School break follow up

Pray for the student activities planned for the school break. Student disciples are being followed up in the villages. Pray for effective ministry.

Dream about fish

Please pray for Grace. She had a dream last week about a man giving her a fish and telling her to go fishing. When she put her fish in the water, it attracted all the other fish. She really wanted to know the meaning of the dream, and we shared Mark 1:14-17 with her. Pray that Grace will desire to grow in Christ and take seriously what it means to be a disciple! – to follow Him and read/know His Word and also to become a “fisher of men”! Pray that she will be a disciple who makes disciples that make disciples!

Training and outreach

Please pray for the Global Disciples evangelism training now being hosted by our local church. Believers have come from different people groups for training. There will be an outreach happening in an Alagwa village after the initial training. Please pray for the Holy Spirit to be working both in this village, and in the hearts of the believers as they receive their training.

Living good lives

Pray for Clement, Thomas, and Paulo- Lopit men who are pastoring small churches in a number of Lopit villages. They experience a lot of persecution from their families (including their wives) and members of the community because they do not follow the traditional ways. Pray that they will “live such good lives among the pagans that, though they accuse [them] of doing wrong, they may see [their] good deeds and glorify God on the day he visits us” (1 Peter 2:12).

Needing wisdom and courage

Someone in one of the regular fellowship groups was approached and told to stop their meetings. Pray for wisdom and courage for the brothers and sisters of this group to know what to do.

The Lion Has Roared

Pray that Christian leaders ministering among the Nyamwezi will have the clarity of Amos 3:8:         The lion has roared—
    who will not fear?
The Sovereign Lord has spoken—
    who can but prophesy?

Pray that they will be faithful stewards of the gospel, speak out against evil, and not fear the message God has given them to proclaim. Pray that those who hear the Word of God would recognize God at work in their lives, respond radically, and open their mouths to declare their testimony to others.

Diaspora in USA

Many churches will be starting ESL classes again this month.  Pray that there will be people from African UPGs who attend. Please pray that our Lord leads us to people whose hearts are receptive to the Gospel News, people who are hungry for the truth, people to whom the Lord has been speaking.

Who He Really Is

I have a dear local friend who I am able to see several times a week and who also helps me learn language. We have been reading through the Gospel of John, praying before we read. A prayer request that has come up is her search for a job. We have been praying for God to provide that in Jesus name. My prayer to God for her is that as we read John, the Spirit would open her eyes to see Jesus and her need for Him, and as we pray, that whether in finding a job or in the search for one, God would reveal Himself to her as the provider of her needs. I long for her to be able to see Jesus for who He is and who He longs to be for her!

Diaspora in USA

Praise for the camping trip in August with international students. Logistically everything went fairly smoothly and we were kept physically safe from the daily bear encounters but more importantly the name of Jesus was proclaimed. Pray for eternal fruit. Pray people will ponder the spiritual conversations.

Diaspora in Wisconsin

We are planning for the family picnic on September 22. Pray that our Somali friends would find time to attend and that our volunteers would be able to build good relationships leading to sharing the truth.
We are also hoping to get the youth who went on vision trip to the UK in July to have a time of connecting with the Somali youth and discuss faith. Pray that this will happen.

Planning a visit

One of the sisters is hoping to make a visit to Volcano Island, in order to encourage the women believers there to meet more regularly. Pray the plans for this work out and may this initiative have positive results for all.

Diaspora in Portland

Pray that Gospel truth which has been planted in the minds and hearts of our Muslim neighbors would grow deep roots.
Two of our students are returning to their home countries. Please pray that God will continue to work in their hearts, bringing to mind what they have learned about Him and even bring other Christians into their lives.
As we prepare for a new school year please pray for a good group of volunteers that have a heart to share God’s love.

Thursday Ladies’ Lunch

Please pray for a lunch on Thursday to which I’ve invited a number of S. Asian women.  Pray that those with spiritual hunger will come. Pray that the Spirit will fill the time and my home with warmth and love. Please pray that the Lord will open a conversation that allows me to offer a Bible study to any who would like it. Pray that some brave ones would respond publicly and say they would like to participate. Pray for others to be influenced by their example. Pray for the Lord to use this event to move each unsaved woman closer to faith in Christ.

Diaspora in UK

Praise God for ongoing fruit from DREAM Teams. Reports are coming that more people whom we befriended are choosing Jesus. Please pray for ongoing follow up from our 4 DREAM Teams. Pray especially for the new believers to be grounded in the Word and to receive discipleship through our partners.

Significant Safari

On Tuesday September 3rd, an AIM missionary and three Dorobo pastors – Josphat Musanga, David Lekenge and Jackson Ng’ayami – will make a trip to the Sabaki River area to see some Watta hunters and encourage Giriama Pastor Samson Cheu who has started two small churches among this hunter-gatherer group. Pray for safety on the road and that the car will do well on the safari. Pray for the Dorobo pastors to have a chance to share their testimonies with another hunter-gatherer group. Pray that this might develop a vision among the Dorobo church for cross-cultural ministry. And pray that they would be an encouragement to Pastor Samson Cheu.

