The African Diaspora

Population: It is estimated that nearly 19 million Africans live off the continent of Africa. These men, women, and children are the African Diaspora, some of whom are probably your near neighbors. About 3 Million African Diaspora live in North America, 5 million in Asia, and another 11 million live in Europe.

Location and Background: The African Diaspora live around the globe, and their histories and reasons for leaving the continent are diverse. Some are refugees, asylum seekers, economic migrants, students and professionals, undocumented immigrants, and tragically, others are victims of human trafficking.

History, Culture, and Religion: Because the African Diaspora come from Africa’s 54 individual countries as well as many of the continent’s outlying islands, each group’s history, culture and religion varies widely.

A Unique Opportunity: Many of the African Diaspora come from nations that are closed to missionary outreach, so their presence in places like Europe, Australia, and the Americas presents a unique opportunity to share the Good News with men and women who may have never heard it in their homelands, and who may one day to return their nation of origin transformed by Christ and eager to share their new hope with their friends and family.


Latest Prayer Updates:


Diaspora in Ontario: Praise for referrals to a couple of Som believers in our area we have not previously met. Pray that we’ll be able to connect with them, and then to connect them with other believers in our area.

Seeking a New Home: Thirty-eight African refugees arrive on the shores of Spain’s canary island of Fuerteventura. Today European countries are home to approximately six million African Diaspora.

Download an Article

By Land and Sea: The Growing Trend of African Immigration to Europe

“Whether they are economic migrants, international students, undocumented immigrants, refugees or asylum seekers, one fact remains the same – They are the new neighbors our churches are called to love.”


Together: A group of Sahrawi women and children now living in Spain, originally hail from the Western Sahara Desert region of Africa including parts of Morocco, Mauritania, and the southwest of Algeria.
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