On Tuesday evenings Jacob has a time in the Word and prayer together with a few of the believers from the area. It is a time where they read a passage in Laarim together and then talk about what it teaches them. Jacob often gives direction with the discussion, but loves how the others willingly participate and share their thoughts and questions that they then look to answer together. They also share their difficulties and pray for one another, along with other needs. Please pray for these Laarim youth to grow in zeal and knowledge!
Sorcery and death
With the Laarim, if a person dies from a cause other than old age, it is often believed that a sorcerer caused the death, and this is sometimes followed with people then identifying, accusing, and killing another person whom they believe caused the death through sorcery. This has been a problem for many years and the team would hear of the occasional lynching of a person which had followed the death an individual, but it was only occasional. This year, though, there has been an extraordinary number of lynching related deaths in these past months following deaths from sickness or killing by neighboring people groups. Please pray for an end to this wicked practice that only adds death upon death. Pray for wisdom and courage for the believers over what their role should be in addressing this. “The way of the wicked is like deep darkness; they do not know what makes them stumble” (Proverbs 4:19).
Meet together
There is just a handful of believers who meet regularly for church, so pray that all the believers would start gathering regularly and the church would be established. Pray for Laarim Christians to “rid [themselves of all malice and all deceit, hypocrisy, envy and slander of every kind. Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it [they] may grow up in [their] salvation, now that [they] have tasted that the Lord is good” (1 Peter 2:1-3). Pray for a church that is led by the Holy Spirit, founded on the Word of God, and a light that reaches into the darkest parts of the community.
Calling him
For several weeks Love has been going to a small village named Tiiringot, to share the Bible stories translated into Laarim in two compounds.
While there, she met a young man, Amos, who came and helped her share the Bible story in one of the compounds. It turns out that he knew the stories and had been discipled by previous team members some years back. Please pray that Amos would understand that the Lord is calling him. Pray that he would take this opportunity to grow in his walk with the Lord, and to share with his community the hope and new life he has in Christ.
Set apart
Please pray for David’s weekly visit with Kalifa as they spend time in God’s Word and in prayer. Pray that this is a mutually edifying time for both David and Kalifa. Kalifa’s wife, Naji, is not a believer, so please pray that Kalifa’s life as a Christian would encourage and inspire Naji to commit her life to Jesus as well. Pray that the Lord would also use the time Tessa spends with her as a time of discipling her into the Kingdom of Light. Pray that Kalifa, Naji, and their children would be a family that follows Jesus, choosing to be set apart as children of the Light.
Local clinic
Pray for Love’s involvement at the local clinic in Kimatong. She tries to go there weekly to pray with the staff and patients, and to be an encouragement. Pray that the staff will welcome her involvement, and that this will open doors of opportunities to share hope in Jesus with the patients. Please pray for this clinic – staffing has been cutback recently due to decreased funding from the sponsoring NGO. Pray that those who remain will be faithful and given strength to manage the workload.
Schools closed
It is disappointing and challenging for everyone in Kimatong that the schools in the village are not functioning. This means the children are either leaving for Kakuma refugee camp in order to go to school, or not receiving any education at all. Some of the children and youth the team have built relationships with have moved to Kakuma. Pray for them.
Learning to read
Jacob has been working with a young man, Longiri, to teach him to read in Laarim. Despite the fact that Longiri has not been able to attend school, he is doing well at learning the alphabet and Jacob is hopeful that some time in the not-too-distant future, Longiri will be able to read. Pray that Longiri will persevere, and even be an encouragement to his unschooled friends that they too could learn to read. Pray they will be motivated to learn by a desire to read God’s Word for themselves.
Cattle camp
Jacob asks prayer for Lokolong and Lokwar, two young men he has been discipling over the years. They have moved to the cattle camps for the dry season, and will remain there until the rains come in the next couple of months. Lokwar and Lokolong are in the same cattle camp, so pray that the Lord would lead them to spend time together in fellowship, prayer, and reaching out to others while they are there. Pray also that they will stand against temptation, and for their safety from cattle raids.
Strong believers
David and Tessa have been blessed by their times with Khalifa and Nateote, both strong believers who love Jesus! Pray for Nateote to grow in her understanding of the Word as Tessa does Discovery Bible Studies with her. And pray that as Nateote and Khalifa grow in their knowledge of the Word, they would “become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which [they] shine as stars in the universe as [they] hold out the Word of life” (Philippians 2:15-16), and for many more in Cauwa to become true followers of Jesus.
Pray for Regina, the third wife of Lukua. She has been a big help to Tessa in language learning because of their shared ability to speak Juba Arabic. Pray that as they spend time together, Regina would have a growing desire to follow the Lord. She has a knowledge of God but has yet to walk in the new life that is found in Him. Pray that the temptations of alcohol and tribal beliefs would not blind her to her need for a Savior, and she would be “redeemed from the empty way of life handed down to [her] from [her] forefathers” (1 Peter 1:18).
