Pray for islanders who have the chance to hear the Christmas story this month; whether from workers or on TV. Pray for open hearts, and that what they hear would catch their imaginations and settle in their hearts. Pray that God would bless them with the desire to know more of who Jesus is. That they would receive it as good news of great joy!
This month is also the Arabic month that celebrates the birth of their prophet. Pray for religious leaders who have studied in greater detail the life of their prophet and their book. Pray that disillusionment and dissatisfaction would grow, pray that Gd would give them with a hunger for more.
Pray for local believers as they celebrate Christmas. Pray for times of joy as they come together. Pray that Gd would gift them with the creativity to see what island celebrations could look like. Pray for those who are without fellowship, pray that they would be overcome with joy that Jesus came to seek them out.