Maroamboka village, where we used to live, is the place of witch doctors. Seven of them live and work in and around Maroamboka! Some of them are so powerful that people come all the way from the capital to consult them. In short, Maroamboka was more or less the stronghold of Satan.
And it is precisely in Maroamboka that the church is growing! And it is Maroamboka where people come to hear more about the Gospel. Why? My friend Issa noted that the Lord has a sense of humour. Issa said, “The evil one must have been happy when we left Maroamboka. But it is as if God woke the evil one out of his evil dream by using Maroamboka for His mighty and glorious work.” I like Issa’s conclusion. Pray for the church to continue to grow in size and influence.