“Islamic cultures tend to establish people of high status as authorities, whereas the authority in Western culture is reason itself.” Nabeel Qureshi “Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus”
This is certainly true here, and it is played out every day in how the Rangi view religion. They are essentially indoctrinated into certain beliefs about their religion and other religions, and, simply put, often those beliefs are selective and/or untrue. But how to get a person to question his/her beliefs? It’s nearly impossible, considering that they simply take what they are taught as truth. With this as their background, and without significant resources to actually investigate what they’ve been taught even if they wanted to, few objectively question their faith. Yet another reason to pray for dreams and visions!
Also, please lift up M. and M.A, two Rangi who recently accepted an invitation to spend 4 days studying through the bible chronologically. This is HUGE!! Pray that the gospel they heard will cause them spiritual turmoil (in relation to what they believe) and will take root!!