
Thank God we have two peace-makers who are willing to work with us in the community. Pray for Far’sa and Far’ya, who want to help their people by doing different things such as English classes, workshops, children programs etc. Pray for their salvation and our partnership: may God use all these activities to show Somali people His love, grace and salvation.

one on ones

Some brothers will soon begin one on one discipleship, which is a new concept for them. Please ask for teachable spirits and humility and new depths in their walk.

needing unity

There have been some major divisions among the brothers. Please ask for a spirit of unity and trust.

Great Commission vision

Being a place held by racial/tribal/clan tensions, the increasing number of Arab refugees has not been welcomed by most of the local community. Yet it’s been beautiful to see some sweet opportunities for the brothers to tear down those walls and create bridges as they seek to serve and reach out to the Arab community, and in doing so, catching some of the vision of Matt 28 as well! Pray for a great harvest.

Learning to trust

In the past, the local brothers have struggled with unity because of distrust. But many are coming together weekly now and learning to operate more and more as the body and wanting to grow together. And the sisters who were never meeting are now doing the same! We rejoice in this and ask for continued unity, trust, and growth among the body.

Big ask!

Some local workers have felt led to ask for 100 new brothers and sisters for the month of August. This may be a place and people historically known for seeing slow movement and little fruit, but that doesn’t keep us from being expectant and asking big as we remember the One who is able! Ask for an outpouring of the HS over this nation and people. Blind eyes opened to see, deaf ears opened to hear, closed minds opened to understand, hardened hearts softened to believe and receive.

May seeds germinate and grow!

During Ramadan, there were many seeds of truth planted. Pray that the Lord would cause them to germinate, grow, and produce much fruit! Pray for new believers to be given grace to walk in a way worthy of the Lord.

A Sudden Jump

Praise God that a Christian Somali website that normally gets 2000 visits in a month had over 15,000 visits last month! People are responding to a song about Jesus that had been advertised on Facebook. Please pray that many more Somalis will listen to the song and that the Lord will speak to them. Pray many will put their faith in Jesus Christ.

Dangerous Doctrines

Recently, a heresy brought from Korea is approaching the Somali believers; their teaching makes them very confused. Some Christians are trying to help them to understand what the Bible says. Please pray that the Holy Spirit will speak to the Somali believers, so that they won’t be enticed by the heresy.

Unified in Fellowship

Please pray for many Somali to come to faith in Christ and confess Him openly. Pray also for those who are believers to be unified in their fellowship and faith, and that the deep love of Christ in and through them will overflow to each other and to unbelievers.

Her Child Is Sick

Pray for a Somali woman who has a sick child in a Christian hospital. She is considering the claims of Christ and watching the behaviour of the Christians there. Pray that they will love her well and that through this crisis she will put her faith in Jesus Christ as her God and Saviour.

Gospel is the power of God

Ask that the Somali believers would not be ashamed of the gospel but would remember and know it is the power of God for salvation to all who believe. Pray that each would know who to declare the gospel to and for the courage to obey.

Needing Courage

Pray for courage for the isolated believers. Ask that they would be increasingly aware of the presence of Christ and walk by the Spirit.

Listening Next Door

A young Somali man listened to the gospel from his bed in the hospital as the man next to him prayed with a missionary to receive Christ. Please pray that he will remember the Scriptures he heard, and that he too will decide to put his trust in the Saviour.

Breaking strongholds, giving bold worship

Lord, please break strongholds of lies and dissension, and save many Somalis who will spread Your Word around the world, coming boldly to worship You together in Spirit and in truth.

Jan 8-13 Community Health seminar

Pray for the community health seminar going on this week at a university. A similar seminar several months ago resulted in positive interaction between Muslim and Christian students. Pray for friendships to develop and opportunities for spiritual conversations and life-giving interactions.

English Lessons and More

This past week I was able to teach my Somali lady a few lessons in English. And after praying and seeking the Lord for a method to bring the gospel, I used the King of Glory book as part of our reading and listening lesson. She was happy to hear how God created the universe.
Let’s continue to pray for more of these lessons. Praise God that He listens to our requests.

The God of all Peace

May the God of all peace, who by Jesus’ death and resurrection broke down the barriers of the dividing walls between tribes and peoples, bring Somali people into peace with Himself and with each other through faith in Jesus Christ.


Pray for a special outreach planned for next week by local workers. Pray for God to stretch out His hand and draw many to Himself.

Open to Friendship

A young Somali woman is open to friendship, but her Christian friend has not yet found a way to share the gospel. Pray that she will confide in her Christian friend and ask for prayer, as well as an explanation for the hope that is in her.

Fearlessly Gathering to Worship

Please pray that those Somali who are believers will find safe places and groups to worship with. Pray that instead of fearing betrayal they will long, like the Lord Jesus did, to be together with their friends and family in Christ. Pray for the salvation of whole extended families. Pray for spiritual breakthroughs so that many come to Christ together, and support one another as the early Christians did in the book of Acts.

