The O people of East Africa
Population: 66,000
Location and Background: The O are semi-nomadic herders who live in the semi-arid bush lands of East Africa, in round, dome-shaped structures which can be dismantled in order to move with their herds. They are the most southern representatives of the once more powerful nations to the north.
History: They migrated south as cattle and camel herders, raiding more settled peoples as they went. They controlled a wide area of territory around 400 years ago, but due to health epidemics and surrounding enemies the size of the tribe was reduced. They resisted the Islam of the Arab slave traders until the 1920s, and by 1950 the whole tribe had converted. They are often in conflict with their neighbors over conflicts about access to good grazing, wells, and river waters for their herds. Recently there have been times of violent clashes, revenge raids and cattle stealing between ethnic communities.
Culture: Cattle are central in O culture, being used to pay bride price, and are slaughtered for weddings and funerals. Boys are taught to shepherd smaller animals. Girls help with household chores and younger siblings. There are special ceremonies for the birth of babies, and for funerals.
Polygamy is practiced by half of the men, marriages used to be arranged but now elopement is more common. For men, bravery is stressed and riding, spear throwing, and fighting are admirable skills.
Modern education and the practice of Islam is creating change in the culture. Traditionally the elders had authority and were respected, and decided cases when there were disputes. They led the people to repentance and forgiveness through blood sacrifice and confession. The breakdown in traditional ways, replaced by the five pillars of Islam, has left people uncertain about their forgiveness until the Day of Judgment.
Religion: The O culture is becoming more and more Islamic in nature. Traditionally they believed in a creator God associated with the sky and believed in the spirits associated with locations in nature. These beliefs are now combined with their Islamic beliefs. Blood sacrifices are decreasing and observance of the five pillars of Islam is done in order to please God and gain forgiveness.
Latest Prayer Updates:
Christmas feast!
The cow has been purchased for our Christmas feast! And we’re looking at what days to best have a mini kids club. Pray for God‘s guidance, strength, and fruit through all the details and work of these events! Pray that He will draw many more O into his wonderful kingdom of light, and for continuing growth for those already in!
Make the most of Christmas opportunities
Much of our team will be away for December- we appreciate your continuing prayers for:
–Positive discipleship, and growth for and through all NBs.
-Continuing good security.
-Health and strength for the hot season.
-God‘s leading and Holy Spirit filling and blessing of every interaction for us, our team and all NBs.
–Wisdom and strength for how to make the most of Christmas sharing opportunities!