Pray for Bilton, our South Sudanese brother who is working in the Toposa village of Lolim. There are several challenges he faces that he asks prayer for: learning Toposa – he is finding this language difficult to learn; work in the clinic – Bilton is serving the community with his training as a clinical officer, but the needs and health challenges in the community are great; sharing the gospel – Bilton has discovered that the best time to meet with people is in the evenings, however by the time he is finished his work at the clinic he is very tired. He is also quite alone in the work. So, pray for language learning, his work in the clinic, opportunities to share the good news of Jesus, partners in ministry, and strength from the Lord. Pray for many in Lolim to be receptive to the gospel message.
Peace and Provision
Pray for disciples in all villages to share the Christmas message.
Pray for the gospel to reach the remote villages.
Pray for peace between all neighbours of Toposa.
Pray for provision of food as the rain failed this season.
Please pray for Elias, the young Toposa man who had been discipled by Lyn and Troy while he attended secondary school in Torit. He is currently in the Toposa village of Magos where he is looking after 7 churches and 5 prayer and fellowship centers in the area. This is too much for one man! I imagine he identifies well with Paul who wrote: “Besides everything else, I face daily the pressure of my concern for all the churches” (2 Corinthians 11:28). Thank God for the strong disciples in each of the 7 churches – pray the Lord will equip them and other believers to participate more in the leadership of these churches and prayer centers.
Make known
Mark and Lorna Keter are Kenyan missionaries among the Toposa of South Sudan. Pray that Mark, Lorna, and their team will “make known among the nations what [the Lord] has done, and proclaim that His name is exalted” (Isaiah 12:4). May God keep drawing Toposa to Himself.
Praise and prayers
Thank God for the discipleship groups in Kauto plateau that have multiplied well.
Give thanks for the obedience in the lives of the disciples.
Pray for God’s provision as rains have failed this season.
Give thanks for peace between neighboring communities.
Pray for Shamans to know God.
Pray for a Bible translation project that is to start soon.
Audio Bibles
Audio Bibles with 55 Bible stories and 17 Bible songs in the Toposa language are ready to go out to the Toposa. Women are using these audio bibles to lead Bible storying groups and are making new disciples and disciple makers. Praise God! Pray for the distribution of these audio Bibles, that they will get in the hands of those who will be receptive to the Truth and will “acknowledge God…and serve him with wholehearted devotion and with a willing mind” (1 Chronicles 28:9).
Pray for the training in Naliel of all disciples from different parts of the land that lasts for one month. Pray that the Lord will be glorified amongst us.
Pray this week for safety and health as we collect all these disciples.
And pray for all the facilitators to be filled with the Spirit.
Rain is essential at this time for the crops. Food is in serious shortage. The Disciplemakers are being blamed for causing the rain to stop. Normally the witchdoctor will ask for some sacrifice to be made to make the rain start.
Please brothers and sisters, kneel before God to pray for us, there is now serious persecution due to rain problem and accusations that it is the Church that is stopping rain.They want to beat the Believers.
persecution and outreach
Pray against the spirit of persecution in Toposa villages. Ask the Lord to protect and defend His people.
Pray for unity among ministers. Pray for open doors for fruitful ministry. Pray for outreach teams in Kapoeta going North, East, and South.
Needing peace
There is insecurity in Kapoeta county. Pray for the Lord to intervene and bring peace and stability to the region.
Pray for the Didinga, Toposa and Buya communities to avoid conflict and seek peace.
Pray for the government to make wise decisions.
Give thanks for a government gift of a tractor and land, and for the school that was opened recently. Ask God’s continued blessing on these projects and that His name would be honored and many would bow their knees to King Jesus.
Bible training
Pray for the disciples in a Bible institute where they will be trained for 4 months so that they can be more effective disciple makers. Pray for their families’ needs and God’s provision, and for protection from persecution in their communities.
The Toposa see the spiritual world controlling the rain. For example, if you sacrifice a chicken the rain will come. If you are a Believer and refuse to sacrifice a chicken, you are the one who kept the rain from coming. When there was no rain it was because the evangelist brought the Gospel to our village. Pray for the Lord to intervene and bring freedom to the captives. Pray that many would listen to the Gospel and believe, and worship the One True God who showers us with all kinds of blessings- including rain!
Answered prayer
The Toposa teams going to remote unreached areas have received intense physical persecution. We have been praying and also preparing the teams for how to respond.
We just received word that after the leaders visited the new commissioner to report the persecution and ask for help, the new commissioner, who is Muslim, told them he would intervene and that they should continue to freely share the word of God to the villagers and that he will be standing with them!
Leaders meeting
God is working and we are glad to be part of it. We are seeing groups and churches multiplying and all these we attribute to God himself as He is using the faithful.
