The Tanala of Madagascar

Pray for the Antanala of Madagascar. They live near and in the forest of South East Madagascar, in difficult to reach areas. They are a large group and are skilled woodsmen, hunters and gatherers. They also practice slash and burn farming, which is discouraged by the government.They are animists and venerate the spirits found in the forest. Pray for Christian farmers to come and teach them another way to farm and another Way to live.

Pray the Tanala would, “Give glory to the Lord your God before it is too late. Acknowledge Him before He brings darkness upon you, causing you to stumble and fall on the darkening mountains. ” Jeremiah 13:16 
Ask the Lord of the harvest to send laborers into this harvest field.

Population:  1,140,093

Location and Background:  The Tanala people, also called Antanala, live in southeastern Madagascar and are separated from the coast by the Antaimoro and other ethnic groups.  They are a large tribe of forest dwellers living inland.  Their homeland separates the east coast from the central highlands.  The Ranomafana National Park is located in the area of the Tanala.  They are divided into two subgroups: the Tanala Menabe in the mountainous north and the Tanala Ikongo dwelling in the more accessible southern part.  Tanala Menabe villages are isolated.  They are built on mountain tops and are hidden in the dense forest.

History:  At the time of the French conquest, the northern Tanala were under Merina domination while the southern Tenala still held many independent fiefdoms.

Culture:  The Tanala are skilled woodsmen, food gatherers, and hunters.  They trade beeswax, honey, and other forest products and engage in slash-and-burn agriculture, growing rice as a staple. The central government is encouraging the Tanala to use more modern agricultural methods in the cultivation of rice and coffee.  The Tanala observe patrilineal descent and often live in large compounds consisting of a father and his sons or of a group of brothers.  Their houses are usually built on stilts. Besides slash-and-burn agriculture, they grow rice, corn, yams and coffee.  The traditional dance of the Tanala (Dombolo) has become widely recognized and popular.

Religion:  The Tanala hold deeply to their traditional religious practices, which is based on animism and ancestor worship.  They believe that there are spirits all around us in nature and that people must try to please the spirits.  Animists usually live with a certain amount of fear that a spirit will be unhappy with them.  Very few of the population is evangelical but there has been some church planting among them within the past two years.

Latest Prayer Updates:


The translated booklets (Luke, Acts and the stories) have arrived on Madagascar. I still need to collect them and have an inspector look at them. Pray that goes well.
We’re planning a trip to our village this month, together with Neto and Jonoro. Pray for a good visit and that the booklets will be out of customs so we can distribute them.

Books in transit

The translated books (Luke, Acts and stories) are being shipped as we speak. Pray for safe arrival and distribution of these precious books.
Several pastors and evangelists have already shown interest in using these materials. Pray many would hear the Word in their heart language and believe the message.

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