Bara People, Still Unreached.

“…Seeing it is God, that said, Light shall shine out of darkness, who shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ…” ( 2 Co 4:6)

The Bara pray to “Zanahary who made hands and feet”, and numerous sacrifices are made for the living and the dead. The hazomanga velo officiates during rituals at the hazomanga (sacrificial altar place; which also refers to the person who officiates – the patriarch). The ombiasa (diviner, witch-doctor, traditional healer, astrologer) also leads some ceremonies.
Anybody can call on superhuman powers, especially on the helo, which are spirits of living nature, spirits of life, to make a vow (sareky) and ask a favour, in exchange for the sacrifice of a chicken or a sheep, for which the patriarch’s intervention is not required. In some cases a person becomes a medium for the helo and is then consulted by those in need. The helo are small dark spirits who live in particular trees or in particular water spots, or in particular creatures such as eels, that get fed with locusts, frogs or meat from a sacrificed cow.

Just the light of the Gospel, can illuminate their hearts to them be brought out of this Darkness.
Lets pray that the can listen the Gospel and believe in Zañahary son.