Too heavy

The last 3 year’s crop production has significantly decreased due to the lack of rain and scorching sun destroying many crops. Now, with the increased stress of political instability and inflation along with sickness, and everyday trails of life the burden is too heavy to carry. Please pray for the believers’ faith in God to be strengthened, and not “want to return to Egypt “. Please pray that in all these trials the Ndau will see God and know him in a powerful way. Pray they will see Jesus, who wants us to give him our burdens and that they can trust Him to carry them through.

Basic theology course finished!

We want to praise the Lord- this last weekend we celebrated the end of our very first Basic Theology course with our Pastors and their leaders. Please pray that they will continue to study the material and have a hunger and thirst to know Christ more!

Pray for rain

Please pray for rain! The Ndau are sustenance farmers and last year their crops were burnt from the lack of rain. Everyone has planted already, and it’s only rained once. We are praying but everyone is very scared about how we are going to survive.


Please rejoice with us. Last month we celebrated a beautiful wedding of a young couple and in 2 weeks will celebrate another wedding! God is moving in this new generation! Pray for blessing on these new marriages.

Basic theology classes

Please pray for the final push for our leaders who are studying basic theology. There are only two months to go…many want to get into their fields! Please pray we can finish well!

False prophet

Please pray for the church to remain faithful. A strong new false prophet from Zimbabwe has come and many are running to attend his services and see what he can do. Please pray for perseverance in the faith!

Theology classes

The basic theology classes for Ndau church leaders are going very well! Praise the Lord with us we have 4 more months! Please continue to pray for our students, professors and those serving!

Reaching teens

Please pray with us about a ministry specifically focused on our adolescents ages 10-17. Pray that the Ndau church would have a heart for reaching this age group. The cultural realities and temptations of the world devour these precious children. Please pray with us how to reach this age group.

Theological training

We’ve started a basic theology curriculum to help our brothers and sisters in Christ who are pastoring and ministering without any formal training. One weekend every month for ten months, a professor from IBS in Beira or one of our colleagues come and teach. We have 18 students. All our pastors and one leader from each church he oversees attend these classes! We are so pleased by their interest, response, and growth! Pray for them.


Praise the Lord with us as we will be having 4 Christian weddings this year! 2 of the couples are part of our youth program and the other two are leaders in the churches. Pray for God’s blessing on these marriages.

Pray for the youth who are taking stances in the culture for Christ.

Going deeper

Please pray for our Ndau brothers and sisters who are taking big steps in trying to go deeper with the Lord.

Severe drought

Please pray for the drought affecting all our districts. The Ndau are subsistence farmers, and we are in a very severe drought. Beloved brothers and sisters in 5 areas have lost all their crops due to no rain! Please pray with us in faith for God’s provision in this new year- everything from last year is gone.

Theological training

One weekend every month for the next 10 months we are having theological training for our leaders. We have 18 students, and our first sessions were last Friday and Saturday! Please pray for open hearts, minds, and growth and maturing in the Word. We are praising the Lord for this opportunity and His provision!

Blessing to the Church

Please continue to pray for our pastors and lay leaders as they grow in the word and stay strong in the Lord. May they be a blessing to the Church.

Perseverance in faith

First we want to Praise the Lord, we are seeing young women and children coming to Christ!!! But the older and younger men not only are not showing any interest but are leaving their families to pursue their own lives. Please pray that the Ndau men would come to know Christ as their Savior! Present or not they still run everything. Please pray for the women to have perseverance in their newfound faith!

New church!

We celebrated the inauguration of the church in Sambane this week! Please pray for the congregation as they are located between two refuge camps. Please pray for courage to evangelize and that the hearts of the people in the camps would be soft to receive the gospel! Please pray for Pastor Joaquim and his wife Julieta in this new step of responsibility and faith pastoring the church.

Mold their hearts

The Ndau are a polygamous culture and like many cultures today faithfulness is rare. HIV and other STDs are common. There is still a deep stigma against the hospital; traditional “medicine ” is normally the first option and because of that most cases arrive too late. Please pray for monogamy and faithfulness to take root in the church. And for freedom in Christ to get help at hospitals without fear from the lies of the witch doctors.
Please pray for us as we care for people who are very sick and without resources. Most of these diseases are very painful and there is a great lack of medicine. Please pray that hearts would be ready to hear the gospel, and that God would change the future of the Ndau for His glory, specifically in this area. Oh Lord mold their hearts like yours!

