Bible translation

We are working on the draft of 1&2 Timothy and a consultant check of the book of Luke this month. Please pray for good translation.
Pray for the health issues of the team.
Pray for transformation within the community and that many would read and believe the Word of God.

Recording Mark

The team of Bible translation for Suri Kachipo community is preparing for recording the book of Mark tomorrow! Please pray for the whole process to run smoothly and for the recording to be a great blessing to the Suri people.

Needing prayer

The Suri Kachipo community needs prayer: alcohol issues and high death rate are serious problems.
The Bible translation is continuing on. We have 17 books drafted. Gospel of Mark is ready for recording. Jesus film is slated to be dubbed this year.
Please continue to pray for my health. I have chronic lung disease and I’ve been sick.

Still unwell

Bible translation is going well, we have a draft of the books of 1 & 2 Timothy.
I am still not feeling well, please pray for me.

John’s update

I am very sick now, and I need prayers.
We are trying to record the book of Mark and then get 1 and 2 Timothy drafted. Please pray for us.

Bear much fruit

Pray for us as we draft the books of 1 and 2 Peter.
Pray for the disciples and evangelism near the border of South Sudan and Ethiopia to bear much fruit.

Translation check

We are now in Addis Ababa for advisor check and consultation for the book of Mark to be complete and recording to start. Also Luke advisor check to be completed so that the Jesus film can be dubbed.
We are also working on Matthew, John, Titus, Jude, 1,2, and 3 John, James, and Philemon.
Please keep praying for us for God’s wisdom in translating well.

Pray for Samuel and Mark

Pray for the villages of Rumit, Meun, Moga, Kakumogo, Ngameri and Saraga that the Lord will send more servants to share the gospel.
THANK GOD for peace between Murle, Suri, and Anywak.
Thank God for Samuel and Mark as they are being mentored by David. Pray that they will be obedient and bear much fruit.

Translation check

We are now in Addis Ababa for the advisor check of the Gospel of Luke. We are preparing for the dubbing of the Jesus film and audio track of Luke.
Gospel of Mark is to be recorded in audio as well, but we need consultant to finish checking.
Pray for the plans of this year :
Jesus film and audio of Luke
Draft of the books of Titus, 1,2, and 3 John, and 1,2 Peter.
Pray for the team for the strength and wisdom from God.

Translation update

What we have done so far:
Draft of the four Gospels
The book of Acts
We need to make these books available to the community. Pray for provision and open hearts and faith to believe the message.

Four Gospels

The plan for this year is to record the four Gospels. Both audio and printed copies to be distributed to the communities in both Ethiopia and South Sudan.
Pray the advisor check, the consultant check, and the community review of the four Gospels to be done and then the printing and recording.
Pray for the Jesus video in our language to be done.
Pray for the team’s work ahead and also community to receive the gospel.
Pray for me as team leader for wisdom for leadership.

Samuel and Mark

Thank God for Samuel and Mark as they are being mentored by David. Pray that they will be obedient to the truth.
Pray for the villages of Rumit, Meun, Moga. Kakumogo, Ngameri and Saraga that the Lord will send more servants to these harvest fields.
Pray for peace between Murle, Suri and Anywak.

Build Your church.

Pray for brother Johnson as he ministers among the Suri people and for David among the Murle. Ask the Lord to build His church!
Pray for disciples Mark and Samuel to be faithful. Pray for Julius to be an encouragement as he visits them for two weeks.
Pray for peace in Jonglei state.


Pray for brother Johnson as he ministers among his tribes Suri-Kachipo and Murle.
Pray for disciples Mark and Samuel to be more faithful.
Pray for multiplication in all villages.
Pray for peace in Jonglei state.

More workers

Pray for the new worker reaching out to the Suri in South Sudan. Pray for more workers to be sent. Pray for peace between the Suri, Murle, and Anywak peoples.

Jesus Film

Please continue to pray for God to heal John of his chronic lung infection.
Pray for the preparation of the Jesus film in Suri within the year.
Pray for protection within the team.
We are living in a place called Koyi and we have a church nearby. We preach in our own language, and very many are eager to hear the word of God in their language.
We thank God for that.
Prayers also for the church in Mewun and Rumit, as we are sending people to those churches as well to preach in Suri.

Translation continues

Pray for John and his team as they continue to translate the scriptures. Praise God for provision of solar power to charge computers and John’s oxygen concentrator.

eyes opened

Ask the Lord to continue to heal and strengthen John and to bless the translation work. Pray for Suri as they read God’s word in their own language, that their eyes would be opened to believe the message.

