Bold stand

Please pray for one of our local pastors. He has taken a bold stand against immorality in his congregation, and suspended some of the leadership. He needs lots of encouragement, and so do the few remaining believers.

Deep impact

Pray for our GAP program that started this week. This is a camp for recently graduated high schoolers. Pray that it will have a deep impact in the lives of the youth.


Pray for our GAP training program coming up in February. Pray for provision for those wanting to attend and for a great impact on their lives and others as well.
Pray for preparations for a consultation meeting of BMBs and workers which will be held in April.

Transformation and blessing

Pray for transformation among our youth. May the Lord renew their minds and break strongholds.
Pray for the women ministry, for spiritual growth and blessing on their families.

See the love of Jesus

Please pray for the people in Kilwa as the team continues in relationship building, that the local people will see the love of Jesus for them.

Learning about farming and Christ

Please pray for the local farmers as the planting season approaches, especially the ones learning about Farming God’s Way. Pray that they would learn more about who Christ is and what He has done for them.

Youth Camp

The Youth Camp starts on Sunday 1st to 8th December 2024. Here are few prayer requests:
1.⁠ ⁠Pray for the success of our Annual youth camp next week as far as logistics are concerned.
2.⁠ ⁠Pray for those preparing to attend for safety as they travel.
3.⁠ ⁠Pray that many Youth will have an encounter with Christ and that transformation will continue.


Pray for our EthnoArt camp going on now, that the youth will use their talents to transform communities.
Pray for our forthcoming annual Youth Camp, for the youth to be transformed.
Pray for the women’s group, for hunger and thirst for the Word.


⁠Pray for an upcoming BMB camp in November, that many may be strengthened in their walk with Christ.
Pray for our annual Youth Camp in December, for provision and that God will bring the right people.

New sister!

Thank the Lord for one lady – sister F who came to the Lord last week. Pray that she can grow in the grace of the Lord.
⁠Pray for sister M, still facing persecution from her unbelieving husband. Pray that the Lord may soften his heart.

Discipleship class

⁠Pray for our discipleship class, that the disciples will grow in the knowledge of Him.
Pray for our Sunday Youth program, that transformation will take place.

Add daily

Pray for the fellowship that the Lord will add daily those who are being saved.
Thank the Lord for the youth program, we are seeing transformation in many lives. Pray for believers to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord.

Pray they find Hope

Pray for the women in our community, many are economically challenged in the midst of family breakdowns. Pray that they will find hope in the Lord.
Pray for the upcoming Youth camp in December, for all the logistics and provision.

Satisfaction in Christ

Pray for the women in our community, many of them can see the problem of polygamy in Islam  and irresponsible fathers that result, yet they are still attached to Islam. Pray that they find satisfaction in Christ.

Youth discipleship

We have started discipleship classes for our youth both MBBs and seekers. Pray that the Believers will know Him better and that the seekers may truly find Him.
Praise the Lord for opportunities to do visitations to our youths’ homes where we meet, share, listen to and pray with the families. Pray that the Lord will draw many to Himself.


Pray for a facilitators’ camp coming up next month to prepare materials and content for our annual youth camp. Pray that the Lord may provide for it.

Children forced to Madrassa

Pray for sister L, her husband is a Muslim and he has divorced her and is forcing her children to attend Madrassa (Islamic school). Pray for God’s protection and provision for L and her children.

Threatening divorce

Pray for sister M. whose Muslim husband is threatening to divorce her after realizing she is a believer. Pray for grace and peace of mind and heart for her and conviction of sin for her husband.

Pray for grace to believe

We thank the Lord for home fellowships and that more Muslim youths are attending. Pray that the Lord will draw them to Himself as they listen to Word.
Pray for grace as we do home visitations. Pray that people will come to know Him.

Free at last

We thank God for a successful conference on “Liberty to the captives”. The believers from M background had a chance to renounce the book, the prophet, and the creed of their former religion. Thank God for their step of faith. May they experience new freedom in Christ and truly leave the things of the past.
Pray for their hearts to grow deeper in love with the Lord and for discipleship to continue.

Freed from bondage!

When the construction team arrived earlier this year to begin building a home for the evangelist/worship center in a new outreach area, they set up their tents on a parcel of land that the village gave to the church. During this initial construction time, one of the men saw that there was a charm tied onto a tree near the campsite. We prayed over the campsite and then they cut off the charm and burned it right there. Then they proceeded with the planned construction for the remainder of the time and forgot about the charm incident.

Apparently, this charm was placed on the tree years ago by a man in the village. And since that time, this man has been bound by spirits. The day that this charm was cut off and burned, he was freed from his oppression and, according to the village leaders, the entire village was also freed from their bondage. We do serve a living God! Pray this village will use their freedom to follow Jesus!

Truly seek

Pray for the youth we work with, that they will truly seek the Lord and find him.


Pray for provision for an upcoming conference for African missionaries and believers from Muslim background. Pray each one would be encouraged in the Lord and further equipped in their ministry.


Pray for the women I meet with, some won’t want to study the Bible until Ramadan is over. Pray that God may reveal himself to them.

Growth and Provision

Pray for the women disciples, for growth and provision for their families.
Pray also for provision of school fees for many students who have not yet started school due to that challenge.