Women’s seminar

Please pray for a women’s seminar we are going to have on the 27-30 of this month and a leadership seminar in the beginning of August . Please pray for both to bring restoration, liberation, salvation and encouragement for all involved!

Praise the Lord!

Please praise the Lord with us! In the last two weeks 17 Ndau women have come to profess Jesus Christ as their Savior and 22 believers were baptized! Please pray for the Ndau men, that they too would come to Christ!
Please continue to pray for the maturity and discipleship of believers and churches.
Please pray for our youth and children, that they would come to Jesus and trust Him for their futures.


Praise God for a wonderful conference focused on restoration of families, relationships, and ministry. Pray for practical application of the truths learned.
Continue to pray for our pastors: Ribeiro, Mateus, Joaquim, Isaac, and Inarcio to shepherd their flocks with wisdom and grace.

Restoration conference

Please pray for our first congress of local church leadership of Mossurize District. From today through the 19th, leaders of Sunday school up to the pastors will meet in Macumba. The topic will be Restoration, the main speaker Rev. António Combo. Pray we would be restored!

Light of Christ

Please pray for our three local pastors and their families. They have been tried and tested in so many ways. Please pray that Mateus & Isabela, Joaquim & Julieta, and Isaac & Lauvness will continue to persevere in their faith and continue to be light of Christ among the Ndau. Please pray for Cecilia and I and the ministries we have been given amongst the Ndau, and for more workers to be sent into the harvest!

Growth and maturity

Please pray for the churches that do exist would grow in Christ and not in religion. Like so many church problems around the world, being transformed by Christ is not popular but doing “churchy” things that look good is easy and attractive. Please pray for spiritual growth and maturity.

Please pray for Godly leaders! Polygamy is accepted here and unfortunately something not easily given up! Please pray for this new generation, to embrace the gospel and have courage to leave these practices behind.


Please continue to pray for the gospel to be made known amongst the Ndau people who are still trapped in bondage through witchcraft and ancestral worship. Pray that they would encounter and turn their lives over to Christ Jesus and be set free from ancestral/traditional fear which enslaves them.


Praise God for moving in the lives of area youth, who form three youth groups who attended a national conference in August. Pray that those impacted would be on fire for Jesus, that they would be triumphant in Him over any physical, emotional or spiritual challenges that they face; pray that these young Ndau wouldn’t be able to withhold all that God has done for them, and share Jesus with their families and communities.

Church dedicated

Praise the Lord for his faithfulness to the Ndau people, and for the dedication of a church in Espungabera earlier this year. He has used the body of Christ to build this church over the years, and it’s been an international effort that’s reflected the unity within the Kingdom of God. Pray that God blesses this community and that they would trust and obey him to continue the growth of the body. And pray for all of us believers: for victory over the enemy and his schemes, for energy and strength every day, and for practical needs to be met such as working vehicles, peaceful home lives, and provision of daily necessities.

New leaders

Please pray for the Ndau Christians who are trying to live a life not dependent on their ancestors anymore but on Christ Jesus. Pray they would be strengthened in their faith and witness to other Ndau. Please continue to pray for leaders. Polygamy has such a strong hold, please pray for the new generation of leaders to have a new mindset and a Godly heart to not enter this practice.
Continue to pray for the salvation of the Ndau people. There are still so many who haven’t received the gospel.


“…a voice of one calling in the wilderness, ‘Prepare the way for the Lord, make straight paths for him.’” We know there are many Ndau believers now, there are pastors and missionaries working amongst this people group: cry out for them, that the Lord would indeed come into those hearts that have been prepared for him. Pray that amongst the Ndau, crooked paths would be made straight, the broken would be made whole, and the sick and wounded heal, that Christ would be exalted through them and amongst them. Pray that these Ndau would then spread the gospel message not only in their own villages, but across Mozambique amongst other unreached people groups!

Hosting youth conference

The Mossurize youth have been chosen to host the country’s Annual Youth Conference in August for the American Board Church! Please pray for us as this will be the first conference out in the “bush”, and the first time for our humble youth group to host! We only have 5 months to prepare! Please pray for all of us spiritually and physically!
Please pray for revival and the Lord’s presence on this conference and the blessed opportunity to minister on such a large scale!


