The Laarim of South Sudan

Population: 7,000-10,000

Location and Background: Also known as the Boya or Narim, the Laarim are a Nilotic people living in the Boya Hills. It’s a rugged and hilly terrain with rich savanna, high grasslands and scrub bushes. They live in small settlements, with the main town being Kimatong.

History: The Laarim are close relatives of the Didinga, Murle and Tenet. They believe they came from Ethiopia in the 18th c as part of a group that separated from others because of a dispute over gazelle soup. Cattle-rustling continues to fuel hostilities with the Toposa, and efforts for peace and reconciliation have borne no fruit, though they continue to look for ways to end the long-standing conflict.

Culture: Social and cultural life is centered around cattle, with livestock being their only known natural resource. They breed them, eat their meat, use them as dowry to get a bride, drink their blood and milk, and sleep on their hides. Raiding and stealing of cattle is a question of honor and valor. The do also grow some food, and also hunt and fish. Hereditary chiefs are highly respected. The Laarim share the same rainmaker as the Didinga and perform rain-making rituals in common. The culture is patrilineal, with strong ties of community solidarity.  Initiation rituals are followed for passing into adulthood, and dowries are paid for brides.

Religion: The Laarim practice Africa Traditional Religion with some Catholic influence. They are highly aware of spiritual forces,  and believe in a supreme being who controls all of life, including the health of their cattle. They believe spirits of their departed ones roam the earth and they can communicate with them through prayers and offerings which they perform collectively in designated ritual places.

Latest Prayer Updates:

Resist the Evil One

Pray for the Laarim believers: Logwe and his wife Nacici, Lokai, Lokolong and his younger brother Lolimo, Paulo, Susanna, Nyao and his cousin Lokwam, Maria, and others who have come to faith over the last few years through the presence of the missionaries. Pray for their perseverance amidst opposition for following Jesus and refusing to take part in sinful practices. Pray that they resist the evil one and find daily victory in Christ.

Coming season

Pray for peace over the coming season – Christmas and the dry season in the months after always brings more insecurity as people have more time on their hands and alcohol is more available.
Pray also for unity amongst the believers. Our prayer is that the believers here would learn what it means to be the Body of Christ, loving and serving one another.

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