Praise for an opportunity to visit the refugee camps with a Saharawi friend who has been in Spain for 20 years. Pray for sweet reunions and the Spirit to move in hearts.
Retreat follow-up
Praise God that my Saharawi friend and her daughters came to the retreat as they planned. The Holy Spirit was clearly working and we have had some fruitful conversations since. Please pray Jesus appears to them in dreams and visions and calls them to Himself.
Evangelistic retreat
Please pray for an evangelistic retreat that we are having this weekend. We have 40 people confirmed and 20 are nonbelievers (culturally Catholic, Muslims, Buddhist/undefined). We know the Lord wants to work in a mighty way and the enemy does not want that. Please pray specifically for a Saharawi friend and her two daughters who will be joining us. Please pray the Holy Spirit works in their hearts and they can receive Jesus as Lord and Savior.
If you’d like to sign up to pray for a prayer slot during the retreat, please follow link:
Spanish lessons
Praise for a successful session of Spanish classes! When given their participation certificates, one lady said it was the first certificate she had ever received. Pray it is a testimony of a God who values and sees her.
Feel His presence
Thank the Lord for the 4 Saharawi ladies who are coming consistently to Spanish classes. May they feel the presence of Jesus and come to know Him as Savior.
Spanish classes
Pray for Spanish classes with Saharawi ladies in the community. May the Lord bring the ladies who should be there. May it be a fruitful time of learning and relationship development.
Pray for an event to celebrate Thanksgiving with local Saharawi friends in October. May relationships be established and deepened so that gospel truths can flow.
Bring salvation
Praise for many opportunities to share the gospel with a 9 year old S boy this summer. Please pray that Jesus would meet him in a dream and bring salvation to him and his family.
Hearing scripture
Praise that the 9 yr old S boy staying with me this summer is having opportunities to hear Scripture in Arabic and in Spanish! Please pray for him to have an open heart and open mind.
Gospel seeds
Please pray for a 9 yr old Saharawi boy who is staying in my home for 2 months this summer. Pray that gospel seeds would bear much fruit for him and his family.
Community needs
Praise that 15 Saharawi ladies came to the gathering last week to share about the needs of the community! They were able to share things that weigh on their hearts and minds. By God’s grace, they seemed to feel loved and valued. Please pray we have wisdom in discerning how the Lord wants to use us to meet some of the needs they expressed.
Loved and Valued
Pray for an upcoming gathering to hear about needs of the Saharawi community so we can consider if/how we can meet them. Please pray for clear communication, appropriate expectations and that the Saharawii people in the city would feel loved and valued.
Getting help
Praise the Lord for moving on behalf of the single mom with a child with special needs. She will soon begin receiving much needed government support. May this be a testimony to her, and another step towards knowing the One True God.
See Lord’s provision
Pray for a new Saharawi friend who is a single mom with a child with special needs. May she see the Lord’s provision and love on their behalf and come to have a relationship with Him.
Bread of Life
Please pray for the Saharawi who are fasting for Ramadan. May they come to know Jesus as the bread of life!
God is love
Praise for a successful Valentines event with rich conversations. Pray they would feel and believe that God is love!
Know Jesus as their Rock
Pray for Saharawi teens who are living in Spain and navigating the influences of peers. May they come to know Jesus as their rock, their identity and their only hope.
God who loves them
Pray for a Valentine’s event tomorrow Feb 17. Pray that Saharawi friends would see that they are loved by God and would have a desire to learn more about the God who loves them.
Cookies and stories
Praise God that S came to decorate cookies with her daughters and I could share stories about the birth of our Savior. Please pray they have open hearts to receive Jesus as Savior.
Pray that many ladies would come to an evening of cookie decorating and be able to hear the Christmas story.
Heard the Gospel
Pray for S who heard a presentation of the gospel this week. Pray that she goes beyond thinking that it’s a “pretty story” and experiences that it is a transformational truth.
Holiday season
Please pray for opportunities for spiritual conversations during the holiday season. May God open many hearts to receive Emmanuel, God with us.
New believer!
Praise God for a new believer in the camps! May she and her believing sister be disciples who make disciples!
Spiritual conversations
Praise God for the time we are spending at the refugee camps and for the spiritual conversations we are having. Pray for the Spirit to open many hearts to hearing and believing the gospel.
Camp visit
Pray for an upcoming trip to the refugee camps. Pray that relationships would be built and God would be glorified!
Ladies event
Praise for the opportunity to host a ladies event with Saharawi friends and believers. Please pray for continued relationship building and spiritual conversations.
Spending time
Praise for opportunities to serve and spend time with S and her daughters. Please pray for them to know Jesus as Lord and Savior.
Happy and safe
Praise God that the 9 year old boy that I hosted this summer has returned to the camps happy and safe! The family is very grateful for everything. Please pray for gospel opportunities and openness among this family.
Value, worth, and honor
Diaspora in Spain: Praise for continued conversations with an S friend about value, worth and honor. Please pray that she would come to see the high price that Christ has paid to redeem her.
Diaspora in Spain: Pray for an opportunity to serve a Saharawi family this summer by tutoring their 11 year old daughter. Please pray for open doors for gospel conversations with this family.
Hosting boy
Praise God for the opportunity to host a 9 year old boy from the Saharawi migrant camps this summer. Please pray for a Kingdom impact for him and his family!
Praise God for the opportunity to visit with a new S friend in her home. Please pray for her housing situation and for the Lord to provide her with the blessing of a child.
Successful event
Praise God for a successful event with Saharawi ladies! Many came and heard about the source of their true value. Please pray for soft hearts and ears to hear more in future conversations.
Ladies event May 27
Please pray for an upcoming event on Saturday May 27 for Saharawi ladies where we will discuss their true value as image bearers of the Creator God. Pray for many to come, for hearts to be touched and for the deepening of relationships.
Draw them also
Please pray for S, F and N who were able to hear a testimony of someone leaving their faith and following Jesus. May the Lord draw them also to Himself.
Praise God for a wonderful visit to a Saharawi family where Jamal was able to share his testimony with them in Hassaniya – their heart language, in direct response to their question, “Are you a Muslim?”. Praise God that they were interested and receptive to all he said. Pray these seeds would not be snatched away, but would take root and grow into faith.
Religion vs relationship
Praise God for an opportunity to share iftar meal with a Saharawi friend and her family. Please pray for the Lord to work in their hearts as they consider the difference between religion and a relationship with God.
Ladies gathering
Praise God for the two friends who came to the ladies gathering! Praise God that it was a precious time of sharing, listening and laughing. Pray for continued deepening of relationships and that I could read the Scriptures with one lady who mentioned having read some before.
Please pray for an upcoming gathering that I will host with my Saharawi friends and local believers. Pray that good connections are made and that God will be glorified.
Chicken noodle soup
Praise God for an opportunity to take halal chicken noodle soup, medicine, tea and juice to S when she was sick with a bad cold. Please pray her heart is softened toward the gospel and she encounters the One who can bring forgiveness of sins and healing to her soul.