Court went fairly well Thursday. Thanks for praying. There were at least 2 observers from the UN, but not as many international observers as last time and no ambassadors. Next court date is tomorrow, Sunday, May 2nd.

The police presented the evidence they had against our brothers and sister. The primary investigator was supposed to be a witness today but he was absent. Another witness was sick and also absent.

The final court date is set for Sunday. It is possible the witnesses absent Thursday will testify then. Sunday is also the day that our brother and sister will have the chance to defend themselves in court. While it is possible that the judge will give a verdict on Sunday, it is not expected. Most likely the judge will deliberate and return with a verdict on another day.

Let us keep asking and believing for release and for the character and testimony of our brothers and sister facing persecution. Here are some specific requests: favor with the judge, continued absence of witnesses, increased presence of international observers and ambassadors, for wisdom and boldness in preparing their defense, and for the HS to fill the courtroom.