The Borana of Kenya and Ethiopia
Population: 2 million
Location: Northern Kenya and Southern Ethiopia
History: Believed to have immigrated from Ethiopia in the 10th century.
Culture: The Borana are Cushitic people, related to the Gabbra, Sakuye, and Rendille. They are nomadic pastoralists, herding cattle, sheep, goats, and some camels. They women on the Ethiopian side elaborately braid their hair.
Religion: Mostly Animism and Islam. Christianity is growing.
The Borana Christians of Northern Kenya are fulfilling the Great Commission. They are evangelizing their own people…making disciples…building up one another in the faith…giving sacrificially.
Jesus is building his church among the Borana. The Borana Christians of Northern Kenya are fulfilling the Great Commission. They are evangelizing their own people…making disciples…building up one another in the faith…giving sacrificially. Trained Borana Pastors are leading the churches and others are being trained to help in the ministry for the next generation. They are also helping with evangelism and Bible teaching among the Borana Christians of Ethiopia. The Lord IS building HIS church and the gates of hell shall not, cannot, will not over power it.
You can find out more about them at various websites such as wikipedia, Joshua Project,
Latest Prayer Updates:
Pray for peace
There is long-standing conflict between the Borana and Gabbra and other peoples of Northern Kenya. Persistent drought makes tensions worse. Pray for the Prince of Peace to intervene. Pray that many will be reconciled to God and to one another.
Strengthen the church
Pray for the Borana believers to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to Hm, bearing fruit in every good work and growing in the knowledge of God.