villages in Gabbra land are starting to struggle with the lack of water. Pray that through hardship people will seek for the Lord and trust that He will never forsake His children. Pray for unity and open hearts to help one another.
Getting Ready for Heaven
In visiting Sunday with elderly Bibi H, we sensed she will soon pass. I shared the gospel of hope with her again and we all sang to her a Swahili hymn. She assured us she believes and is ready to see God. Please pray that what she has confessed to us with her mouth about her faith in Jesus, she has truly believed in her heart. We want to worship with her in heaven one day! Pray the Lord would mercifully bring her home in His perfect time.
Diaspora in Canada
We had Abshir* and Fawzia* over for dinner. Abshir started pouring out his story, (*names have been changed). Even before he arrived in Canada from Djibouti Abshir had been plagued by nightmares. Terrifying dreams where he was chased by dark, faceless creatures that wielded frightening weapons.
Then one night a year ago the same dream began to unfold. But this time Jesus appeared to him with a host of soldiers. Jesus said to him, “Your enemies will not hurt you, because they cannot touch Me.” As long as Abshir stayed close to Jesus his foes were kept at bay. And from that day to this he has not had one more nightmare.
Praise God for his mercy towards Abshir. Pray he and his wife will decide to ‘stay close to Jesus’ and receive salvation!
Two Paths
H. had an interest in following Christ some months ago and then faded from asking questions or pursuing a Christian path. Recently he came to meet with one of our team members and to talk about Christ. He then came to church with our team this week and shared his testimony about how God has helped him in his business. Pray that Jesus will speak directly to H. in a way he will understand. Pray for more and more conversations about God’s plan, the Cross and the truth of the Gospel. Pray that H. and his entire family would choose to follow Christ.
God Opened a Door of Faith
Praise God for a number of people coming to faith in the Lord Jesus Christ! Daily the Lord is calling people to Himself, and individuals are praying to receive Jesus as their Savior. In an act of humbleness, a local healer called on us to say that Jesus is the only One who is able to completely heal his younger brother. Jesus is able! Pray that his brother, a young father of three, will be healed of his ailments and his health restored. His younger brother has put his faith and trust in Christ, even though his older brother, as of yet, says “No” to inviting Jesus into his life – this act would put him out of business – even though he knows where true help comes from! Pray for both brothers! Asking for faith as great as the Caananite woman who “came and knelt before Him, saying, ‘Lord, help me.’…and her daughter was healed at once.” Matthew 15:25, 28
Fearing the Powers of Darkness
The Zaramo people fear the powers of darkness, evil spirits and curses. They believe if they go to witch doctors they can get protection. Pray that instead of fearing Satan they will fear and seek God. Pray that they will find freedom from evil through Christ and His victory on the cross.
This little light
This Thursday the musicians in Nosy Be will be filming a music video in Hellville. The song, “Lay Mazava,” is all about the light of Christ, so pray that His light would shine as they play this song all over town. (It’s way cooler than “This Little Light of Mine” by the way. But same basic idea…)
Who Was The Baby
I had the opportunity to watch ‘The Nativity’ with some students. They were quite interested and asked questions about the movie. I briefly explained who this Baby was, and that He came to save people….! May God work in their hearts continually and may they be saved!
May seeds sown grow
Several people on Volcano have heard the Good news this week, including some of young G’s soccer friends, a couple of taxi drivers and passengers, English students and neighbors. Ask that these seeds wouldn’t be snatched away. Ask for people to be pondering these thoughts anew today. Ask for more opportunities to share this week. Ask for renewed hope to share.
She Never Knew
She said she heard of Jesus, but had never heard he was God’s own Son, actually God with us who chose to be born a man to die in our place for our sins so we could be restored to relationship with our Holy God. She never heard that before today sitting on my front porch with me as I prayed for her healing in Jesus name. She said she believes she is a sinner, just like me, and we all need a Savior. I told her our Savior is Jesus. She said “God save me through Jesus.” I said Amen. Pray for her healing & new birth today!
Several women are reading the Word but have not yet believed. Four of them are right now traveling out of the country. Ask that as they travel, they would meet believers who will speak the truth to them. Ask that on their return (most come next week) they would hunger to regularly study with believers. Ask that each would surrender!
Survey Trip for New Outreach
Pray for a survey trip from January 23-25 to visit Okiek/Dorobo elders in Cengelo Forest near Eldoret and Mt Elgon Forest near Kitale. We made contact with the Cengelo group ten days ago up in the forest and shared some dripping honeycombs. The elders asked us back so they can tell us their needs and we will tell them more about Jesus. We are excited for our first contact with Okiek/Dorobo on Mt Elgon. An Okiek man named Leonard has offered to be our guide.
