In the last four months, a Samburu pastor has visited the village of Lchakwai for a few days each month. We praise God that this has been possible and for the encouragement those visits have been to the Samburu people. The last time Pastor visited he brought six “treasures” (audio players) with him. Each of these plays the 31 Samburu Bible stories, Samburu Christian songs, and all of the Samburu Scriptures that have been translated so far (Luke, Matthew, Galatians, 1 & 2 Thessalonians, Philemon, and the epistles of John). He gave one of the “treasures” to the women of Lchakwai village, one to the men of Moru village, one to our watchmen, one to the women of Raragon village, one to our friend Lemusi for the young warriors, and one to the woman who first so insistently asked to have a church! Pray that God will use His Word as these Samburu listen to these “treasures.”