Translation progress

The team has translated Mark and a draft of Acts through chapter 26. They have finished the advisor check through Mark 14, and hope to complete the remaining 2 chapters in the next few days. (While in Koi, I was intrigued to observe the thorough process of interacting about word choices, how to accurately convey intended meaning, etc. as they painstakingly checked the draft, phrase by phrase, verse by verse.)
Please continue to pray for John’s health. Overall, it seems to have improved over the last number of months. He does find the heat of Koi to be draining, and tends to use his O2 concentrator more. He also finds the cold in Addis to be difficult, and his being so thin doesn’t help! About 2 weeks ago, his coughing increased and his chest pain returned. He was given a different medication this week, which has eased these symptoms. Please pray.

Translation update

Bible translation is going on well. I am still leading the team.
Four Gospel drafts are completed and now we’re doing the draft of The book of Acts.
Please pray for wisdom and help of the Holy Spirit to translate well. Pray for the translation team.
Pray for my (John) health. My lungs are weak and I am now using an oxygen concentrator to breath.

Grief and Gospel

John’s grandmother passed away on Monday. Please ask the Lord to give John physical and spiritual strength and stamina as he speaks with numerous visitors all week long. May the Great Physician continue healing his body, and protect him from COVID, especially with all the extra people around who have come from various places.

When someone dies, the Suri primarily show support by coming to visit, sit with, comfort and encourage the bereaved – some for nearly a week.
Please ask the Holy Spirit to open the spiritual eyes and ears and hearts of many Suri people, to understand and receive the Good News with great joy! May the seed of the death of John’s grandmother, and opportunities to share with the mourners the reason for the hope within him, bear much lasting fruit for the Kingdom!

Restored to health!

God has graciously restored John to health and provided for him a portable oxygen concentrator; he will take the tank with him back to the village where the Wycliffe team is based as they work on the translation of the New Testament into Suri. John is a valuable member of the translation team. Pray that God will sustain him in good health and use him to get His Word to the Suri.

2021 Goals

Praise God John is better and is headed home with an oxygen concentrator. He asks for prayer that the team members who spend Christmas in their home village Mewun will clearly share Christ with their people.
Please pray for the team’s 2021 goals:
Revise the gospels of Matthew, Luke and John (they’ve already finished Mark)
Get all 4 gospels printed for distribution among the Suri
Produce the Jesus film in their language: Suri (Kaçipo-Balesi)

Heal John D

John D (young man working with Wycliffe) continues to suffer from poor health and was recently hospitalized in very serious condition. He has suffered much with health problems, the loss of a young child, and recently the loss of his wife. The evil one does not want John D’s tribe to get God’s Word in their own language and come to know Jesus, and seems to be trying one tactic after another to attack John. Pray for this man to know the all-surpassing power that is from God: he is “hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed” (2 Corinthians 4:7-9).

Translation work continues

Pray for John and his team translating the New Testament into the Suri (Kacipo-Balesi) language. They are currently doing advisory checks on Luke and Matthew, and are drafting chapter 3 of the gospel of John.


An ongoing problem in the Suri (Kacipo-Balesi) communities is alcohol. Just recently Barduni visited the Suri community in Koi (Ethiopia). He was very sad to see how many of his people suffered from alcohol addiction. He spoke with the chief administrator of Koi about the issue. There is a lot of idleness and hopelessness in the Suri communities. During the last few years the modern world has pressed into their traditional world. Unfortunately the Suri have not benefit much from it yet. Rather it has shaken their foundation. Barduni is convinced that unless his people put their trust in Jesus Christ, his people group will not master the future. Therefore pray that the people will get a new foundation and new hope in Jesus Christ. We long to see a church started in Koi. May God give a breakthrough in this place which is in bondage to Satan- the highest and widely feared spiritual Chief (magician) of the Suri lives on one of the hills near Koi.

Translation project

The Suri (Kacipo-Balesi) New Testament Translation project is advancing. As you might know, the gospels of Mark and Matthew have been drafted. During the last few months the translation team has been busy drafting the gospel of Luke. We have drafts of chapters 1 to 16. Continue to pray for the team. They suffer sometimes from illness. Just now, Barduni has strong chest pains and a severe cough. Pray for his healing. Pray for the financial situation of the translation project, since the finances are not secured yet. Pray for the translation team to be lifted up by the Word of God which they translate. May they get daily wisdom and motivation for their work. Pray also for their families and relatives- that their hearts will be opened for a new life with Jesus. Pray also that the next advisor check workshop, where the drafts will be thoroughly checked, can take place soon.