Diaspora in Minnesota
• Pray for the SALT tutors who are assigned to Somali families. May they understand that they may be the only “salt and light” into these homes and be very bold in sharing.
• Pray for the families who receive SALT tutors; pray that the Gospel and Spirit would penetrate their hearts in conversations and relationships.
Word to take hold
Pray for there to be more consistent gatherings attended by the people. There has been a lot of interest in the Matthew translation and several people have asked for an audio copy. Pray that gatherings will start and that the word of God will take hold in their hearts.
Sharing Stories of the Good Shepherd
With the rains imminent, the coming months mean that most Datooga are back in the homesteads during the evenings because the grazing and water are much closer to home. Pray for opportunities for the believers to visit and share recorded Bible stories in the homesteads and for the Holy Spirit to soften hearts and open ears to hear the truth. Pray that these times will be filled with people asking questions and reflecting on what they hear. Pray to for those sharing the stories that they may be filled with wisdom from the Lord as to how best to lead the discussions and answer the questions that might arise.
Sunny Sundays needed!
We are so thankful that a large city church is giving generously for a house to be built for a Sandawe evangelist in the village of Tumbelo. The church there is fairly new and is small but growing. The evangelist has completed 3 months of a 6 month training course in which he did very well. Pray for Kristofer, this young man, who continues to be passionate about Jesus, is growing in maturity and becoming more confident in his role. His parents have made a profession of faith but it creates an interesting dynamic between parents and son and they have not been attending services. Please pray for them. Also, plans are in place for the house to be built for Kristofer but there is not yet a church building. And it’s the rainy season. Pray for sunny Sundays! The Believers meet outside.
Healed from Cancer
Praise God L has found salvation in Jesus! She was diagnosed with breast & uterine cancer a few months ago. Although her brother & sister had come to faith in Jesus, it was not till she agreed to be helped by the church and prayed over for healing that she gave her life to Jesus. Praise God she found healing for her soul and from her cancer! After the removal of the tumors from her breasts, the doctors could not find any cancer when they prepared her for uterine surgery! Praise God L has now been enfolded into the body of Christ and remains faithful in worship! She is experiencing the joy of her salvation! Please pray the cancer would not return & she would grow deep in her walk with the Lord.
Follow up report
The trip to Neem villages with memory cards of Neem stories went well if not quite as planned. We spoke with several people about God, sharing recorded stories and giving some cards and 2 Bibles, but much time was taken up seeing 32 patients who came to see the expatriate. Most of these were mentally ill or had epilepsy and had never received treatment. We were able to pray with most and showed a portion of the J film to some until the pressure of numbers became too great. Praise that these people could receive help, pray that seeds of compassion and prayer and the word will bear fruit. Pray that people will be miraculously healed or continue faithfully their treatment. One man had been successfully treated for one year but then his family stopped taking him for treatment. When I met him he was chained to a tree. Lord have mercy on him.
Prepared hearts
As Chris and Fiona prepare to come and lead a team among the Didinga in Nagishot, pray for God to prepare the hearts of the Didinga to be good soil so that “the man who hears the word and understands it…produces a crop, yielding a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown” (Matt. 13:23). Pray for a Christ-centered church with strong Didinga leadership to grow in Nagishot.
Lord, Strengthen The Alagwa Believers!
Please pray for the believers, that they may be strengthened with power in their inner beings through his Spirit, and that Christ may dwell in their hearts through faith (Eph 3, 16-7)
Interest to grow
Last week the team released the 2019 Proverbs calendar, which combines the proverbs of Solomon and local proverbs, in English and local language. After an invitation at the party last week, a good number of people interested in further discussion of proverbs and parables met this week with members of the team. There was good discussion and continued interest.
Pray that the Spirit would be working on people’s hearts, piquing their interest in the Word, and for boldness for the team to present more of the story. Ask for further meetings and discussions of the Word to follow.
Diaspora in Minnesota
• Praise: Before the holidays, we were able to share some of the reasons Christmas is so important and a joyful time for Christians. Keep praying that the seeds sown in different relationships between our Somali friends and our volunteers will grow. We long to see them come to our Savior.
Reaching Tanala
Pray for Dories and his wife Alphossin. This young Malagasy couple moved to our area to preach the Gospel! Dories really wants to work together with me, which is a huge encouragement. Pray for God’s blessing on their ministry. Pray for the Christians who already live here. Many of them don’t have much knowledge about the Bible but they are willing to be taught. Pray for hearts eager to share what they learn with their Tanala neighbors.
Kindergarten open!
Pray for the kindergarten starting in one of our villages today. After much work, frustration, prayer and teamwork, there are 22 students starting kindergarten today. Pray for good communication between the 3 teachers. Pray that the students will begin, even today, to understand God’s love for them. Pray this school will be a city on a hill in a dark land.