The Tanala survey has been postponed to 22 – 26 September. Please keep Sylvestre (InterVarsity) and Rodrigo (AIM) in prayer as they travel through and visit with people from several Tanala villages around Ikongo.
Update on The Tanala of Madagascar
The Tanala preliminary survey will take place 18 – 22 August around Ikongo. Please pray for safety in travel, good church contacts and clarity of vision.
Update on The Tanala of Madagascar
We have made contact with 2 representatives from InterVarsity in the coastal towns of Manakara and Mananjary. These people have offered to help us arrange a survey to the Tanala central towns of Ikongo and Fort Carnot and to meet with pastors to talk about the Tanala people and to gain a better understanding of what a church planting team might look like in this densely forested and remote area.