A United Church

We desire to see a united church amongst the Somali believers so that the church will grow in spirit and in truth. How my heart aches to worship with other Somali believers and to hear a Somali preacher in the pulpit. What a glorious day that shall be! Please pray it will come soon.

Bold and Passionate

Pray that Somali people will receive salvation, that God will remove the veil of misguided belief in Islam. Pray that we will be able to speak boldly to the Somali about the gospel and not be afraid. Lord, give us more bold and passionate witnesses.

Friendship Through Basketball

Through our ministry with a local church we have engaged with some Somali people through basketball. The idea has been to build friendships. By the grace of God, in the last two weeks, we have organised two outings for lunch and a movie with them. They have heard our testimonies and heard the gospel. But please pray that God will intervene and allow us to have more personal conversations about Jesus with these two ladies again. They are very passionate to play basketball but let’s pray that they will become passionate for Jesus Christ before they leave here!

Healing For a Young Somali Woman of Influence

Please pray for a young Somali believer to be healed. The doctors have given up on her because she has a swelling on her leg that cannot be fixed…according to them. I can see how this has caused her to be discouraged with God. Let’s pray that God will heal this young lady’s leg so that she will continue to be strong in her faith and see God’s glory through this healing. I claim her healing in the name of Jesus. She is a woman of peace and has a huge influence to many Somali people.

New family member!

Rejoice with us and the angels! We have a new brother in the family! Pray for him to have grace and strength to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord and to share his experience with others.

Protection and Safety

Pray for the Somalis in Kenya for their protection and safety. The outcome of the Kenyan elections is so unpredictable. They are fearful that they will be removed from this country. Let’s pray that the leader elected by the people for the people will be compassionate enough for them to stay in this country.

It Has Slowed Down

One of our Somali students in the English school has not returned, please pray that she will come back and that we will get some more new ladies. The school has slowed down since the start to Ramadan. Lets pray that this project will be blessed with many students.

They Had To Leave

Unfortunately, two Somali ladies left a Christian safehouse on Thursday, because they were not helping out in the house as they had agreed to do. One of the ladies is my teacher at the school. Please pray for her as she stays in places unknown to us, and that she will not be swayed to go back into Islam. She believes in Christ, and was baptized in December 2016;  lets pray that she will remain faithful to the word of God.

Needing work

Please pray for believers to find good business ideas and good financial disciplines. One had a taxi business that worked well for a while, but now people get in his car just to harass and threaten him.

James’ arrival

We are happy to welcome a S brother who has been trained in ministry. He seems to have the patience and wisdom this place requires. Pray for the Lord to open a door for fruitful ministry.

Finding Forgiveness

This week begins the 30days of fasting –a celebratory Fast. Our friends will have extra prayers and long, hot days with no food or drink; and then a feast each evening filled with delicacies and treats reserved just for this time. When asked what they will pray for this Ramadan, most answer “forgiveness.” Many hope that in keeping this fast, they will find forgiveness. Join us in asking for our friends to find what they seek, but in an unexpected Way!

Camp for kids

A summer camp is being organized for kids this summer. Please pray for many Somali kids to come. Pray their parents will allow them to come. Pray for many to find Christ and bring Him home to their families.

Many Come to Christ

Pray that in the time leading up to Ramadan, many Somalis will hear and believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and by believing will have life in His name. Pray that during Ramadan their testimony will have a powerful impact on those who are still hoping to gain God’s favour by good works.

captive freed

The Somali man who was captured by bandits and held for ransom has been freed after the ransom was paid by his extended family. He is on his way Europe. Pray he will find Jesus there.

Broken families

We see the broken families all around us. Men refusing to take
responsibility for the needs of their families living only for their
wants, addictions, pleasure. ‘Father hunger’ is huge in our city. May
hearts be changed by our Good, Good Father. May He draw whole
families to Himself.

Water and Living Water desperately needed

The drought is severe in this land. May God send rain. Rain for
the dry and weary land to be brought to life, and Rain for the souls
of this people who don’t even realize they are dying of thirst for the
Living Water.

Remain Faithful to Classes

As the Kenyan schools are closed for the holidays, the Muslim children are sent to Madrasa everyday. Our school is packed with small kids learning to recite the Quran. Please pray for their salvation. One student in our English class has already left and a new one has come. This is often the case with Somali people, perhaps due to their nomadic culture. Please pray that our students will remain faithful to our classes and learn English. But more importantly, that we would build friendships to speak the word of God into their lives.

Lord have mercy

A believer’s brother recently decided to take his chances and try to get to Europe for a better life. He made it as far as Libya, where he was captured by bandits and is being held for $10,000 ransom. Pray in his distress he will call out to God and be saved-spiritually and physically!