A big ancestral spirit possession ceremony (attempting to find relief for one possessed woman’s sickness) was held during the last couple days in the team leaders’ village on Nosy Mitsio. As a result, several more people, including the “king” of Nosy Mitsio and a headwoman in a team member’s village, are now also possessed by spirits. The headwoman went into a wild trance that severely frightened many others in her village. Some asked team members for prayer but one woman, attempting to care for the possessed lady, vehemently refused any prayers to Jesus, as the spirit claimed to be frightened by the team members and demanded they leave. Please pray for a power encounter with the spirits of Nosy Mitsio, that the Holy Spirit would demonstrate his presence in power and love for the Antakarana people. Please pray that the TIMO team members would have wisdom and discernment to know when and how to speak up for God and when to challenge the local spirits that torment the Antakarana people, even if it might be in opposition to some local people (and the spirits which possess them).