In our area, many men are married to more than one woman. Four of the women who regularly attend church are all married to the same man, and he does not show any interest in the gospel or joining them at church. Recently, he has outright forbidden his wives to attend church, threatening to divorce them if they continue. Several of the women have still continued to attend, but it is a difficult situation for all, especially since there are also many children involved. Please join us in praying for this man, that his heart may soften to Jesus, and that he may come to know the truth that his wives have already discovered! Also, pray for wisdom for those speaking into this situation and supporting the women as they seek to do what is right.
youth outreach
We had a youth camp recently and 100+ young people came. It was very good. The workers’ children, MBB’s children and a good number of seekers’ children participated.
God has granted us a good platform with the Youth. Pray for transformation as they continue learning each week.
There is a great financial need for those who have graduated from primary and secondary school as they prepare to join the next level. Please pray for provision.
We are following up with the parents of our youth and God is giving us opportunities. Please pray that the Lord may draw many to Himself.
Praise God for another home church born recently, pray that many neighbors will be reached.
Our Easter service had a wonderful turnout, and we shared a meal together afterward to celebrate the resurrection. It was encouraging to see many from the community travel out to the church and we pray it may continue to open doors for conversations and further relationships with those who came. Please pray that this could be the first step for many to hear the truth of the gospel, and stir up a desire to know more!
On Good Friday, we had the privilege of baptizing three new believers (Praise the Lord!), one of whom is a young man who grew up in this community – the first truly “local” believer. May God be glorified in their lives, and please pray they stand firm in Jesus in the face of discouragements and hardships that will surely come.
New leaders
Our local church has just gone through the process of appointing the first local elders and deacons. Please pray for these individuals as they serve in new positions and learn what it looks like to lead and encourage others within the body of Christ.
New believers
We praise God as we have gained several new believers in our community over the last month! That said, recently two of the young women chose to move away to the city for work. Please pray as they’re now away from us, that they would continue to pursue and discover their new faith and that they would plug in to a local church. Pray for the other new believers here, to stand firm and keep their joy, especially when facing pressure from Muslim family members and the community.
Ramadan has just started in our community, meaning many are fasting and taking part in the prayers. Please pray for God to show up in mighty ways during this time. Pray for boldness for the young local church, pray for dreams and visions, pray for wisdom as our team spends time with our friends and neighbours during this month long fast.
New believers
We are praising the Lord. Three Swahili ladies came to Jesus! Pray for them to grow in knowing Jesus Christ and trusting in Him. Also keep praying for a boy who confessed Jesus as his personal savior.
New believer!
Please pray for a young boy who is a new local believer. Now just a month ago he became a follower of Jesus Christ, may our Mighty Lord empower him to stand firm in Jesus Christ. Also pray for our brother Eric, the local believer whose wife left him. He is trusting Jesus Christ.
Hold on to Jesus
Please pray for Swahili believers, especially one who was divorced by his wife after he received Jesus Christ as person savior. Eric has been saved since beginnig of this year and he was baptized April 2021. After this event his wife complained and went to the government leader but she didn’t get any solution from then, so she made decision to leave Eric.
We continue to encourage Eric to hold on to Jesus Christ. Pray for him.
Following Jesus
Pray for Swahili in Likwage. There is a lady who offered herself to follow Jesus in her heart and mind. She made the decision after receiving healing from Jesus, she encouraged her family to follow Jesus. Pray for more Swahili people of Tanzania to know Jesus.
Children’s program
Please continue to pray for our weekly children program, that the seed of the gospel will be sowed widely and find good soil to grow in.
Thank God for acceptance and trust in the community. Pray that through this outreach, we can be more intentional in disciple making.
meeting weekly
Thank God for the motivation of neighbor women to meet weekly for Bible study.
Pray that they will not fear sharing their faith with their friends.
Pray for provision of jobs for them since many are jobless.
Youth program
Pray for our youth program focusing on unreached M people groups. We are exposing many families, children, and their parents to the living word of God. There are between 40 -50 persons every Sunday that are ministered to. We have planted and watered seeds of the gospel faithfully, we trust God for increase. Pray people would arrive on time so they don’t miss important sessions. Pray for stamina and wisdom for those serving and teaching. Pray for many to bow their knee to King Jesus!
Reading the Word
The Muslim watchman at a friend’s house asked very directly for a Bible, as he has time to read. The first Bible we took he could not read, because of the small print. We took a big print Bible to him tonight and he was very grateful. We pray that God’s Word will not return void, but bring enlightenment and real revelation of JESUS HIS Savior.
