Dan, Joel and Noblesse have completed their term of service and are now on their way back to their home countries. We are thankful for the faithful service of these three young men. They have spent two years in the remote villages of the Laarim; they have endured sickness, loneliness, heat. They have learned language and shared the gospel. Pray that the seeds of Truth they planted among the Laarim will continue to take root and grow and bear much fruit. Pray for the believers to “stand firm and hold fast to the teachings…passed on to [them]” (2 Thessalonians 2:15).
Visit home
It was great to have a visit with Angelo a couple of weeks ago when he came through Torit on his way to Kimatong. He has had a successful semester in his nursing program in Kenya, and chose to spend his month of holidays back in the village. Pray that during his time among the Laarim, he is able to “set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity” (1 Timothy 4:12); pray also that Angelo will hold fast to the calling he has received to be a witness among his own people. Please lift up Angelo and Noblesse as they travel by road to Kenya over the next few days.
Growing interest
Noblesse has struggled with getting a DBS group started in the village of Ngarahac. The village is far enough away that it requires him staying overnight, and the number of people interested in attending the Bible study has been very small. However, he was encouraged recently by increased attendance, as well as by meeting a woman, Natiyote, who expressed the desire to learn the Word of God. Pray that her desire would continue and would grow, and that she and others in the village will faithfully attend the Bible study.
Joyful noise
“It is good to praise the Lord and make music to your name, O Most High…to the music of the ten-stringed lyre and the melody of the harp” (Psalm 92:1-3). Lokwan and Lomua are 2 boys who meet in Kali for Sunday morning worship. They recently made shaker instruments for use in the Sunday gathering. Pray they (the boys and the shakers!) would be used to make a joyful noise to the Lord. Pray that the believers and seekers meeting in Kali would continue even after Dan and Joel leave next month. May God grow this church in greater ways than we could ask or imagine.
meeting together
Noblesse has been encouraging Khalifha, a Laarim Christian in the village of Chawua, to start and lead a DBS in his village. After several months of praying and waiting, Khalifa shared this with Noblesse: “I have started to gather my family and we read the Bible with them…I have invited others and they have come.” Thank God for Khalifha’s commitment to Christ and growth as a leader. Pray that he will be faithful to follow through on his plans to lead this Bible study (the makings of a church!) in Chawua.
Final weeks
There are only a few weeks left for the Kimatong “men’s team” until Noblesse, Dan and Joel’s terms come to an end. Pray that even in these final weeks the Lord would give wisdom as they seek to help establish the believers as the Laarim church. Pray that God will establish His church among the Laarim. Pray from Jeremiah 17:7-8 for the Christians there: “Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in Him. He will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.”
Despite the challenges, there are many encouraging things going on amongst the Laarim. Pray for Dan as he leads four guys through the discipleship curriculum the team developed for maturing believers. Pray for Lowuyo, Kileng, Kato, and Locii as they study God’s Word and apply it to their lives. Pray for deep impact in the community as these men live out what it means to follow Jesus. Pray for the weekly Bible study Joel is leading at Lolepo’s compound – may he and his whole household come to a true faith in Jesus.
Needless death
The team in Kimatong feel the pain and burden of the senseless loss that seems so much a part of life among the Laarim. There is the death of young men in cattle raids, fights that break out at dances that lead to one boy dead and two girls shot in the leg, death from preventable and treatable diseases…sometimes it’s overwhelmingly hard to live in such darkness. Pray for the day when the Laarim “…will delight in the fear of the Lord” (Isaiah 11:3) and “they will neither harm nor destroy…for the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the LORD as the waters cover the sea” (11:9). And please pray God’s special grace over this team as they minister in this place.
Hunger season
We received an urgent request for help from Jacinta, a Kenyan missionary working among the Laarim in the village of Fara Sika. She is recently returned from a break in Kenya and has found the situation in the area dire due to food shortages. We were able to send her some food, but there will be more needs as dry season (often referred to as “hunger season” here in South Sudan) is upon us. Pray for Jacinta’s faith to grow as she trusts her daily needs to the Lord, and He faithfully provides everything she needs. Pray for mercy for the people she lives among.