Due to oppositions and persecution in the villages, we’re bringing our leaders together for three days this weekend. We plan to share with them how God used such difficult situations to spread His message. We will use stories from the book of Acts. It is our prayer that they will be able to share the gospel in a wise and humble way avoiding confrontations.
We pray that this will also be a time for these leaders to share testimonies of the great things God is doing in their lives and see how they can be of help to each other.
This week Troy leads a cattle-care workshop near Kapoeta for Toposa believers. Mark Keter, a Kenyan missionary among the Toposa, is bringing his disciples from different villages for a month-long training in various aspects of ministry, including veterinary work. Pray that God will use this training to further equip the Toposa believers for every good work they have been called to. Pray for Troy and Mark and all their planning for this week/month: “May [the Lord] give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed” (Psalm 20:4).
Mark’s training
Our young Latuko friend, Charles, is spending this week with Mark in Kapoeta for further training in Discovery Bible Study and discipleship. It is wonderful to see an older, mature believer like Mark reach out to a young man like Charles to encourage him in ministry and outreach. As Mark trains his Toposa disciples and Charles, pray he will “encourage the young men to be self-controlled,” and that in everything Mark would “set them an example by doing what is good” (Titus 2:6-7).
Prayer requests
Please pray with us for:
1. The disciples’ training this month and March
2. The disciples’ outreach in the villages
3. The disciples’ spiritual growth
4. The disciples’ families’ needs and God’s provision
5. Peace with neighbors
6. Pray against the spirit of persecution of believers
Pray with us. We are attacked from all sides, financial side is what I feel is attacked a lot and also our team’s progress and plans for the year. Today Elia was riding to Narus to do followup and police just accused him and jailed him for hours. The motorbike is still in the hands of police. Interceed with us for breakthroughs and quick open doors for our team to keep on with their plans
We thank God for the Toposa leadership team that boldly took the gospel to the unreached community of Nakwapur last month. A group of 19 Kenyan and South Sudanese believers joined together to share the gospel and bring new believers into discipleship groups for training. Despite opposition from some community leaders, the women and elders in Nakwapur welcomed the team, and many people understood the gospel and accepted Jesus as their Savior – Praise God! Pray for some of these new believers by name: Napeyo, Nanyapuud, Narumu, Paul Nagie, Mariko Lokitoe, Paul Lokooli, Cecelia Narot, Maria – “There is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents!” (Luke 15:10).
Prayer requests
1. Pray for disciples and their leaders and sustainability.
2. Pray for growth and strength among disciples
3. Pray for disciples’ spiritual growth
4. Pray against the spirit of persecution in Toposaland
5. Pray for new areas to be reached
The Place of Jesus
Praise the Lord for thousands from the Toposa tribe who are coming to the Lord. James Lokuuda, who returned there in 2007 after attaining his MA in theology and also training as a translator, writes: ‘In 2018 there was an explosion of God’s Word spreading beyond our efforts. At this time there is grounding and true believers who have tasted the goodness of the Lord and his salvation. 2 weeks ago I went to the place where we had a mission in the 80s-known as Kalokupe- that place has been renamed by the believers as KAAYESU, meaning THE PLACE OF JESUS.’ Please pray for Lokuuda and the challenge of discipling the multitude of believers. A solar radio station and solar radios would be of great benefit to teach the mainly illiterate Toposa.
Brave women
Please pray for Toposa believers who were savagely beaten for not following their father’s faith (a combination of witchcraft and Catholicism). These young women are facing a hard time because of their faith and for discipling others. Pray for them as they continue to lead discipleship groups at Bakita Catholic Girls’ High School (where they are boarding students) and in their home village.
Pray for Osca, a young Toposa man, who has been facing persecution from people in his home village. He is abused and blamed for every problem because he is a believer. Osca is a strong leader that God is using to reach the Toposa. Pray that he will maintain his integrity and faith no matter what he faces.
Kenyan missionary, John Wanyoni, tells this story: “I remember when I was sent to South Sudan about 14 years ago, I tried to reach the Toposa, whom I believed God had sent me to evangelize, but I couldn’t. I knew God’s Word, but this was a totally different culture. They needed God’s Word, but my approach was wrong…We have learned simple reproducible tools that have helped the ministry here grow. As the days go, we are seeing the Gospel spread even faster in all three counties of Toposaland. I was so encouraged when Abraham Namono from Kamee shared with me how he is reaching Morunyan villages and how they had sent Isaiah, a twelve-year-old, to survey a new village and found a group of believers already there. The group had been started by one girl!” Pray for God’s Word to be firmly established all over Toposaland, and to keep growing.
Mark Keter, a Kenyan missionary working among the Toposa, reported last month that churches are under attack in Naliel (Toposaland). He said the Nabois church was burned down by some youth, and other churches threatened with the same. Please pray for the Toposa believers to remain firm in their faith, resisting the attacks of the evil one. Pray against this evil spirit among the youth, that their hearts of violence would be transformed by the gospel, and they would become zealous for the works of God.
