Bread of Life

Please pray for the Saharawi who are fasting for Ramadan. May they come to know Jesus as the bread of life!

God is love

Praise for a successful Valentines event with rich conversations. Pray they would feel and believe that God is love!

Know Jesus as their Rock

Pray for Saharawi teens who are living in Spain and navigating the influences of peers. May they come to know Jesus as their rock, their identity and their only hope.

God who loves them

Pray for a Valentine’s event tomorrow Feb 17. Pray that Saharawi friends would see that they are loved by God and would have a desire to learn more about the God who loves them.

Cookies and stories

Praise God that S came to decorate cookies with her daughters and I could share stories about the birth of our Savior. Please pray they have open hearts to receive Jesus as Savior.


Pray that many ladies would come to an evening of cookie decorating and be able to hear the Christmas story.

Heard the Gospel

Pray for S who heard a presentation of the gospel this week. Pray that she goes beyond thinking that it’s a “pretty story” and experiences that it is a transformational truth.

Holiday season

Please pray for opportunities for spiritual conversations during the holiday season. May God open many hearts to receive Emmanuel, God with us.

New believer!

Praise God for a new believer in the camps! May she and her believing sister be disciples who make disciples!

Spiritual conversations

Praise God for the time we are spending at the refugee camps and for the spiritual conversations we are having. Pray for the Spirit to open many hearts to hearing and believing the gospel.

Camp visit

Pray for an upcoming trip to the refugee camps. Pray that relationships would be built and God would be glorified!

Ladies event

Praise for the opportunity to host a ladies event with Saharawi friends and believers. Please pray for continued relationship building and spiritual conversations.

Spending time

Praise for opportunities to serve and spend time with S and her daughters. Please pray for them to know Jesus as Lord and Savior.

Happy and safe

Praise God that the 9 year old boy that I hosted this summer has returned to the camps happy and safe! The family is very grateful for everything. Please pray for gospel opportunities and openness among this family.

Value, worth, and honor

Diaspora in Spain: Praise for continued conversations with an S friend about value, worth and honor. Please pray that she would come to see the high price that Christ has paid to redeem her.


Diaspora in Spain: Pray for an opportunity to serve a Saharawi family this summer by tutoring their 11 year old daughter. Please pray for open doors for gospel conversations with this family.

Hosting boy

Praise God for the opportunity to host a 9 year old boy from the Saharawi migrant camps this summer. Please pray for a Kingdom impact for him and his family!


Praise God for the opportunity to visit with a new S friend in her home. Please pray for her housing situation and for the Lord to provide her with the blessing of a child.

Successful event

Praise God for a successful event with Saharawi ladies! Many came and heard about the source of their true value. Please pray for soft hearts and ears to hear more in future conversations.

Ladies event May 27

Please pray for an upcoming event on Saturday May 27 for Saharawi ladies where we will discuss their true value as image bearers of the Creator God. Pray for many to come, for hearts to be touched and for the deepening of relationships.

Draw them also

Please pray for S, F and N who were able to hear a testimony of someone leaving their faith and following Jesus. May the Lord draw them also to Himself.


Praise God for a wonderful visit to a Saharawi family where Jamal was able to share his testimony with them in Hassaniya – their heart language, in direct response to their question, “Are you a Muslim?”.  Praise God that they were interested and receptive to all he said. Pray these seeds would not be snatched away, but would take root and grow into faith.

Religion vs relationship

Praise God for an opportunity to share iftar meal with a Saharawi friend and her family. Please pray for the Lord to work in their hearts as they consider the difference between religion and a relationship with God.

Ladies gathering

Praise God for the two friends who came to the ladies gathering! Praise God that it was a precious time of sharing, listening and laughing. Pray for continued deepening of relationships and that I could read the Scriptures with one lady who mentioned having read some before.


Please pray for an upcoming gathering that I will host with my Saharawi friends and local believers. Pray that good connections are made and that God will be glorified.

Chicken noodle soup

Praise God for an opportunity to take halal chicken noodle soup, medicine, tea and juice to S when she was sick with a bad cold. Please pray her heart is softened toward the gospel and she encounters the One who can bring forgiveness of sins and healing to her soul.

Open to friendship

Praise that I have had some good contacts with M and she seems open to friendship and spiritual conversations. Please pray the Lord will draw her into Himself!

Younger generation

Pray for the younger generation of Saharawi who may have questions about Islam and are seeking answers. Pray also for those who may be apathetic – that the Lord would give them a spiritual hunger to know what is true.


Please pray that the Saharawi people in Jerez would see Jesus as Emmanuel, God with us, and would worship Him as Lord.


Praise God that He provided a job for S just as we had prayed. Please pray she sees this as a provision from His loving hands and that we can still spend time together regularly even though her schedule is now fuller.


Praise God that S has asked me to pray for her new job. Please pray for continued spiritual conversations with her.

Eyes to see

Praise God that the English classes with Saharawi ladies have gotten off to a good start and that I’ve been able to share stories from Scripture with one particular lady, S. Please continue to pray for them to have eyes to see and ears to hear the Truth.

English classes

Please pray for weekly English classes that will begin this coming week. There will be 3 Saharawi ladies and 3 Spanish believers in the class. Pray for good relationships, laughter, learning, and for Jesus to be glorified!

Open and ready

Praise God that S and her daughters T and T have returned to Jerez from their visit to the refugee camp. Please pray they are ready and open for gospel conversations.

See who Jesus is

Please pray for S and her daughter N who were open to prayer. Pray for continued spiritual conversations and for them to be willing to read the Gospels and to see who Jesus is.


Many of the Saharawi who live in Jerez are spending time this summer visiting with their family members in the refugee camps in Algeria. Please pray that as they gather and spend time together, they will have spiritual conversations. Pray that those who will return to Jerez, come open and ready to hear about Jesus.