Gospel outreaches

Our team has organized three outreaches to outer lying villages in the next weeks and months. This includes open-air preaching, choir performances, times of worship and prayer, and a showing of the Jesus Film. Please pray that God would prepare the hearts of those who will hear the gospel in these places, and that we would be led by the Holy Spirit in our planning and sharing, and that His name would be glorified! Our prayer is that the seeds of the gospel would be widely spread through these events.


Our area of Tanzania has received a lot of rain this year, and there has been flooding in our area that not only poses a problem for the local farmers and their crops, but can also be dangerous for those needing to cross the water to travel to their families and fields. The water has also restricted the movement and gathering together of the local church, which makes it difficult to enjoy fellowship together and encourage one another. Please pray for safety, God’s provision and that we would continue to persevere together, even if we are separated by water.

Gospel seeds

Thank the Lord for the seeds planted during the youth camp, pray that in His time those seeds will germinate into faith and salvation. Pray for the Youth program, that transformation may continue taking place.

Preaching over Christmas

Yesterday I started my trip to Njombe with Matthew and Joel. This is a week long trip where we will be preaching over the Christmas Holiday. Plan is to be back next Wednesday evening. Pray for the Holy Spirit to move in the hearts of the people as they hear the Word preached. That they would be challenged to be witnesses to the Hope that is within them to their Muslim neighbors.


We’ve had a good start to camps and things are running smoothly so far.
-Thank God for the many youths who have turned up for our annual camp.
– Pray that many lives will be transformed, and that many will come to the knowledge of Christ.
– Pray that the facilitators will be intentional in walking life with the campers.
– Pray for good health for the campers and that it will go smoothly till the end.


Thank the Lord for fruit among the ladies. One seeker has put her faith in Christ and opened her house for study. Pray for her growth in the Lord.
Praise the Lord for another seeker who is almost there, pray that God will remove any fear and doubt and that she can fully put her faith in Christ.
Pray that the ladies will meet together once a week, as well as individual discipleship.


Our local church boasts two truly local believers – that is, men who were born in our village and have stepped out of Islam to follow Jesus. One of these believers has been struggling in his commitment to his faith and the church, and it has been a difficult journey. Please pray that he may come to really know the worthiness of Christ, and pray for our team as we seek to disciple and encourage him.

Youth Camp

Pray for an upcoming youth camp to be held in December. We are expecting around 200 youth. Most of them will be seekers. Pray that their eyes will be opened and see the Light and be transformed by the gospel. Pray for provision for the camp and all the preparation.

Weekend outreach

Last weekend we did a three-day outreach in an outer lying village in our region, including worship times, open air preaching, home visits and showings of the Jesus Film in Swahili. We are excited by the response, and are hoping to see a weekly gathering of the local believers take place in the weeks and months to come. Please pray for this young group of believers, as well as others who heard the Word this weekend. May the seeds take root and bear fruit in good soil.

Stand firm

Pray for encouragement for the female believers, that they may stand firm despite many challenges.
It’s another long holiday, pray that the youth will be able to stand firm in doing what is right.


Pray for individual discipleship going on with different women. Pray that they may keep growing in the Word. Pray for sister M who is facing tough spiritual warfare. Pray that she may stand.

Medical outreach report

Thanks for praying for our medical outreach. It was a huge victory for Jesus. Many prayed to receive Jesus. Many asked for prayer to be released from spiritual darkness, and others from attacks and demons. I could go on for days, but want to highlight just one testimony. On the final night in the village of Kiswele, we showed the Jesus film. The film ends with a prayer of repentance; few will come forward publicly. But we recognize that the Word is powerful and speaks and penetrates where others can’t. That last night, one lady listened intently, silently prayed the prayer and went home. That night she had the best restful sleep ever. She woke up, and knew something had changed in her. In the early morning hours, she hurried over to share her knew found joy. There she made it public with our group of pastors that she was a follower of Jesus and wanted to get connected. The joy on her face was worth the past two weeks of challenges. Many, many seeds were planted and the Word has gone out to those previously who had never heard. I gratefully say a huge THANKS. PRAISE and GLORY TO JESUS.


We had a community-wide outreach back in June, and it was a great opportunity to do evangelism with the local church, show the Jesus Film and encourage one another. Since then, we’ve been able to do several children outreaches and showings of the Jesus Film in out lying villages, and we’re planning another one for August 26. Please pray for us as we continue to follow-up on recent outreaches and prepare for the next one. Pray the seeds of the gospel would fall on good soil and bear much fruit for His glory.


Thank God for the opportunity to serve in local schools. Pray that many students will be transformed.
Thank God for the Youth program. Pray that those who are still in bondage to drugs will be set free by Christ.
Pray for the women’s ministry. Some women are facing challenges, pray that God will help them stand firm.

Church building

Construction of the church building in our community continues. Please pray for God’s provision in all needed resources – workers, knowledge, funds, equipment, etc. Please pray also that the local church would continue to take ownership of this project and not become discouraged.
We have several new seekers reaching out and asking questions. Please pray that they would become convicted by the Truth of the gospel and seek to grow in their knowledge about Jesus.