Joyfully praising God
On a recent outreach the following happened…
“Next to the last night of the Jesus film showing, this elderly islamic man was touched by all that he was hearing and seeing. When the time came for praying to receive Jesus, he boldly walked forward, got on his knees and prayed for forgiveness of his sins and confessed Jesus as Lord! Pray for the local church leadership there, especially Mzee Deos, the elder that will be mentoring this new believer. Not very often do you see such openness and boldness. (This was in front of about 150 people.) The next morning for worship service, he was there, joyfully praising God!
New believers
Pray for new believers in Ruhatwe, Likawage and surrounding villages. That they would grow in their faith and be discipled well.
Please pray for Isa, a new young believer who is being discipled by some of the young men in the local church. Please pray that he would stand strong & grow in his faith. His friend, Iddi, is also a seeker. Pray he would come to faith as well.
Please pray for Maria, a lady who was raised in a church, but married a Muslim. She is new to this area, so just started attending services here. Please pray that her husband would continue to allow her to attend services & that he, too, would come to faith.
Spiritual and Physical work
Pray for the ongoing work of discipleship by pastor Musa in Likawage. And pray for the efforts to build the team leaders’ house and set up the other member houses. Rains have started and transport is much more difficult.
Encouragingly, last Saturday, 13 new believers were baptized! Pray for their establishment in the faith.
Approximately 50 people attended the Easter Sunday service in Ruhatwe. Some came from other villages where they had heard about the church in Ruhatwe and came to check it out. They clearly heard about how the resurrection is the foundation of our faith. About 15 people came up afterwards to be prayed for. Please pray that each person who attended would be drawn to the Savior and would carry that testimony to family and neighbors. And pray that the church in Ruhatwe would continue to be a light in the community there.
Kilwa Masoko
Please pray for Amina who came to church about 2 weeks ago for prayer. She has been coming regularly ever since. She says she is bothered by spirits in her house. Please pray that she would find freedom in Jesus, and be able to fill her hunger with His word.
3 new people attended a service on Good Friday: Mohammed had met some believers in another town who prayed for him and then directed him to look up a church when he got home, so he came to the only one in town.
Salma needed prayer for some physical issues but also prayed a prayer of repentance.
Shigela is a neighbor to the church building and was initially against its presence. But today was prayed for that he would grow in his faith as he has chosen the path of Jesus!
All 3 were assigned another believer to walk with them in these next weeks. Please pray that all 3 would stand strong and would feel God’s presence in their lives. Also pray that the community would see how God is working in their lives.
Easter baptism
Pray for the Likawage church- this Saturday we will baptize eight people! One of them is from the Gindo tribe, his name is Chuti Mkoma. Pray for all eight to mature in the faith and be faithful witnesses to His grace. Praise God He is building His church from every tribe, tongue, people, and nation!
This week we will receive six student interns for a month. Pray for their needs and their health and for fruitful ministry. They are from Bible College and they will be in Likawage to learn about outreach and discipleship. Also pray that they would be an encouragement to the believers.
Please pray for unity in the church that we would be able to provide the support needed for the village outreaches. Currently there are some issues that need to be dealt with for there to be a healthy church body here.
Needing help
Please pray for ladies who are possessed by demons: their names are Husina, Elizabeth, and Mama Sarah.
Also pray for girls who have been struggling with school needs: Mwanahawa, Rahama and Tunu. The church has stepped in to help them. The big need is that the school day has been extended so they do not have time to go home for lunch, so the church is providing that & some of their supplies so that they can continue in school. Pray that their eyes would be opened to spiritual help and not just the physical.
Light in the darkness
In the village of Chapita, a church has acquired a piece of land and an evangelist and his family have moved to this village. We are praying with them for open doors to share the good news. This is the first church presence in this village and surrounding area.
Outreach event
In Somanga leading up to new year’s eve, the EAGT held an outreach event. The average attendance at each service was around 200. Many people asked for and received prayer. And in spite of the dark, forbidding clouds each evening, the rains never started until half an hour after everything was finished. Please pray for continued boldness of the church in this dark area.
Pande Plot
Ezekieli, one of the young national missionaries in Pande Plot, is getting married. Please pray that his wife would have a heart for ministry in this remote, unreached/unchurched village. Also pray for their marriage, that God would protect this symbol of His relationship with His church in a culture that does not honor marriage.
