Praise God for nine Tabora area churches joining together to hold 3-day long evangelism outreaches this month in nine unreached villages outside of Tabora, Mpanda, and Nzega. Pray for the youth, women, and church leaders volunteering and using their own means to travel outside of the towns. Pray that villagers will listen well and embrace the Good News about Jesus and the salvation He offers to all people. In the mornings there will be teams sharing the Gospel from house to house, in the afternoons there will be open air meetings in the village centers. Pray that God will draw people, convict, change hearts, transform lives, and wash clean those accepting His grace. Pray that God’s truth will be integrated into the hearts and lives of new believers and their faith will be wholehearted. Pray for new churches to begin to meet together following Gospel outreaches in these nine new outreach areas.