From Elai: It was on Wednesday night, when we were all in church singing and praising God and sharing Bible Stories. Angry youths came with whips, clubs and sticks and beat us. Everyone ran away and some, including me, were beaten mercilessly. I bear marks on my body because of my faith. Because we have said, “No” to evil practices, which are a normal routine in our society, and teach against those things, the youths are against us. After beating and chasing away all who were in church, they collected the church poles and cross and burned them to ashes. We didn’t get discouraged- we are used to persecutions, we can’t run away from our home, parents, and animals we take care of, this is our home. We started praying in our homes. But God is great. The elders in our village (who aren’t believers) were angry at the youths and told them, “You have persecuted our children and families. Now we are going into the bush and cut the poles ourselves and rebuild the church and if anyone comes and tampers with it again, we will curse them.” Now the church is rebuild!