
Recently one of our local friends joined some of our sisters for a ladies weekend. They spent extensive time in the word. She seems tender to the good news but hesitant to ask questions in a group. Pray for her heart to open and her eyes to see the truth.


We’ve received news of the kidnapping of an MBB who was taken back to Som**. The kidnapers have contacted the wife who is also an MBB and told her that they want him to denounce his faith in Christ. The persecution is painful. Please pray for God’s strength as A** goes through this pain. Pray that he is able to stand strong. May God also reveal Himself to these persecutors.

In jail

Recently one of our brothers was put in jail. The way forward is controversial. Wisdom, courage, and rescue are needed. Pray for him to remain steadfast and ask Father to comfort his wife and kids.

Walk in step

Pray for brothers to find and keep work. Pray they would be an example of the Way of JC and walk in step with the Holy Spirit.

Reading the Word

Pray for Belle and Amy as they regularly meet to read the Word with sisters. Many seeds are being sown. Pray that they will bear fruit. Pray against the schemes of the enemy to snatch away the seed.

Break down divisions

Pray for marriages between believers. Pray against the old mindset dividing according to status and tribe. Pray the Love of JC will break down divisions and bring unity and a willingness to show honor to others.


Pray for A** (a MBB) who is being discipled by a colleague. She is very passionate about God’s Word. Pray that God will continue to work in her heart as she learns the Word and applies it to her life. She is also eager to share with and bring along some of her contacts to the classes.

Pray for N** (MBB), a friend who is eager to reach out to his unbelieving friends. May God enable us to work together and start meeting individual contacts for one-on-one evangelism.

Raising up shepherds

Praise God for recent gathering of Somali leaders from the East Africa/Horn region. They gathered to develop collaboration strategies and also address the need for the raising up of Shepherds for the growing Somali church globally.
Pray for them as they work to raise up shepherds for the next 3 years that will provide pastoral care each month to 150 believers across Somalia.

Book of Genesis

Pray for D** who took a copy of the book of Genesis from our training room. He was happier to use the English copy than one is his heart language. May God help us use this copy of the Bible to help him learn English as that is what he really wants to do with it. And may the Words in it reveal God to him and show him His unchanging character and eternal purposes for the world. May the power of the printed Word transform his mind into Words written on his heart and living in his spirit.

Windows of time

There is a new sister in the coast town and she is very isolated. She has a lot of responsibilities at home. Ask for windows of time to open up for her to have fellowship and seek growth.

Eager brother

There is an eager new brother who was recently baptised and is very openly sharing on his social media. Older followers are distressed by his lack of care for his life and are distancing themselves from him. Pray for his discipleship and that he would not be publicly reckless but bold in love toward his neighbors and friends.

Remaining days

Especially during these remaining days of Ramadan, ask that the local believers would know the light of His presence even during nights that feel heavy with darkness. Pray for them to remain anchored in Hope and to have confidence that His immeasurably great power is for them.

Need a savior

For those who have been seeking and reading Truth, the month of Ramadan is often a time of renewed fervor for Islam. We pray for dreams and visions to disrupt their confidence. We pray that all the rituals and practices of this month will give them no assurances, no satisfaction, no hope. We pray for the hearts and minds of seekers to ultimately recognize how empty and powerless they are and how much they need a Savior.


Earlier this month, Musa was on a trip to the city where he was in the final stages of planning to move  there to serve on a team sharing the gospel with Somali people. He was killed in a tragic car accident on the road along the way. He leaves a wife and family mourning his death, along with many others whom he has influenced and impacted through years of ministry.
My cry is this: that in Musa’s place, God would raise up 10, 20, or 100 more men and women who would follow in Musa’s footsteps, to go to places where unless someone goes, lost people will continue to live and die without hearing the gospel of Jesus Christ. Pray the Lord comforts Musa’s family and at the same time raises up a harvest of passionate, compassionate, and transformed workers who will go and share the love of Christ and the power of the gospel among those who are living and dying without knowing Jesus.

Run to Jesus

The month of fasting will begin very soon (March 10th). Ask that our Brothers and Sisters will run to Jesus daily for refuge. Ask that they will hold fast to their shields of faith so they can withstand all the flaming darts of the enemy. May they be full of His light even in the darkest nights.


We have a young 17 yr old S** whose parents are both mature MBB’s. He is open and seeking to know the truth. Pray that we will join the efforts of his parents in pointing him to the Truth, Jesus.


One of us has been discipling two MMB ladies separately. They are always looking forward to the lessons and walking through life with one of our lady members. Pray for their maturity in faith.
Another Som** lady requested to learn the keyboard and improve on her vocals. She wants to get into singing. She is open to use gospel music as a means of learning to play the keyboard and to sing. Pray that God will speak to her heart through the words of the songs.

Increased threats against MBB’s and partners

We have received information that a key suspect linked to terrorist activities targeting Som* Christians was apprehended in Nairobi. Disturbingly, he was temporarily released and is expected to return to court on 10th January.
Authorities have advised for heightened vigilance within the Som* Christian community and partners as they urge the public to stay informed through official channels.
Pray for protection and wisdom for partners as they continue to work in the vineyard without fear.

Counter culture

Pray for the Spirit to work in the hearts of our local brothers and sisters. Walking counter to the ingrained culture is so difficult. The ways in which their core cultural norms are opposite to the way of Jesus, stunts the growth in Christlikeness. Division, pride, and hardness are valued where as unity, humility, gentleness and kindness are not.

Share the Story

In these days leading up to Christmas, many local friends are asking questions and expressing curiosity about our celebrations. Pray for all the opportunities to share the Story. Ask for open hearts to see the need for a Rescue. Ask for eyes to see the Light of the World.