Also pray for the gathering of believers in Pande Plot. Ezekieli and his ministry partner, Ali, have gathered together the 8 people who identify as Christians into a church and started meeting regularly. Please pray that these believers would be bold in proclaiming their faith to those around them and reach out into the community.
Incarnational living
Likawage is an outreach post where a Timo team is to begin late 2021. There is much to pray for: relationship building, house preparations, and incarnational living by the national team leader. Several people have already responded to the Gospel! Pray for boldness as they witness in this completely Islamic village in southern Tanzania.
Follow Jesus
Please pray for our neighbor, a young man. This week he told us that if we moved away he would follow us. Basically he said he would change religions if he was away from his “family”. Please pray that he would see how precious knowing Jesus is – even above the relationships of his extended family and community and that he would make the bold choice to follow Him even now.
Another praise!
On Sunday a young man, Ezekieli attended the service in Kilwa Masoko. He is being sent by his own church to join with another single young man, Ali, to Pande Plot, which is a community on an entire peninsula without any known church. This peninsula seems to be the “home area” to many of the people in Kilwa Masoko. Please pray that these two young men would be faithful in sharing the Good news and be good support for each other in this difficult area.
New work
Pray for Musa and Marysiana Luzali, an AICT pastor & his wife who have recently moved to Likawage to lead a new outreach team. Please pray that they would settle in well and make solid friendships as they live and share in this village with no church presence.
Lord grant faith
Pray for Mama Sugar, my next door neighbor. She has been coming over almost every night asking for prayer for healing in her foot. She knows I pray in Jesus’ name and I have been sharing the gospel while praying and she still keeps coming over for prayer. Please pray that constant hearing of the gospel will reach her heart. And pray the Lord would heal her foot.
Prayer for Unity in Outreach
Lord, thank You for the unity You have given the local churches in Kilwa and the vision they have for reaching the unreached villages in the Kilwa district with the Gospel. Please, preserve their unity and keep them united by Your Spirit and protect them from any attacks of the enemy who would seek to cause disunity and conflict. Give them strength to continue in the work You have called them to and help each of Your children in Kilwa to keep their eyes fixed on Jesus. Grant them Your wisdom and may they shine like bright lights in the midst of the darkness, being witnesses for Jesus with their lives and love. In Jesus name and for His glory, amen.
Love of Jesus for Them
Please pray for 7 ladies who recently watched the Mary Magdalena version of the Jesus film at my house. Several of them have seemed somewhat closed off to spiritual discussions in the past but were all willing to watch the film with me. One lady in particular seemed moved by it. Please pray that the Holy Spirit would keep reminding them of the Gospel message they heard and the love that Jesus has for each of them individually, especially as women. Pray that God would draw them to Jesus so that they would receive Him as their Savior!
A Team, And Open Doors
A team of Christians have been invited to come live in a village near the coast that is 99% Muslim. Team leaders have been found to lead the team. Team members are being recruited from other countries. But immigration for them might be difficult. Please pray that God will “open for them doors that no one can shut,” and that the village who are begging for people to come teach them about Jesus will have their hunger and thirst for righteousness satisfied.
A Young Man Needs Jesus
Please pray for Richard, a 19 year old boy, who needs spiritual deliverance from evil spirits, faith in Jesus and revelation of salvation as well as emotional and physical healing. Pray God would stretch out His hand to heal and deliver.
Become Family in Jesus
Please pray for Bibi M. She has expressed interest before in coming to see the Jesus film at our teammates’ house but did not come. Then Ramadan started and Bibi M wanted to wait until after. Please pray that now that Ramadan is done, Bibi M and her husband would come and watch the Jesus film and hear the Gospel. Pray that the Father would soften their hearts and draw both to Jesus. We would love to see Bibi M and her husband become family in Jesus!
New Team Leaders for an Unreached Village
Pray for the preparations that are being made for a new team out in one of the unreached villages in our district. Ever since we showed the Jesus film there last year, they have continued to ask us to come back. We are excited and thankful that God provided team leaders who were recently able to go out and visit this village to get a feel for it and find a house to rent! Pray for all of the preparations to go as smoothly as the Lord would allow, that God would continue to prepare the hearts of those who He will place on the team to be ready to serve Him and this village, pray for wisdom for the team leaders, and pray for the Lord to draw many many many of these people to Himself as His good news is proclaimed there!