Ready to die for Jesus
Praise God for the strategic meeting between 100 Toposa leaders that took place in mid-August in Naliel. They appointed 6 to oversee the Toposa movement. Praise God that some even walked 96 kilometers over two days to meet. Pray against the increased persecution that has emerged in 4 areas with severe attacks and beatings. Pray for the believers that testify that they are ready to die for Jesus as they continue to meet. May this fuel even more hunger and thirst for righteousness. May the Kingdom of God be made manifest in every Toposa village. Please also pray for the Toposa, Nyangatom and Jiye (TNJ) cluster strategy coordination team as they meet. Pray for effective distribution of needed resources such as Jesus Film solar backpacks, audio Bibles and chronological Bible story cloths. Pray for the on-going training of disciple-multipliers from each group and the fulfillment of their commitment to engage 72 new villages by the end of 2020.
Urgent prayer alarm
There has been another persecution at Nabois church. When people were gathered, youths came in and they beat the believers mercilessly. One of the disciples has run 15km to escape. Please pray for healing and strength for the believers and for conviction of sin for the youth.
Prayers for Toposa
Pray for all the disciples among the Toposa to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord
Pray for the recent outreaches and new groups that have started
Pray for second and third generation of disciples (disciples who make disciples).
Pray for disciples’ target to reach many new villages to be successful.
God at work
Multiple villages are facing persecution after turning to Christ. In one village, young warriors are angry at the lack of alcohol, that girls are worshiping God instead of dancing with them, and that their witch doctor has come to faith. Pray for these disciples and their leaders to stand firm in their faith.
Update: God is at work! We just ended church service and it was wonderful. The Lord has done great things after the persecution several weeks ago. The church has grown- we had more than 300 people including youths, who asked for peace!
Witch doctors being saved!
Witch doctors are the order of the day among the Toposa. Since the gospel has entered many villages, most of them have gotten saved! Some are church leaders now. At one baptism of 60 people, most of them were witch doctors! Praise God for what he is doing and pray for these leaders to be used by God to bring many to Him.
From Mark Keter among the Toposa: Urgent prayer needed!. We are in time of trial and persecution, especially the disciples and their leaders. Already 3 other churches have been burned down by Toposa warriors. Pray that the believers may stand firm in the faith.
Disciples sent out on mission
The Toposa, Nyang’atom, and Jiye disciples being trained the past three months have returned to their villages with commitments to engage 74 new villages in their areas. Over the past two months there have been 40 new baptisms! Two of the members of Mark’s team have also engaged the Murli and Kachipo people. Pray for these 17 disciples as they begin their ministries in these 74 new locations and fulfill their faith commitments. Ask the Lord for a great harvest.
Pray for 13 disciples bring trained in Naliel, South Sudan, for 2 months. Pray they will be faithful men who will train others also. Ask Jesus to build His church among the Toposa.
Praise God for 79 believers being baptized! Among these mostly Toposa believers were 2 Jiye leaders. Praise God for what He is doing among these people groups!
Cattle and Care
Troy is going to Kapoeta today to work with Kenyan missionaries Mark Keter and his team. He is going to do a week-long training on animal care for these missionaries working among the cattle-keeping Toposa people. Pray that this is a valuable and useful tool for this missionary team, and that God will use their concern for the Toposa’s most valued possession as a means of reaching the hearts of this people group. Pray the Toposa will desire Jesus more than they long for their cattle.
Praise God for the good training for Toposa disciples on sustainability as a long-term solution for supporting disciples. Pray for the upcoming 2- month- long full training for disciples in March and April. Pray for shelters for the training and accommodation that still need to be built. Pray for unity, wisdom and strength for both the team and disciple leaders to overcome various challenges.
Mission trip
Please continue praying for our team. Julius is now in Kakuma Refugee camp. We are starting discipleship among S.Sudanees in the camp. There are people from the Jie, Toposa, Didinga, Nubians( Kanyauro tribe) and Lotuko tribes. We are connecting with the groups and seeking for people of peace and soon we will start training them. Pray for receptiveness and for many to embrace God’s Word. Julius will be there for a week before he heads back to Naliel to followup with other groups. One of Julius needs is to get a motorbike to help him in his work. With God all things are possible.
Prayers for growth
Pray for deep discipleship among the Toposa believers – for spiritual growth and renewal of their minds.
Pray for Toposa leaders to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord.
Pray for Joseph Lobaringa, who is set to go to a Bible school in Kenya for 1 year.
Discipleship training
Pray for the team serving among the Toposa as they prepare to return by the 20th from Kenya. Pray that God may provide for their needs.
Pray for the plan to bring disciples from different areas for 2 months of full-time discipleship training in Naliel.