Trial Aug 13th

The prisoners’ trial was postponed to Aug 13. Pray for comfort and courage for the believers as they face the judge. Pray for the judge to be convicted by the Lord and for all the prisoners to be released.

Do the right thing

Pray for resources for S families; our country is very open to refugees and they are welcome (in theory) but it has become difficult for some to receive proper paper work and refugee status to receive all of the benefits they need for their livelihood and families. Food and medical attention specifically are difficult to come by at times. Pray for the government to continue to do the right thing and grant refugee status if they allow S to enter in to the country freely. Pray for organizations to be in the right places and offer assistance as necessary.

Creation to Christ

Diaspora in Alberta: Praise for the ESL Bible study we help with on Mondays that has 21 students attending, primarily from Asia, although a few from the Middle East, Africa and South America. Monday the 12th is the final study where Doug (leader) will tell them about Jesus. It’s a very short study, meant to be a quick Creation to Christ overview and also show us students who are interested in studying the Bible. The majority of Bible study students this summer are women. Pray that I will be able to connect with some of these women before the start of the September semester.

Reaching men and women

Diaspora in Florida: Pray for continued close relationships for me with my imam friends and for God to banish the spirit of deception that keeps them blinded.
My wife’s ministry with Muslim women is flourishing and keeping her and the other volunteers quite busy. Pray for them for strength and creativity. And balancing priorities.

Grow and Share

Pray for more Holy Spirit enlightening of hearts and quickened understanding and growth. These new believers are like newborn babes- they need lots of discipling and growth. Pray for all of the new believers and their families and for the main Timothy2:2 shepherd’s protection from all the schemes of the evil one, and that they all will grow in wisdom, boldness and understanding! Pray they continue to share with their friends and loved ones and bring them to Jesus!

Lost husband

Please pray for Mama P., who just lost her husband to illness. Pray for God’s comfort and provision for her and her young daughters.

New students

Diaspora in Brazil: Pray for the reception of new university students, may there be a man and a woman of peace among non-Christians arriving on campus. Pray for blessing on outreach events to get new students plugged into Bible studies and other programs.

Summer activities

Diaspora in California: Pray for our summer activities with International students. Praise for the Ladies’ Bible study going well. Whatever we do, may the students come to know God’s grace and salvation. Specifically pray for salvation for Thomas and Chris.

Islamic leaders

Pray for Islamic leaders. Pray that the Lord would give them a special revelation of who He is and that they in turn would be able to teach truth that sets men free!

Summer Camp

Diaspora in Germany: Pray for the Injil Summer Camp that will take place near Passau, Germany later this month. Pray for open hearts to understand and respond to the gospel. Pray for Jamal and team as they prepare.

Believing couple

We rejoice with a believing couple on this island who got married this week. The
husband is from this island and it is still rare to have local believers marrying other
believers. (Just last month a Christian leader was married to a Muslim.) May the Lord bless this new marriage and grant it to be an example and light to other local believers as they walk out their singleness/married lives in faithfulness to Jesus.

New believers!

Pray for new believers: Pray for H’bib, that God would calm the anger of his family after he told them he is a believer, help them to listen, and open their own hearts to the gospel of Jesus Christ. Pray for Abo’, a new believer, who has been uncontactable. I fear that something bad has happened. Pray for Cham’ and for his wife, as she considers becoming a believer in Jesus.

Family picnic

Diaspora in Michigan: Please pray for all the details to come together for our family picnic outreach on Friday 8/23, including school supplies to give away and the final funding. Pray that people would come and begin relationships or sign up for a program where they can have regular gospel exposure.


Pray for educational opportunities for our community. The Ik people are left out in terms of education, leading to under development.
Pray against conflicts imposed on Ik by the neighbors of Dodoth and Turkana of Kenya and Didinga of South Sudan. Pray for peace.

Doing well

On a recent visit, we were encouraged to see the church and its leaders doing well and even sharing and visiting other churches in the Kauto plateau and on the Ethiopian side. Pray for them to continue to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord and for the Lord to add to their number day by day those who are being saved.

Hearing scripture

Praise that the 9 yr old S boy staying with me this summer is having opportunities to hear Scripture in Arabic and in Spanish! Please pray for him to have an open heart and open mind.

Still in prison

Pray for those still imprisoned to know the presence of Jesus, the fellowship of his suffering, to declare their unwavering decision to keep following Jesus… (even if in pain or doubt they recanted in the past)… and pray for the court case Aug 13 … for the kingdom of God to advance and Jesus’ name be lifted high and families reunited.

Satisfaction in Christ

Pray for the women in our community, many of them can see the problem of polygamy in Islam  and irresponsible fathers that result, yet they are still attached to Islam. Pray that they find satisfaction in Christ.


Continue to pray for unity and wisdom for the translators as they tackle difficult concepts in Galatians which challenge their beliefs. May the Lord grant them understanding and faith.

Bible and radio

Pray for James Lokuuda, the pioneer of Toposa faith and who has been working tirelessly on the Toposa Bible translation that will be launched by 2025. Also, pray for a new Christian radio station – Nyakica 95.2 FM – which has been launched for greater Kapoeta to hear the gospel, courtesy of Salt and Light ministries.


