
Praise God for the arrival of rain and the time for cultivation. Pray that the Lopit might turn from their rainmaker worship and other spiritual practices surrounding this time and recognize God as the One who provides for them.

Seekers found!

The other day, two of our team members stumbled upon three young women reading the Gospel of John in a tattered Bible. Pray that the Holy Spirit would speak to their hearts and call them by name to follow Jesus. Pray against the attacks of Satan. Pray their entire household would come to faith in Christ.

translation and fellowship

Please pray for the weekly Tsimihety Bible translation workshop which takes place each Saturday morning in Mandritsara, the central town of the Tsimihety region. This group of men and women is led by Madame Marline and is the only multidenominational gathering amongst Tsimihety believers that we are aware of.

Dangerous Doctrines

Recently, a heresy brought from Korea is approaching the Somali believers; their teaching makes them very confused. Some Christians are trying to help them to understand what the Bible says. Please pray that the Holy Spirit will speak to the Somali believers, so that they won’t be enticed by the heresy.

Prayer For Healing

From a Rangi evangelist: “Please join us in praying for the family of a man named Mohamed and his wife, named Joria. Joria is ill, and they have been to many witch doctors but she has not been healed. Then today she came to my house to ask for prayer for healing. I prayed for her and we will keep praying for her. Please pray with us for her healing and for their salvation. Thank you.”

Diaspora in SA

We want to see the Lord of the grain-fields send workers to join our Diaspora Ministry in South America. In last few days we started to get invitations from churches in two Brazilian states that are willing to work with Diaspora in their region. Praise God.

Please pray boldly for the opportunity to start a team in Passo Fundo by July of this year. Nothing is impossible with God.

Share Christ Consistently

Please pray for the Zaramo believers to share Christ consistently with their families, neighbours and friends. Pray for the Zaramo church to grow and multiply, and that in every way it will be centered on Jesus Christ.

San outreach

Pray for God’s continued blessing on the craft market. Part of Pastor Gerrie’s visits to the villages is to exchange crafts for food. Pray for wisdom for Pastor Gerrie.

Continue to pray against the evils of alcohol abuse. This is a widespread devastating problem.

Planting a church to make an impact

Pray that a church would be planted among the Lokwa, and that through this community of believers the larger Lokwa community would be impacted with the Gospel and lives would be changed.

Hearing the Word in their own language!

Pray for the women that team members are testing the translation drafts with. Pray for good conversations about what is being read. Pray that these women would be so impacted by reading/hearing the Word in their language. Pray that they would hear God speaking directly to their hearts.

Sharing the Gospel with soft hearts

Pray for the few believers among the Toposa – that they hold fast to the Truth of God’s Word and share that Truth with their neighbours, friends, and family. Pray for soft hearts of those who hear the Gospel so that they will receive the Good News that is shared with them.

Trying and Trying

A S. Asian girl has asked her Christian neighbour if she can come with her to church again after an initial visit at Christmas. Yet every time they plan it, something comes up to prevent it. Please pray for the plan to be established by the Lord, and for the girl and her whole family to come to faith in Christ.

Committed to Disciple Others

Praise the Lord that He is at work among the M. Ask that those believers who have committed themselves to disciple others will do so without discouragement or weariness. Pray for many new believers.

Community garden

Pray for wisdom for summer outreaches. Please pray for  provision of water  for a community garden in Detroit diaspora and for many seeds of the gospel to be planted as we garden together.

Faithful and Persevering

Praise the Lord for the faithful Tanzanian Christians who live among the Rangi in order to share the gospel with them. Pray for the encouragement of each one, that they will persevere and see fruit.

mission trip

As a team, we are hosting 29 Tanzanian Bible School students, pastors and their wives, and other church leaders from today. It was organised with the purpose of exposing them to Muslim ministry, and encouraging a heart for mission. Please pray for all the practicalities, but more than anything, that God will use these five days to call many into mission and into mobilising their congregations for mission.

Jesus Is My Savior!

Praise God for the testimony of a mother who knows that Jesus is her Savior and the Savior of the world. When asked how she came by this news – since all her religious teaching has been from the mosque – she said, “I learned that He died on the cross for my sins from the movie you showed last year.” The movie was the Jesus Film, which we showed a couple of times last year, but with no known responses to it. Pray that the Holy Spirit will continue to work in people’s lives through this media and that the Gospel truth would continue to be accessible in public forums such as Jesus Film presentations. Pray that more will come to know Jesus as their Savior.

Spreading from Village to Village

Please pray that the Borana believers will continue to share the gospel in villages where Christ is not yet known. Pray for this wonderful movement of the Spirit that is causing more and more churches to spring up among the Borana. Pray that even the Islamic leaders who are trying to squelch the work of evangelism will be saved.

They Turned to Christ

The Gabbra have endured a long season of terrible suffering during the drought in Kenya, but now at last the rains have come and they are plentiful. Praise the Lord that during the drought many believers were able to help in practical ways and a number of Gabbra turned to Christ in faith. Please pray for the Gabbra church to continue to grow.

More To Share the Gospel

Praise the Lord for those Ndengereko who have come to know Christ. Please pray that the Lord will send more Christians to live among them and share the gospel. Pray the Lord of the harvest to send labourers to the Ndengereko.

