Cattle sick, growing church

Praise for those in the Magos area, their food stores are full!
But cattle are sick.
The church is growing- pray for the Word to bring transformation in many lives.
Pray for pastor Elia as he continue to reach out.

Outreach in Kapoeta

John is a Kenya missionary working amongst the Toposa. Pray for evangelism and outreach in Kokoro, Lopua, Napeicheke and Kapoeta East. Also pray for the listening groups that were trained on using audio Bibles. A Youth camp is coming up on December 9th. Ask  God to draw many youth to Himself.

Bible stories for women

Recordings of Bible stories for women have recently been completed. Pray for those that receive the stories to be transformed by the Gospel.


From last Thursday to Saturday, we have been doing an amazing baptism of 1130 believers! A 3 day Baptism! Here is a testimony of how God changed the heart of a Toposa Elder: This man challenged us by how he has believed in Jesus and now he spreads the news of Jesus to his fellow elders. He said, “Thank you Jesus that I got this opportunity of salvation and baptism at my age before I die so that I will enter Paradise.”


Pray for peace between the Toposa and the Laarim. There is a lot of revenge killing amongst both groups. Pray for a longing for peace and an openness for the Prince of Peace to give true peace.

School break follow up

Pray for the student activities planned for the school break. Student disciples are being followed up in the villages. Pray for effective ministry.

Fire churches

The ‘fire churches’ (groups meeting around the fire) are doing well under the care of the disciples. We thank God because they are growing spiritually too. We have two new churches planted in Kaldo area. Some have put a temporary shed to enable them to pray under it especially during this raining season and also to have a shelter during the day heat when they do their discipleship meeting. Lucino is meeting his group every Thursday. Also other disciples have their meeting days and all gather on Sunday morning at their various churches. Pray the disciples would grow strong and many would be added to their number as Christ builds His church among the Toposa!


The Outreach Team went to one of the remote Toposa villages where the persecution of new believers has been intense. The new believers gathered 500 Toposa to come for worship, singing and dancing. One of the new believers challenged the group to come forward with any information for WHY the Outreach Team should not be sharing Jesus in their villages. She spoke for 20 minutes and no one came forward. As a result, they all agreed that the “sharing of Jesus” would go forward without interruption. Pray for much fruit!

Ministry update

This is from Kenyan missionary John working with the Toposa: Thank you for praying. We had a good trip to Narus. We did some training and visited villages where our disciples are reaching- Napeikeny, lopua and Kokoro. Many have been led to Christ and they are being discipled to reach others.

There is a new group of younger guys being discipled in Kapoeta. Pray they will also be taking the Gospel out to unreached villages amongst Toposa.


Jie is one of the most unreached people that share similar culture and language dialect with Toposa. We had a survey trip in April for Jie Lopeat and we found one of the greatest needs is water.
John, one of the Kenyan missionaries working among the Toposa, got information that Jie of Lopeat have sought refuge among the Toposa of Mogos, 35km away, in order to get water. The dam that was helping them has since dried up.
Pray for them and that peace will prevail between them and Toposa. Historically they used to fight and steal cattle but peace was made some time last year. However, they still they get their animals stolen.

Missionaries arriving!

Pray for our missionary team who are going to live among the Toposa for a long term mission work together with their families. Their names are Julius and Pasquina Magu, Mark and Lonah Keter, Isaiah and Nida Bwala, and Mary Nachii. Most of them are relocating this week to various places among the Toposa. And they will be reaching the Jie, and other unreached communities. Pray for all missionaries and people involved in reaching out with discipleship among the Toposa.

More Workers Needed

Pray for more workers to come among the Toposa; one missionary said, “come quickly the time is now.” Pray that God would guide the right people, whether expats or nationals, to reach out to the lost Toposa.

Responses to the Gospel

Many Toposa are responding to the Gospel, missionaries are seeing the Spirit work and many are coming to Christ, previously hostile villages are now asking for the church to come and share. In Kapoeta, local disciples are taking the Gospel to numerous villages and continuing to follow up with the local leaders every week, pray that many will coming to saving faith.

More Churches!

Pray for Naliel and the missionary team coming to the area. Toposa disciples want to start 42 more churches in the area by the end of the year. Pray!

Jesus Film Viewings

The Jesus Film is being shown  regularly in Toposa villages, and  there has been a great turn out in each place to see the film. Pray that those who see the film respond to the Gospel, and that there will be open doors for the Message to spread.

Four areas of Evangelism

Africa Inland Church (AIC) is currently focusing on four areas where they are evangelizing: Mogos, Lotien, Riwotoo and Kapoeta Town. Mission leaders are being trained to plant churches and to equip new believers to share their faith. Their hope is that there will be an evangelist focused on teaching Bible stories in every Toposa village. Pray that the Word grows deep roots in the hearts of believers and that they are bold to share their faith.