Diaspora in England: Pray for the East Midlands Community outreach week Aug 3rd to 11th.
We give thanks for the willingness of several local community leaders to encourage people to attend the week’s events.
Pray for opportunities for team members to share their faith during the week.
Pray for culture nights – that these events which the community organize for the volunteers will be an opportunity to build bridges and strengthen relationships.
Pray for protection for the local volunteers from a Muslim background as they engage in outreach and share their faith.

Bold in the face of danger

A. teaches in an English center in the Sahel. She has lots of opportunities to spend time with students, friends, and neighbors. Let’s pray that conversations become opportunities to share The Word. Let’s also thank the Lord for the 2 new believers whom she has the opportunity to meet with  to discuss, read and pray. Pray that the Lord will help them to continue to be bold, in the face of real dangers!

Wisdom for discipling

As several new believers have come to Jesus recently, it is a challenge to best be able to disciple and know how to gather them together. It’s an exciting time yet feels very fragile. Pray for protection from every attack of our enemy, and for empowering understanding, wisdom, growth, and boldness from the Holy Spirit, for each one to reach out to their wives and families and friends!

Zeal and boldness

Praise God for the increase and growth of S believers in the Horn and elsewhere. Pray they grow in zeal and boldness and the Lord would give them wisdom that will enable the S Church to grow.


Pray for the team going to Addis to complete the consultation of the book of Luke for preparation of recording the Jesus film. Pray for protection for the team while in Addis and for God’s blessing on this project.

Counting the cost

Please pray for courage for those who now believe the truth but are counting the cost. One man’s words were: “I know the way but if I deny Jesus before my parents, will Jesus deny me? Pray for me… “ Ask for each one counting the cost to know that the kingdom of God is like a pearl of great price… worth everything… (Matt 13)

Youth discipleship

We have started discipleship classes for our youth both MBBs and seekers. Pray that the Believers will know Him better and that the seekers may truly find Him.
Praise the Lord for opportunities to do visitations to our youths’ homes where we meet, share, listen to and pray with the families. Pray that the Lord will draw many to Himself.


Please continue to pray for Mama H, who has gotten epilepsy medicine now, but still has a foot in the camp of traditional medicines. Pray that she would come fully and irreversibly to Jesus. Continue praying for Asha, who has improved a bit in her mental illness, that she would remember and return to the sweetness of Jesus she once knew.

Imprisoned for their faith

Pray for S brothers and sisters imprisoned for their faith. Pray that the Lord would use this for their growth and good and that it would be a testimony to many others fearful of declaring Christ.

More fruit

PTL that God continues to work in O-land. This week a seriously ill young man, Ray (pray for healing as he safely reached good care, and had successful surgery), and his visitor both prayed to receive Jesus. The next day, another young man was brought by the ‘chief Shepherd’ here, and also came into the Light. Praise the Lord and pray for growth in each of their understanding and intimate walk with Jesus!

Filled and Anointed

In Jiye, Simon Amoni and Loumwa continue raising more leaders as they start their Oral Bible translations. Simon leads the work in Kassengor while Loumwa leads the work in Lopeat and Moruangipi. Pray for these men to be filled with the Holy Spirit and anointed for fruitful ministry.

Gospel seeds

Pray for the refugees living in the horn of Africa suffering from trauma and loss. In their distress, pray they will cry out to God. Pray for the gospel seeds that have been scattered to find good soil and bear much fruit.

Open hearts

Pray for believers living amongst the Zaramo to share their faith in a winsome way. Ask the Lord to open many hearts to the gospel.


Pray for the team editing the recording of Mark for delivery to the community soon as well as distribution of the hard copy to the people.
Pray for the healing of the team leader John Dunyi who is sick.

Sports ministry

A new sports ministry program with the AICT is being launched. 34 people are being trained this week in how to mobilize and start a sports ministry program. Pray for the mobilisation of Christian coaches through Tabora Bible College to bear much fruit amongst the youth.


The end of July there will be a mobilization gathering and training in Ambilobe with the Malagasy missionaries working with the Antakarana and a couple from the Nosy Mitsio gathering who hope to attend as well. Pray for good fellowship and for strengthening of faith and future mobilization to the Antakarana among Malagasy churches.

Gone to be with the Lord

Last month we shared of an MBB who was taken back to his country in the Horn. It has now been confirmed that he was taken to the capital city of S* and beaten to death for his faith. Please continue to pray for his loved ones (especially his wife and son) and the S* Christian community. Pray for comfort, strength and encouragement. Pray that our brother’s blood and testimony will cry out from Moga* and the whole Horn region, bringing many more into the Kingdom through the precious blood of the Lamb of God. Our late brother came to faith many years ago when he was seriously sick and lying in a mosque in Yemen and that is when Jesus spoke to him. Pray Jesus  would speak to many more in the mosques.


Pray for a facilitators’ camp coming up next month to prepare materials and content for our annual youth camp. Pray that the Lord may provide for it.

Prosperity gospel

This week some Christians from another part of the country came through our area and were preaching the prosperity gospel and being really divisive among the believers here. Please pray for reconciliation and good conversations to come in the wake of this, and for our believers to understand and reject the dangers and lies of the prosperity gospel and cling to the Truth.

Lord, build Your church!

Pray for the few believers to walk in newness of life and share their faith with friends and neighbors. Pray the Lord would build His church among the Ik.