No Men Yet

Please pray for a certain Samburu village where many women and children have come to faith in Christ and meet for worship, but no men join them. The missionaries have been praying for over a year that five godly men will become part of the church. Please pray for the Spirit to overcome whatever it is that holds the men back from rising up to join that fellowship of believers.

Believers’ Fellowship

There is going to be a Digo believers’ fellowship starting on Friday and going through Saturday. There are unbelievers who are interested in following Jesus that have committed to attending. Please pray that the Digo believers will see that they are many, and that they can support each other through tough times. Pray also that the people who want to know more about being followers of Jesus will commit their lives to Him.

Concerned for the Boni

The Dorobo people continue to share Christ and establish new churches in villages where He is not yet known. Now they would like to have an outreach to the Boni people, who do not yet have the gospel. Pray for the Holy Spirit to enable them to be cross-cultural church planters.

Pray for boldness to bring peace

Pray for the believers who live among the Nyang’atom on the South Sudan and Ethiopia sides of the border – that they would be bold with sharing their faith and through this a community of believers would be started that would bring peace to the Nyang’atom community.

Purposefully Sharing

Please pray that the Sandawe will come to faith in Christ. A number of faithful believers are purposefully sharing the gospel in areas where He is not yet known. Pray that the Lord will work mightily to bring Sandawe people to Himself.

Faith Comes By Hearing

Please continue to pray that the Word of God can be translated into the Alagwa language, and that through this process many will put their faith in Jesus Christ. We know that faith will come by hearing, and hearing by the Word of Christ that is preached to them.

Green Grass

Praise the Lord for rains falling in Kenya and Tanzania after a long drought. Please pray that as the Datooga animals enjoy the green grass, their shepherds will ponder the wonder that Jesus is the good Shepherd who laid down His life for the sheep. Pray that many will turn in faith to Him.

Unified in Fellowship

Please pray for many Somali to come to faith in Christ and confess Him openly. Pray also for those who are believers to be unified in their fellowship and faith, and that the deep love of Christ in and through them will overflow to each other and to unbelievers.

Continue to pray

Please continue to pray for the new Zigua believer. He was evangelized by the only Zigua believer in our church and claims Matthew as his new Christian name. Pray against the fear of persecution. Pray that he would be rooted in the Lord Jesus. Pray that others would see the change in him and desire also to know the Lord.

Need discernment

Pray for discernment for those in the Diaspora who are receiving Bibles in Arabic that include the apocrypha. Several are very new believers and have little opportunity to be discipled in person by believers in their own language.


Ask that the new believers in the Diaspora will receive discipleship in their own language and would abide with Jesus and understand the Word by His Spirit as they read.

A Breakthrough, Please

Please pray for a breakthrough in a number of Muslim S. Asian households where the gospel and much Scripture has been shared for many months. Although people have sometimes seemed to be drawing close to receiving Christ as their Saviour, so far none have (as far as we know). Pray for a breakthrough, and that whole households will come to faith and stand firm in Him.

San believers

Pray for all the believers in the Tsumkwe area. Pray that the Holy Spirit will help them to grow spiritually and to stand strong in the Lord. Pray for the gift of discernment so that they will accept and obey the pure, living Word. Some are being led astray by people teaching the health and wealth gospel. Pray that believers will answer the call of the Lord to become involved in His service. Pray for the adult group being taught by Pastor Gerrie. May the Lord really open their hearts to Him.

Easter Service

Pray that the Muslim friends who attended and accepted the invitation to the Easter Service will still be impacted by the Good News of the resurrection of Jesus that they heard. That the Holy Spirit bring those truths to mind.

In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit

Praise God for Napir’s baptism last Sunday! Pray that in her early steps of faith she would be protected from the enemy’s attack and we would continue to be able to teach and encourage her. Pray that this would be a great witness of personal faith and acceptance of Jesus to those around her.

Someone to go

Pray that Christians will go to the Kachipo and share the Gospel with them so they have the opportunity to hear of and call upon Jesus to be their Saviour (Romans 10)

Flow river flow!

The seasonal riverbed in O-land is flowing bigger than it has since the 1997 Elnin~o. Pray that the Holy Spirit will flood O land with conviction of sin, and drawing many people to Jesus as Savior, Healer and Deliverer. May they realize God’s loving grace as He desires to rescue them from the dominion of darkness and bring them into the Kingdom of Jesus!

Jonah distribution

Continue to pray for the newly translated book of Jonah, that God’s word would speed through this land. Pray that it would be passed from phone to phone and that as people read and listen they would recognise the voice of God speaking to them in their language. Pray that the Spirit would convict, challenge and comfort, and the people would repent like the Ninevites!

New believer!

Praise Jesus for a new sister who heard the gospel first through a new Berber believer. Praise Jesus that He speaks across people groups! Ask that this Arab woman would continue to read with her Berber sister and that each would grow in the knowledge of Jesus.

After 5 Years He’s Softening

Praise God for an elderly Alagwa man who, after 5 years of hearing and understanding the gospel yet refusing Jesus, is finally turning towards Jesus. Please pray that he would continue to open his heart up to God. Please also pray that he would share more with his wife, so that they can follow Jesus together.