New contacts
Last month Joel got out to a village called Thuguru for an exploratory trip in hopes of finding some new places to take Bible stories. After finding his old neighbour’s new home, he and his friend set off to meet the village chief. By the end of the day, Joel had been invited by the three compounds he visited to return with either the Jesus Film or to teach God’s Word! Thank God for Lolepo, Abraham and Lolar, the men of peace God led Joel to that day – pray for them and many others from these homes to follow Jesus.
May seeds grow
Lift up Dan and Joel’s relationships with the people whose garden is near their house (Louren, Lopiir, Nadukuo, Rebekah, Nangide, Teresa). Pray the Lord will open their ears and hearts to the gospel as Dan and Joel greet them when they come to the gardens. Pray for boldness (and language skills) for Dan and Joel to share truths from God’s Word with them.
Pray for Kalifha, a Laarim man, who is leading the Bible study in Cauwa. Pray for him, and other Laarim believers, to grow to maturity in order that they may “be shepherds of God’s flock…examples to the flock” (1 Peter 5:2,4).
Pray for believers
Paul declared in his letter to the Colossian believers that “since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you and asking God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all spiritual wisdom and understanding” (1:9). Let us remember the Laarim believers today and pray this same prayer for them. Pray today for Maria, Kalifha, Loduko, Lokolong, Lowuyo, Yaba, Kileng and others (God knows their names!).
Youth program
Please pray for the youth program that Noblesse is leading. Pray that these young people would be captivated by the message of God’s love for them, “so that they would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from any one of us” (Acts 17:27).
Hanging around
Pray for growing relationships with the many kids who hang around Dan and Joel’s compound, especially Lowuyo, Dominik, Lokwar and Lomua. Pray that as Dan and Joel live out what is to follow Jesus, their lives and their Words would preach the gospel and draw these boys to relationship with God.
Noblesse has felt a tremendous amount of suffering and loss as he has seen many of his disciples either leave for refugee camps or killed in raids. When he was with us in Torit last month, he shared how deeply connected he feels to his community in Chauwa, so these losses have been significant. Pray that Noblesse would be comforted by “the Father of compassion…who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we have received from God” (2 Corinthians 1:3-4).
Bible being translated
The completion of the Laarim Bible is on track for 2023. Pray for the translation team to persevere and work hard to finish, and for good cooperation from the community as they do language checks. As the Laarim hear God’s Word in their mother tongue, pray for them to declare: “How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth! I gain understanding from your precepts; therefore I hate every wrong path” (Psalm 119:103).
The rains have fallen and the Laarim have been planting gardens. This is the season the men and boys return home from the cattle camps to help with cultivation. Pray the Holy Spirit would move mightily in this season, that both spiritually and physically “the Lord will indeed give what is good, and [their] land will yield its harvest” (Psalm 85:12).
Pray for faith
Dan and Joel have now completed sharing the 25 Bible Story set at Chief Angelo’s compound, which tells God’s story from Creation to the Resurrection and Faith. Pray that all who have listened to God’s Truth would “fear the Lord and serve him with all faithfulness” (Joshua 24:14). May Chief Angelo and his whole family “throw away the…gods that are among [them] and yield [their] hearts to the Lord” (24:23).
Body of Christ
Only a few years ago there were very few, if any, Christians among the Laarim. Now every Sunday small groups of believers are meeting in all three of the villages we have team members in. Pray for the church meeting in Cauwa where Noblesse lives, in Yei where Jacob lives, and in Kali where Dan and Joel live, to grow in what it means to be the body of Christ.
