15 September 2016
We invite you to join many others around the world interceding for Somalis this Thursday. Somalis have been resistant to the gospel for years. Please join us in praying for a break through.

The name, “Somali,” is derived from “soo” and “maal,” roughly translated, “Go milk a beast for yourself!” To the Somali, this is an expression of hospitality — and a nod to their historically pastoralist livelihood. Somalis love poetry and are known as a “Nation of Poets.”
The Somali were among the first people to convert to Islam in Africa, and they have a history dating back centuries. They share a common language, adhere to a single faith, and share a cultural heritage that is an integral part of their traditionally nomadic lifestyle.
More than 16 million Somali live scattered across in the Horn of Africa and in the Middle East. A significant diaspora population lives worldwide. There are very few Christ followers among the Somali.

Pray God would work miraculously among the Somali and bring them to him.
These two A to Z lists are an optional guide to use as you spend your time interceding for the Somali people.
Praying A to Z for the Somali People -#1
All Somali’s in all countries would have the opportunity to hear about Jesus
Bibles would be available to all Somali people
Church of Jesus Christ, worldwide, will pray for and reach out in love to the Somali people
Diaspora worldwide would be exposed to the light of Jesus Christ
Evangelistic efforts among the Somali people will be effective in sharing truth
Faithfulness for believers in the midst of persecution
God to reveal Himself through dreams and visions
Holy Spirit to move among the Somali people
Individuals to come to Jesus
Joy for followers of Jesus
Kingdom perspective – Somali people would seek first His kingdom and not be divided by clans and family feuds
Love to be foundational for both the Somali people and Christians towards the Somali
Missionaries to go to the Somali people
Nominal Somali followers would become active and committed
Others oriented – that Somali believers would be looking to the welfare of others and not just focused on themselves
Proximate Churches and believers to reach out to Somali people
Questioning of their traditional belief system and culture
Rest – that Somali followers of Jesus would find true rest in Jesus
Softening of Somali hearts towards Jesus
Trust in each other – in the midst of a very untrusting social context
Understanding of God’s word – that God would illuminate their hearts and minds to understand
Victory – as Somali believers struggle with living in obedience to Jesus
Word of God would be foundational to their understanding of Who God is and what He has done for them
X – access – creative access contexts would be opened up for followers of Jesus to boldly proclaim Him
Young people – they would seek answers to the contradictions of their traditional belief
Zero tolerance – every Somali needs the opportunity to hear about Jesus
Praying A to Z for the Somali People -#2
Accepting to the truth of Jesus Christ
Boldness for believers in sharing their faith in Jesus
Cross would be made known to the Somali people
Deliverance from strongholds that have kept them in bondage
Eager to hear the truth of the Lord Jesus
Families to come together to Jesus
Gospel centered fellowships forming amongst Somali worldwide
Holy Spirit would move amongst Somali’s worldwide
Immersion in the Word for all Somali believers
Jesus would be preeminent amongst Somali Believers
Kindness would part of their spiritual heritage
Light bearing would part of their DNA
Movements of Somali’s coming to Jesus worldwide
Now is the time of salvation – immediacy
Opposition – believers would remain faithful under opposition
Perseverance through persecution
Quiet hearts in the midst of the storms of life
Receptive to the truth of Jesus
Songs of truth in their heart language
Tune-in to media opportunities – radio, tv, internet ….
Unity in the worldwide body of Somali believers
Vocal about their faith in Jesus Christ
Wisdom to know how to live and share Jesus
X ample – have and be an example
Yearn to know and love Jesus more deeply
Zealous for Jesus