Spreading the Gospel

Believers are being trained to share their faith in other villages- pray for their protection and provision as they go to more remote locations where the Gospel has not spread yet. Pray that God would go before them and prepare the hearts of those who will hear the Good News to believe it!

Boys growing in their faith

There are several Toposa boys who are in Torit for secondary school – pray they would grow in their faith while they have a strong church in Torit around them and that they would be able to share their faith with their classmates throughout the school year.

Strong church to offer growth

There are several Toposa boys who are in Torit for secondary school – pray they would grow in their faith while they have a strong church in Torit around them and that they would be able to share their faith with their classmates throughout the school year.

Stand firm

Pray that the believers who know the Lord among the Toposa will not fear the reproach of men (Isaiah 51:7-8), but will stand firm on the Word of God and live out their faith boldly in their communities.

Open their eyes

The Toposa were created for a great purpose in the Kingdom of God. Pray that one day they will be able to see that they were created by God like clay formed by a potter’s hand (Isaiah 64:8).

Ending cattle raiding

Cattle raiding (stealing cattle from another group) is a frequent practice among the Toposa and their neighbours, and often this practice claims lives on both sides of the fight. Pray that the Gospel will come to those who have never heard it and that practices like cattle raiding will be ended.

Young Toposa believer

Pray for E., a young Toposa believer who wants to spread the Gospel with his community. Pray that he will continue to grow in his faith and walk with Christ as he seeks to live a life based on the Truth of Bible.

Centre for the church

Pray for Magas to be a centre for the church, to be established by E. L., and believers to take the Gospel to the villages surrounding that area.

Provision for all

Pray that the Toposa would know their Lord and Savior is the ultimate provider. Pray for rain and provision of food and health for the animals.

2 Thessalonians 3:16

Now may the Lord of peace himself give the Toposa and the missionaries working amongst them peace at all times in every way: both physical peace with their neighbours and spiritual peace with God. The Lord be with them all, drawing them into His presence (2 Thessalonians 3:16)

Communications to share the Gospel

Pray for phone network to return to the area and believers in Kapoeta to continue to share the Gospel to each village. There is a strong group of youth focused on this currently.

Sharing the Gospel with soft hearts

Pray for the few believers among the Toposa – that they hold fast to the Truth of God’s Word and share that Truth with their neighbours, friends, and family. Pray for soft hearts of those who hear the Gospel so that they will receive the Good News that is shared with them.

Food Insecurity

Food insecurity rises as the dry season continues and many are worried their loved ones, especially the children and elderly, will perish from starvation. Pray that those who need food the most will get it, and that the Toposa will see and give the credit to God’s grace and love for them.

Changed hearts

Pray the Toposa would have their hearts changed and they would become connected to the vine (John 15). Pray that they would become a people group that bears great fruit for the Kingdom of God.

Open the eyes

Since the creation of the world, God has been drawing people, including the Toposa, to Himself. Ask God to open the eyes of the Toposa so that they would see God’s handiwork and turn to Him.

Psalm 63:1

Pray that the Toposa community would one day be able to say “O God, you are my God, earnestly I seek you; my soul thirsts for you, my body longs for you, in a dry and weary land where there is no water.” (Psalm 63:1)

God as their Shepherd

The Toposa raise, look after, guide, and protect their cattle- they understand shepherding. Pray that the Good Shepherd will find them, and  take care of them and guide their hearts to embrace Him.

Soft hearts, responsive hearts

Ask God to soften the hearts of the Toposa to hear the Gospel and respond to it. Pray that they become passionate for the Word of God and are eager to share it with others.

Leaders and Multiplication

Pray for God to call more Toposa Christian leaders to strengthen and cause growth in churches in villages that will result in multiplication. Pray for unity among Toposa church leaders in unreached villages in remote areas.

Returning home

Pray that as the Toposa students return home during the holidays that they would be a strong witness for the gospel and that they would continue to share the gospel even while facing persecution.

Students away from home

Please pray for Toposa students that are studying in Torit. Pray that their hearts would be so impacted by the gospel, they would be compelled by the love of Christ to take the gospel back to their home village in the Toposa area called Mogos.

Update from others

AWESOME Toposa worship today. The physical size of the church in Kapoeta has more than quadrupled. And it was packed with Toposa women. No men. About half of them are the result of a new church plant last year. The young Toposa leaders love Discipleship. Their joy and love of the Lord is contagious.

Schooling needs in the midst of unrest

Pray for the 3 Toposa boys studying in Torit. They just finished their yearly exams. They are considering whether to continue studying in Torit, or whether they should find a school closer to home where its safer. Pray they would grow strong in the Lord wherever they are. Continue to pray for peace in South Sudan.

Cattle raiding

As the start of the dry season is upon us, please pray that the constant raiding and killing would stop,  and not increase as it usually does at this time of the year. Pray that the gospel would penetrate deeply into hearts to change the Toposa from the inside out.