Diaspora in Philadelphia

Please pray for al Massira video series happening again. Pray for good attendance and lively discussion! Also pray for my Bible discussion with a Muslim friend turned agnostic. And pray for good follow-up with our Algerian friends.

looking for people to disciple

Please pray for the church amongst the Alagwa who have all been challenged to find at least one person to disciple from outside the church, whilst being accountable to a person from within the church. Some also attended the discipleship training seminar we ran. Please pray that each believer would be faithful and persevere in praying and seeking people to share their faith with and continue discipling them.


Pray especially for the increasing number of agnostics who exalt education, knowledge, and tolerance above truth. Many are researching on the net and find resources that are filled with clever sounding lies and barely disguised despair and yet reassurance that ‘sins don’t matter.’ Pray that the Spirit of truth would guide them to all truth, that they would discern lies, and receive eternal hope in Christ. May each one see that tolerance despises the cross; that grace honors the cross.

Diaspora in Canada

Thank you for your prayers for this summer’s four MAC Camps. We had nearly 50 mostly African kids in each! Our day camp for 5-10 year old North Africans, had 25 campers…and a parents’ BBQ!
Finally, Camp Rhino in the last week of August had 12 mostly Syrian kids. Our counselors were in awe at the trauma some of their campers have lived through. Four kids had lost their fathers in the war, 2 saw it happen. One little girl from Damascus went for a canoe ride with JB and sighed under her breath, “Am I dreaming? This is the best day of my life!”
Now for the follow up!! Please pray for the seeds of the gospel to take root.

Eid follow up

Last Monday, islanders celebrated Eid and this week many of those who went to Mecca on the hadj are now being celebrated as the return to the islands. Pray for many opportunities to continue to share the story of Abraham this month which is remembered and celebrated during this festival (albeit with significant differences e.g., the son in question is Ishmael not Isaac). Pray that the story would prompt islanders to new thinking about the character of God, and their own relationship with him. Pray for the desire to hear more stories.

Diaspora in Florida

Pray for Muslim ladies to come to JM’s sewing and cooking group “Sara’s Daughters”. A good group of ladies were coming but in the last 3 weeks, no one has showed up. Pray for wisdom and insight.

Desire for fellowship

Ask for an increased desire for fellowship with believers and an increased desire to be discipled and to disciple others. May each one know they are not made to survive alone but are created to be part of “the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grow[ing]and build[ing] itself up in love, as each part does its work.”
‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭4:16

Diaspora in Portland

Please pray for our last farm trip coming up this Saturday that deep relationships will be formed and spiritual interest will be generated.
Please pray for wisdom as MC has been invited to go to Cairo with an Egyptian friend. This would be an amazing opportunity to be salt and light in his life. He is asking really good questions.

Diaspora in Minnesota

Pray for our son’s friend Abbas who seems to be searching and enjoys being with our family. He was offered a soccer scholarship from a Christian college but his mother will not consider it. Pray that God would work in his life and draw him to Himself.
Pray that God will lead me to a new Somali friend who is searching for Him.

Needs to surrender

Pray for an Alagwa lady who has tasted and seen for many years that Jesus is good and is the way, but was not willing to leave her religion. She seems to be softening towards Jesus again; she is coming much more often to study the Bible and pray with another believing lady in the community. She loves listening to God’s word and thinking about how it applies to her. She is also happy to pray in the name of Jesus. Yesterday, she came for medicine for her daughter who was sick. We prayed for her and God brought healing that very evening. This lady said today that she thanked God for healing her daughter. May she at last bow her knee to King Jesus!

A Month Of Outreaches

Within the next month, there are several outreaches planned in a variety of locations in the Kilwa district of S. Tanzania. Some of them are Jesus film outreaches, another is an eye glass clinic. Pray that people would come to the outreaches and hear the word of God and the Gospel, and be hungry for what they hear. Pray that even now, God would be preparing hearts to truly hear and accept the Gospel and that the Holy Spirit would be at work in a mighty way. Pray for wisdom and boldness for the pastors, churches, evangelists, and other workers putting on these events. May God be glorified in many precious souls receiving the free gift of salvation in the next month!

Church reaching out

Please pray for the pastors: Haja, Emanoela Blandino, Albera, Tolotra, Tomoeira, Boto Filemon and Jemarí, and all the 80 Evangelists and Bible Teachers that we are training in missiology and strategies for reaching out to the Bara. Pray that God will bless them, that God will support them (financially and spiritually) and that they may become bold to share Christ to Bara people. Pray for holiness, for the Fruit of the Spirit and a fruitful ministry.
Pray also for the Church in Betroka, that God brings a revival, and the church would love Jesus with all her might.

Pray for Chief Marko’s village

Chief Marko was shot and killed by cattle rustlers recently. His wives and village continue to grieve. Pray for the believers there to stand firm in their faith and persevere in sharing the Word. Ask the Lord to raise up another godly chief to take Marko’s place.
One of the believers says, “There is much death here. Pray the Laarim will leave cattle rustling and follow Jesus.”