Please pray for Godly leaders. Polygamy is accepted here and unfortunately something not easily given up! Please pray for this new generation to embrace the gospel and have courage to leave these practices behind.
Please continue to pray for our adolescent/youth age girls who still don’t have rights to study or marry whom they wish. Many are still forced/sold into marriage to much older men as a 2,3, or 4th wife! I do want to Praise the Lord for the slight changes we are seeing, some families are sending/allowing their daughters to study and the laws in Mozambique are starting to change in their favor!!! Please pray for the church to be a good example in these changes.


Please pray for our three local pastors and their families. They have been tried and tested in so many ways. Please pray that Mateus (Isabela), Joaquim (Julieta), and Isaac (Lauvness) will continue to persevere in their faith and continue to be lights of Christ among the Ndau. Please pray for Cecilia and I and the ministries we have been given amongst the Ndau; and for more workers to be sent into the harvest!

Be set free

Please continue to pray for the gospel to be made known amongst the Ndau people who are still trapped in bondage through witchcraft and ancestral worship. Pray that they would encounter and turn their lives over to Christ Jesus and be set free from ancestral/traditional fear which enslaves them.
Please pray for the churches that do exist would grow in Christ and not in religion. Like so many church problems around the world, being transformed by Christ is not popular but doing “churchy” things that look good is easy and attractive. Please pray for spiritual growth and maturity.

Pray for pastors

Pray for Pastors Mateus, Joaquim and Isaac and their churches: for grace, wisdom, discernment and endurance in every trial and situation that is ahead; that they’d be a united testimony among the Ndau people and that many would come to salvation.

God’s provision

Praise the Lord for provision of the exact amount of money needed for a roof repair of the church building in Makumba– the believers there saw God provide and their faith is increased. Pray for continued success in training and discipleship of rural pastors. One pastor, confronted with the truth, chose to obey the Lord by getting married, thus giving up the cultural right to multiple wives. Pray for more Ndau pastors and leaders to follow his example.

Hold firm the faith

Pray that the young Ndau church, it’s pastors and members, wouldn’t be discouraged or abandon their faith as the Covid-19 pandemic rages. Pray for blessing on missionaries & pastors going house to house to read the word, and pray together with Ndau believers. Pray that old beliefs would be rejected and new strength and trust in the Lord flourishes.

Rain and restrictions

The Churches are not meeting again due to Covid. Many people’s fields were destroyed with the latest rain. It has been raining again for a couple of days and has stopped a day ago. Please pray for the pastors as they try and tend to the “flock” with all the Covid restrictions. Pray for the team as they visit believers at their homes and do “mobile church”. May the Church be strengthened and blessed.

Pray against polygamy

Pray against polygamy, both among the older people and this new generation, who are following the steps of their ancestors and ending up in premature marriages.
Pray for the grandmothers and wise women who are responsible for the premature marriages in continuation of the traditions of the ancestors.
Pray for the few true Christians who battle against these cultural practices and find the pressure against them and their families huge.
Pray that God would raise up healthy churches, true churches without these cultural practices  mixed in and churches committed to the Word of God.

Purify your church Lord

Pray that the Ndau people would have a full understanding of the Word of God and that their lives would be truly transformed in the Light of the Word of God.
Pray that God would destroy the witchcraft in the midst of the culture, including in the lives of Christians.
Pray against the religiousness and syncretism in the Church.

Pray for Breakthrough amongst the Ndau

Pray that the strongholds of tradition, ancestral worship, and the dependence on witchcraft will be broken in the name of Jesus.
Ask the Lord to bring up a new generation sold out for Him.

Turning to God

Please pray specifically that people will turn to God (and not to the witchdoctors) in these difficult and challenging Covid days. Early on, a large quantity of Government advice leaflets were distributed throughout the community and we began a program of teaching people how to wash their hands effectively. We made two short videos – one in Portuguese and one in Chindau– demonstrating this technique and giving advice. Before lockdown, a number of churches were also visited to give a short presentation. This was followed by a scriptural message pointing people to Jesus and encouraging believers to share the hope we have for eternity. Ask that God will continue to bless these efforts and that souls will be set free from bondage.