Praise God for Laarim men who have become followers of Jesus! Pray for Logwe, Marino, Kahlifa, Paulo, Dominik and others who have professed faith in Jesus, that they would persevere in their faith, grow as Christians, and be bold witnesses in their homes and communities. Pray for these men to proclaim righteousness in the great assembly and not to seal their lips. To not hide God’s righteousness in their hearts; to speak of God’s faithfulness and salvation. May they not conceal God’s love and His truth from the great assembly (Psalm 40:9-10).
Profess Jesus
Many Laarim continue to hear the Word of God but have not yet professed Jesus as Lord of their lives. Pray for Angelo, Paulo, Marino, Yaba, Naepi, Nakai, Kileng, Chief Angelo, Moyna, Mary, Chief Joseph, Locek, Daniel, Lokorai, Kayite, Lodukuo, Lokwar, Lolepi and Celestian to trust in Jesus for salvation and be transformed by the gospel.
Light and Truth
Pray for schools among the Laarim to be places of light and truth. Pray for Morris, a Laarim teacher and catechist at one of the schools, that his love and knowledge of the Lord would grow. Pray for Celestian, the head teacher at another school, that as he meets with Noblesse to study God’s Word, he will hear Wisdom’s call: “I love those who love me, and those who seek me find me” (Proverbs 8:17).
As more and more Laarim come to faith in Jesus, pray for truly transformed lives. Pray that this transformation would lead to peace between the Laarim and the Toposa who are stuck in the cycle of cattle raiding and revenge killing. Pray for youth aged boys, especially, to resist the pressure to follow their age mates, and to understand, “The path of the righteous is like the first gleam of dawn, shining ever brighter till the full light of day. But the way of the wicked is like deep darkness; they do not know what makes them stumble” (Proverbs 4:18-19).
Seek the Lord
Dan and Joel are using the Jesus Film in their community to engage with people and have conversations about the gospel. Pray that more and more Laarim will “seek the Lord while He may be found; call on Him while He is near. Let the wicked forsake his way and the evil man his thoughts” (Isaiah 55:6-7).
Laarim believer Angelo is enrolled in a clinical officer program at a university near Nairobi, but has faced the challenge of doing classes online during the covid pandemic. He is finding it lonely in Nairobi and misses his team and the Laarim community very much. Pray that Angelo would have endurance to complete his first year well, and to have wisdom as he considers his options for completing the program.
Sports and Gospel
Dan and Joel have started a soccer ministry on Sunday evenings in Kimatong, a 6km bike ride from their home in Kali. Pray that as they reach out to the young people through this fun time, there will be many opportunities to share spiritual truths that have eternal value.
Living water
Praise God for a working borehole in Kali, the community Dan and Joel live in among the Laarim. This was an opportunity to work together with Paulo, a Laarim man trained by NGOs to repair boreholes. Pray that Dan and Joel’s service to the community and love for the people would give them many opportunities to keep sharing about Jesus, the “spring of water welling up to eternal life” (John 4:14).
Good Soil
Pray for people of peace in the Laarim communities of Ngarahac and Lotopocho where Noblesse is seeking to spread the seeds of the gospel. Pray for men and women in these communities who “hear the word and understand it… [and] produce a crop, yielding a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown” (Matthew 13:23).
Taking more leadership
Praise God for how He is building His church among the Laarim! Kleava is a farmer who sought out the Word of God and is applying it to his life. Logemet and Lokorai, two teenagers that Noblesse is mentoring, are taking more leadership among the believers. Pray that God will build his church upon these “living stones” (1 Peter 2:5).
Medical training
Angelo, a young Laarim man, has been a faithful member of the team in Kimatong. He recently went for studies in a town near Nairobi, Kenya to become a clinical officer. Although he is already missed by the team and communities where he has been actively leading several groups in oral bible studies and discipleship, we trust that this is the plan of the Lord, and that God will sustain and multiply disciples where Angelo has been ministering. Angelo is eager to finish his studies so that he can return to the Laarim and continue to serve the Lord in his home community. Please pray for Angelo as he adjusts to life in Kenya. Pray the Lord will use him as a witness wherever he is.
