Lord, we pray for all those amongst the Samburu who have looked to you for salvation in faith. We pray that they will feel the burden for sharing this good news with others. We pray that they will get adequate teaching to understand the gospel in a way that will help them to clearly and simply explain it to other Samburu in a culturally sensitive, but non-compromising way. We pray that they will clothe themselves with ”gospel shoes”, a readiness to share the gospel wherever they go. We pray that you will give them opportunities to share and lead them to people whose hearts are prepared for the gospel in the way that Lydia the purple seller’s heart was. We pray that, as they speak, Samburu will be convicted by your Holy Spirit of sin, righteousness and judgment. We pray for those hearers that you will remove the veil from their minds that keeps them from understanding your Word. We pray that you will help them to see the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ and shine the light of the gospel in their hearts, bringing them too to a saving faith in Christ, to the glory of God. In Jesus’ name Amen