Dispute in the body of Christ

We have a large number of MBB’s in a prayer network group. There has been some dispute within the group relating to leadership and some are suspecting some leaders are in this group for personal financial gain. Please pray that God will soften the hearts of all the team members and especially the leaders and point them to Jesus. May God reveal His plans for each of them. May there be love, forgiveness and unity in the group.


We thank God for the last debate with Muslims that was held on 9th December. Pray that the seed that was planted about Jesus will find fertile ground in the hearts of those who attended. We have been having debates every month on the 2nd Saturday.

Pursue community

There’s a new sister who has mainly been taught through online teaching. She recently connected face to face for the first time. Pray that she would grow and continue to pursue community in person.

Live according to the Way

Some of the local family recently studied the book of Titus. They were challenged by the words but also intimidated. Pray they would feel empowered to live according to the exhortations. To do good, to live according to the Way of Jesus.

May they believe

There’s a couple of seeker groups meeting regularly to discuss the story of our book. Ask for open hearts and curious minds. May the Lord turn on the light of the knowledge of the Glory of God in the face of Jesus so that they may believe.

More space for expansion

We thank God that we now have a Nairobi Outreach Team. Please pray with us for more space for teaching and interacting with S** students. We need more room for a mini-library and storing our music equipment and for working with MBB’s. Pray many S students will be blessed with a greater knowledge of the truth.

Discipleship of Somali MBB’s in East Africa

Please pray for MBB’s, especially in Kenya, that they may grow more in the knowledge of God’s Word. They have been reluctant, and in most cases not willing, to study individually or in groups. Pray that God will give us wisdom in ways to walk this journey together with them.

Pray for unity

Ask for protection from notice and suspicion, as a couple of groups of followers meet together this week. Ask that the Word would fill their time together and the HS would give them wisdom and understanding. Pray for unity.

Ministry of reconciliation

The conflict in the Middle East has far reaching consequences. There is heightened animosity toward all non-Mslms. Ask that believers would still engage in discussions and seek to be ambassadors for the Prince of peace. May those who know Peace carry on the ministry of reconciliation even in the face of threat and hostility.


We want to thank God for enabling N**, an MBB, to work so well in our team and boldly sharing his faith with other S** as they listen in shock. We pray that God will continue to sanctify and mature N**. We also pray that He will soften the hearts of the listeners to understand and believe the message of the Gospel. Pray for God to strengthen and comfort N**’s family that is persecuted in his home country due to his faith.


A young local doctor recently relocated to the US. He is planning to seek asylum. We’ve had so many spiritual conversations and he is very open to Good News and reading the Word. Ask that being outside the restrictions and societal pressures of his home country would give him space to seek truth. May He believe and treasure Jesus. Ask that the Lord would guard the soil of his heart. May seeds sown grow and bear fruit.

Brought into freedom

Thanksgiving for a very successful retreat with some MBB’s and their leaders who are part of a prayer
network group. Our prayer is that they will apply and continue to study the life transforming lessons that they learned and will reach out to those of their own and teach them the same lessons as they disciple them. Our prayer is that they are now fully liberated from bondage and decay and brought into the glorious freedom of the children of God’ (Romans 8:21). Please pray with us.

Holy Spirit break through

Last month several of the brothers set aside some long standing differences and met together for fellowship and support. We hoped this was the beginning of a new season. Sadly they are not continuing to cultivate community. Would you pray that the schemes of the enemy to isolate and foster suspicions would fail. Ask that the Holy Spirit would break through and draw the family together.

Medical camp

Pray for a one-day medical camp planned for September, where +/- 400 patients are expected to attend. We will use this platform to reach out to them – through prayers, counseling, and sharing the Good News. Pray for other partners to join us with supplies, medics, assistants, etc..

Renew and comfort

We celebrate that one of our sisters was released from prison. She is back with her family. Pray that she would find healing from all these months in prison (since July 2022) and that she would be renewed in heart and mind. We don’t know the results of this testing of her faith. But we trust that the Shepherd knows his sheep and He is able to speak renewal and comfort to her soul.

Jesus her all in all!

After an intense evening of laboring in prayer and battling against all the lies of the enemy last week, Sharon has testified to a fresh freedom from the attacks against her being able to read and pray. We are so thankful for her hard work to battle the chains of her past affiliation. She is so committed to having Jesus be her all in all!


Thank you for praying for our ‘tormented’ friend Sharon on Monday. We had a lengthy session of prayer and worship with her. She wanted to specifically pray through some material for MBBs on renouncing past religious ties and affirming truths based in the Word. It was an incredible battle. She came under sever attack a couple times, but she persevered and made it through 5 pages of prayers! We know this will be an Ebenezer marker for her. She may still wrestle at times to combat the old held beliefs and strongholds of her years before Jesus. But she continues to hold fast to His power to save. She knows He holds her and is with her


Would you join us in asking again for Sharon to be freed from a tormenting evil spirit and that all former ties would be broken? We are going to be fasting today and then from 4 pm onward asking again for the Holy Spirit to give release and victory. We know He is able to deliver fully. May His name be exalted and our sister be delivered and strengthened.


There are a few brothers and sisters who have no connection with other local followers. The suspicion and fear and lack of trust is profound. Pray for those in isolation. Ask for them to be willing to seek fellowship around the Word.

Let the little children come

Pray for the children of believers here. Training them in truth can be risky for the parents in the community. Especially for those who remain secret followers. There is strong local pressure to participate in all local education including religious education. Pray for wisdom as parents seek to follow Jesus and exalt His name in their house. Ask that they would not unknowingly “forbid” their children from coming! “Let the little children come!!”