Pray for Simon Lokualong, a Laarim man who has recently heard the whole message of the gospel. He shared that “he had not heard God’s Word before, but he was learning.” Pray that he will continue to be open to hearing and receiving the message of salvation through Jesus Christ.
We are continuing to use the Jesus Film to expose the Laarim in our village to the Gospel story. We are encouraged by how the people stay engaged with the two-hour long film, despite competition from the loud hum of the bugs! Pray for Chief Angelo and those on his compound who are meeting regularly for Bible study since showing the Jesus Film at his house several weeks ago. Pray especially for Lokwanang who is coming consistently and engaging well with the stories. Pray that he and others attending the Bible study will be drawn to come to Jesus and choose to follow Him.
Disciples making disciples
Pray for the young men Jacob has discipled, specifically Lokolong, and the others on the team and in the community whom he encourages in their ministries—former police chief Marino and the blind evangelist Logwe.
And please intercede for the renewal of faith and revival in the lives of Mary Marko and Mary Paulo, both of whom had been following the ways of God.
Spreading seeds
Noblesse, serving in the northern location of Chauwa, sent us a video of the believers’ gathering this past Sunday morning. Kleava, the farmer who sought out the Word of God and is applying it, along with a few men and numerous youth were present. Two teenagers (Logemet and Lokorai), whom he has been mentoring, are taking more leadership. Praise God for how He is building His Church!
Ask God for people of peace in the communities of Ngarahac (up in the mountain) and Lotopocho (the “wild west”), where Noblesse is seeking to spread seeds of the gospel.
Angelo is a valuable member of the Kimatong team. As a Laarim believer who was educated in Torit, he has both the language (English, Juba Arabic, Laarim), and the commitment to the Lord needed to be a witness for Jesus among the Laarim. He has been working at the local clinic and is planning to go for training as a clinical officer in order to better serve the community. This plan has been disrupted by the closure of schools, but in the meantime, he continues to preach the gospel and disciple new believers. Praise the Lord! Pray the Lord will pave the way for him to move forward in furthering his education, all for the glory of God.
Laarim disciples
Please pray for these key Laarim believers: Maria, a young girl who has taken some initiative in the past to lead Bible studies and worship for others; Lokolong, a young teenage boy who reads the Laarim bible well (there are so few who can do this among the Laarim!) – may he hunger and thirst for God’s Word; Marino, village chief, to “grow up in his salvation now that he has tasted that the Lord is good” (1 Peter 2:2); Logwe, blind, and yet he “sees!”
Christ-centered churches transforming every Laarim village!
Noblesse (our Congolese/Rwandan team member on the Laarim team) asks us to join him in prayer for “Christ-centered churches transforming every Laarim village.” Please join us in praying for three villages that Noblesse is focusing his ministry on:
• For Chauwa, that God will raise up among the young believers some who will be ready to take responsibilities of leadership as they grow in knowing and loving our Lord Jesus.
• For Lotopocho, pray that God will lead us to start a home church in this village. Pray for Robert Lomua Loyepi, a young believer from this village, that he will be able to see the need of starting to share the Gospel in this area.
• For Ngarahac, this is a place that I (Noblesse) don’t know anyone who is a Christian. Pray that the Lord will lead me to a home of peace; a home that the Holy Spirit is preparing to receive Jesus Christ.
Believers being discipled
Pray for Angelo and Noblesse as they begin using the newly developed discipleship material with some groups of believers. Pray for wisdom as they disciple oral learners to know and follow God’s Word. Pray for these Laarim Christians to “live a life worthy of the Lord and please Him in every way…growing in the knowledge of God, being strengthened with all power according to His glorious might” (Colossians 1:10-11).
Local leader being trained
Noblesse is doing well. He is using literacy training to spread the gospel. He has a DBS bible study group on Saturday and Sunday now. When Kaliva (Laarim believer) is in Chauwa, he is leading the DBS group on Sunday, with Noblesse coaching him. Praise God for raising up leaders from within the Laarim! Pray for their growth and spiritual protection.