The Suri of South Sudan and Ethiopia

Overview:The Suri (known as Kachipo in South Sudan and Balesi in Ethiopia) live in the Boma plateau region of South Sudan and the adjacent border region of Ethiopia. They are farmers and tend livestock. The Suri are famous for their stick fights. The women used to pierce and stretch their lower lips, but the younger generation is abandoning this tradition. The people of this ethnic group believe in the existence of a supreme being, the God Tamu, as well as lesser spirits. They offer sacrifices and pray through a medium in times of calamity. Although they are deeply into witchcraft, they are receptive to the gospel, and in the past few years a church with around 150 people has begun in Mewun (South Sudan). There are two churches in Ethiopia with a mixed congregation of Suri from different sub-tribes.  Most of the church goers are quite young in their faith and age. The temptation to back slide is great.

The translation of the New Testament has recently begun. Some gospels have now been drafted.

Population: estimated around 15,000.

Location and Background: The Suri live in South Sudan on the Boma plateau with their tribal headquarters at Koma. They live in two villages, Mewun and Rumiit. In Ethiopia they live at the Akobo river around Koi and further south around Moga and the Kare valley at the border to South Sudan.

History: They believe they originally lived in the South Omo region in Ethiopia. From there they migrated in search for grazing land north into South Sudan until they reached the desert, hence the name Suri (meaning burnt land). From there they continued their migration eastward to the Akobo river (Ethiopia) and then westward again to the Boma plateau. They were continually harassed by other tribes, forcing them to settle on the Boma plateau in 1925. They continue to have poor relationships with their neighbors, which often leads to cattle raids.

Culture: Besides growing crops (mainly corn, sorghum and greens), they also hunt large game and collect honey. They also pan for gold and make pots. They trade in tobacco, pots, animal skins, honey, ivory, rifles and ammunition. They engage in traditional stick fighting after harvests. Some Suri practice cicatrisation, which is a form of tribal markings. The clan chiefs lead their villages in times of war and peace, judge cases, and are recognized as leaders by their symbols such as an ivory horn, drum, and set of fire-sticks.

Religion: Around 97% are animists. They believe in the existence of a supreme being-God (Tamu) as well as lesser spirits. They sacrifice and pray through a medium in times of calamity. In Mewun there are 22 witchdoctors, 8 rainmakers commanded by the one main rainmaker, and 4 traditional healers. The highest spiritual authority of the Suri is the ‘Alan’ who lives on a hill near Koi (Ethiopia). His power is highly feared. Although the Suri are deeply into witchcraft, they are open to the gospel, and in the past few years a church with over 150 people has begun in Mewun There are two other churches in Ethiopia in which Suri are worshiping alongside with Suri (Tirmaga) believers. Since the believers are not yet deeply rooted in faith they are often tempted to fall back into practices of their traditional beliefs.


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Bible translation

Pray for strength for the Bible translation team. They are working hard. Pray for wisdom to make good translation decisions. And for many Suri to read God’s word in their language and believe the message.

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