Young leaders

Continue to pray for leadership and discipleship among the Sandawe churches. There have been several opportunities recently for further training for Believers in sharing their faith. Ask that they will not merely listen but that they will take what they learn and apply it. There are a handful of new church plants with young leaders. Please pray for wisdom for these men and women, that they will be resolute in challenging situations and that they will shine like stars in the darkness.

Approaching Jesus’ Death and Resurrection

A few months ago we started studying with a young man who seemed to be craving access to the Scriptures despite his devotion to Islam. We started our Scripture study in Genesis and 14 weeks later, we are fast approaching the stories of Jesus’ death and resurrection. Please pray with us that as he encounters these stories in the next few weeks his heart would be deeply moved and stirred by the Spirit. Pray that he would understand this Good News is given for him and that he would receive it with great joy!

Open Villages! Correction

This post was originally posted in error under Antakarana, please pray for these open Sakalava villages!
Surveys here on the island these last few weeks have revealed three other villages open to hearing the gospel. The first village has offered to give a plot for missionaries to build their house on. The second village has offered a house for the missionaries to stay. The third village has openly expressed their desire to have a service held in their village every Sunday. We praise the Lord for these opportunities and need wisdom in organizing our time well. Praise the Lord for these new opportunities of ministry and pray for wisdom for our Malagasy missionaries (Melias, Lebaba, Noel and Jean) as they organize outreach to these villages.

Diaspora in Europe

The Alma de Africa football team has asked J. to be their goalkeeper for the upcoming season. This is the largest concentration of Africans found in Jerez, Spain and J has already had numerous Jesus conversations with several of the players. The team is also becoming quite well known throughout the country for their stand against racism. This is definitely a very public place where J. can let the light of Christ shine before the African diaspora. Ask the Lord to open many of the players’ hearts!

Sofi visiting her sisters

Please pray for *Sofi, a local believer, as she is on the third island, Clove Island, this week to meet with other believers for a time of meeting, fellowship and worship. Pray for the meeting to be fully based in the Truth of Jesus and for it to be an encouraging time for all. Also pay for safe travels for *Sofi as she returns to Vanilla Island via small fishing boat next week.

Diaspora in UK

Two Muslim men who S. has gotten to know at a local refugee centre have recently been talking to S. a lot about their faith. S. has been able to share the Gospel with them as he responds to what they are saying. Recently they gave S. the details of a couple of Muslim websites to look at over August when the Refugee centre is closed for summer break with a view for them talking more when the Centre re-opens in September. Please give thanks for their willingness to listen to S. responses and pray that through their discussions they may come to an understanding of who Jesus really is.

Fire churches

The ‘fire churches’ (groups meeting around the fire) are doing well under the care of the disciples. We thank God because they are growing spiritually too. We have two new churches planted in Kaldo area. Some have put a temporary shed to enable them to pray under it especially during this raining season and also to have a shelter during the day heat when they do their discipleship meeting. Lucino is meeting his group every Thursday. Also other disciples have their meeting days and all gather on Sunday morning at their various churches. Pray the disciples would grow strong and many would be added to their number as Christ builds His church among the Toposa!

Reject old lies

Pray for believers to stand strong in the freedom of the truth of the gospel of grace. May the old lies of the spirit of Islam have no hold over them. When they doubt the truth of Scripture, pray that they will recognize it is the voice of the enemy whispering old chants that the Bible has been changed. May each one learn to battle in the Spirit and declare the truths denied by Islam: Jesus is the Son of God. Jesus died on the cross and rose again. The Word of God is true.

Need fertilizer

If Karimojong hearts were likened to soil, we could say that the soil has been depleted of nutrients due to poor farming habits over the last decades (aka false teachers). Even when they hear God’s Word now, the soil is not fertile enough for that seed to grow well and bear good fruit. Please pray for the soil of hearts in Karamoja – that God would use His Spirit and His people to bring life back into this depleted soil so that the seed of God’s Word could take root and bear fruit to eternal life!

Diaspora in Detroit

Pray for the members of our church team to be bold in sharing the story of Noah this month with their families. Ask the Lord to open conversations about salvation.
Also pray for our ESL classes to come together at our church, which start in September

Couple sharing with family

Praise God for a couple who are continuing to follow God together, and are getting to grips with what it means to be Alagwa and follow Jesus. After a few visits to some of their wider family a few hours away, they are excited to disciple the ones amongst them who are now seeking. Please pray for this couple for continued boldness and perseverance to travel the three hours to disciple these family members and also for their protection as a couple. Please pray for their marriage and their relationships with others in their community.


Pray that new believers would learn true repentance. May each one increasingly see the holy beauty of Jesus, and increasingly mourn over sin and recognize that it is not simply a failure to ‘preform well’ but a breach of the intimate relationship between Christ and His bride.