Portable Bible School

Just recently a team of South Sudanese from Juba have gone to Upper Boma (South Sudan) with a portable Bible school intending to help the Suri (Kacipo-Balesi) church members to better understand the Bible. They plan to stay for about two months. Pray for this time of schooling that everyone stays healthy and protected (physically and spiritually). Pray that the training will have a great impact on the students and on the entire Suri community in this region.

Translation progress

Pray for J, a man from the Suri (Kacipo) tribe. He and his Bible translation team in Ethiopia are hoping to complete the book of Matthew this month. In February the team went for outreach and to test their draft of the book of Mark. Praise God for His Word going forth in every tongue! Pray for this translation to make good progress and to be well received by the Suri (Kacipo).

Hunger and openness

The Kachipo live in the Boma plateau region of South Sudan. They believe in the existence of a supreme being- God -as well as lesser spirits. They offer sacrifices and pray through a medium in times of calamity. Although they are deep into witchcraft, they are very receptive to the gospel, and in the past few years a church with over 150 people has begun. There is a great movement of the Spirit amongst the Kachipo, and though there is no Kachipo Bible, (the translation of the gospel of Mark has just begun!) they are hungry to know the Word of God. Pray for this reality for the Kachipo: “At that time gifts will be brought to the LORD Almighty from a people tall and smooth-skinned, from a people feared far and wide, an aggressive nation of strange speech, whose land is divided by rivers…” Isaiah 18:7.

Mark chapter 1 translated!

Dunyi phoned us on Monday, and he and his team finished translating the gospel of Mark chapter 1 last week! They have begun Mark chapter 2 this week. It is widely observed that at the beginning of a Bible translation project, the translation team face a lot of spiritual attacks. May God protect our translation team and all of us who are involved in the Suri (Kacipo-Balesi) New Testament Translation project.

Justice and Mercy

Pray the Kachipo would one day have a culture that administers true justice and shows mercy and compassion to others (Zechariah 7:9-10) because their hearts have been change by the Gospel.

Needing someone to go

Pray that the remoteness of the Kachipo’s homeland will not deter believers from going to live among them and proclaim the Gospel to those living in darkness.

Know the Lord

Pray the Kachipo would know Christ as the Lord, and that apart from Him there is no other saviour they can turn to (Isaiah 43:11).

Translation work progressing

During the last two weeks I have been teaching the Suri (Kacipo-Balesi) team (five young men) an introductory course in the principles of Bible Translation. This week we are working intensively on the writing skills and on the orthography of the Suri (Kacipo-Balesi). In the coming weeks we start the translation of Mark. Praise God for this!!!

Praise also that we have found suitable office space and rooms for the future translators to live in Aman, Ethiopia. Pray that they will adapt to the place and working environment soon.
Pray for good team work, for protection (spiritually and physically), and also for enough finances (until now, we have only initial funding and no full long term coverage).

Rain, Mosquitoes, Malaria

As the rains come, so do the mosquitoes. Pray for those who are vulnerable for serious cases of malaria, that God would heal them and they would be given opportunities to know the Gospel during their lifetime.

Wisdom and Guidance

Pray for wisdom and guidance as AIM seeks to be put into service to foster a reproducing, indigenous, Christ centered church among the Kachipo of South Sudan. This task faces many impossible obstacles, but we believe in a God who specializes in the impossible.

NT translation work starting soon!

We are about to start the New Testament Translation for the Suri (Kacipo-Balesi).
In the last few weeks Pastor Dunyi from Mewun and Matthias Feurer from Wycliffe Ethiopia (who has been working for several years amongst the Suri (Kacipo-Balesi) in Ethiopia, met in Addis Ababa (Ethiopia) to lay the foundation for the Bible Translation. Pray for us, as we are putting a translation team together. May God provide committed mother tongue translators. Pray for more finances. Pray also for spiritual and physical protection.

Planting crops and the Word

As the rains come and people start planting crops, pray that Word of God is planted in the hearts of the Kachipo. Pray the Truth will bring great fruit and changed lives.

Someone to go

Pray that Christians will go to the Kachipo and share the Gospel with them so they have the opportunity to hear of and call upon Jesus to be their Saviour (Romans 10)