Pray for Lukua, who at one point made a confession of faith, to truly experience the newness of life in Christ.
Tessa gives thanks to God for the beginning of real friendships with several young ladies and women in the community. She has started to connect in particular with an older girl named Namalia who has been patient and willing to come alongside Tessa as she learns language and builds relationships among the Laarim. As she spends time with Namalia and the other young ladies on that compound, and shares the truth of God’s Word with these girls, pray they would desire to know Christ and the depth of His love, not just have fun socializing with a kawaja (foreigner).
Love and Tessa have been going out to Karamorok on Wednesdays to connect with young women who had previously been discipled by Angelo before he left for nursing training. The women are hungry for fellowship with other believers and for growth in their relationship with Jesus. Please pray for these relationships to grow over the next weeks and months as Love and Tessa eagerly work on learning language so they can communicate more truths from God’s Word with these ladies. And pray that “those who hunger and thirst for righteousness…will be filled!” (Matthew 5:6).
Pray for Lokolong, the young Laarim believer. He had a serious seizure back in May, and since then has continued to experience symptoms. With the help of a missionary doctor, they believe he has neural brucellosis – a disease common among cattle keeping people in South Sudan. IV treatment was started immediately and has since moved to oral antibiotics for another 9 weeks! We thank God for improvement and ask prayer that this young man will be completely healed. Pray that in all this, Lokolong’s faith will continue to deepen and that he will cling to the Lord. Pray he would understand that “a righteous man may have many troubles, but the Lord delivers him from them all” (Psalm 34:19).
Encourage one another
David and Tessa have decided to walk twice a week to the village of Chawa to spend time with Khalifah, encourage him in his walk with the Lord, and help him grow as a leader for the church in that community. Pray that as they do Bible study and training with Khalifah, they will all “be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith” (Romans 1:12). May the Lord build His church in Chawa through the faithful witness of this man!
Glory in His holy name
Rosa seems to have an interest in Bible study and attending church, however I am not sure she has trusted in Jesus as Savior yet. Please pray that as I spend time with Rosa, I will “make known… what God has done…tell of all His wonderful acts,” and that Rosa will “glory in His holy name; let the hearts of those who seek the Lord rejoice” (Psalm 105:1-3).
Influential women
Recently I did a home stay for 5 nights with Suzanna, the former witch doctor who has given her life to Christ. I was also invited by the head wife of chief Ramijio to do a Bible study on their compound. Pray that as I interact with these influential women in the community, they would be used by God to encourage other girls and women to “seek [God] and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from any one of us” (Acts 17:27).
Maria update
Maria, who had been injured in an attack some months ago, is back in Kimatong after taking a few months to heal and rest in Juba. (It was determined that she had suffered a concussion from the blow to her head and would not be able to rest properly unless she got away from her duties in the village.) Pray that the Lord’s care and provision for her throughout this ordeal will help to strengthen her faith and witness now that she is back in the village.
Love would abound
Please pray for Lokwar, Locom, and Nyao, three young men Jacob is meeting with in Kimatong. They have been showing an eagerness to learn more of God’s Word and have a desire to walk closer with him. Pray for these young men, that as they meet with Jacob for regular fellowship and prayer, the Lord will draw them closer to Himself, and that their love would abound more and more for Him and for one another.
Saturday Bible study
Saturday morning Bible study in the village of Kerengea: We usually start off with prayer and then go into a time of worship. One of the young boys will often use an empty jerry can as a drum as we sing one of the 33 worship songs in the Laarim language. This is followed by prayer – first a prayer thanking God for the many blessings He’s given us and then we move on to prayer requests. After this, Lolimo, a young teenage boy, reads a Bible story and verse. We then proceed to talk about the story and the lessons we can learn from it. Then we close in prayer and sing the song that marks the end of a church meeting.” Pray for this Bible study to continue, for leaders to rise up from within, and for a church to be firmly established in this village.
Put their trust in the Lord
For a few months now, Jacob has been going with Lolimo to do an oral discovery Bible study in the village of Karamarok. Lolimo attends the primary school with some of the boys from that village who are believers, and he wanted to invite his friends to meet together for Bible study. After their first visit with Jacob, they agreed to start meeting weekly at their home in Karamarok to continue doing DBS as Angelo had done in the past. Jacob is pleased with the participation from these boys and is praying that from among them leaders will emerge and be equipped to lead the Bible study themselves. Please join him in that prayer, and that many more people in Karamarok “will see and fear and put their trust in the Lord” (Psalm 40:3).
Cattle raiding
Cattle raiding has also been on the increase. Last month several tribes (including the Laarim) joined together to make raids on Toposa cattle. This has resulted in many deaths, possibly up to two hundred. Pray for an end to the cycle of revenge among these tribes! Pray that these cattle-keeping people would come to a knowledge of the Truth, and trust in Jesus for salvation, that they “may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness” (1 Timothy 2:2-4), for “godliness with contentment is great gain” (1 Timothy 4:6) – far greater than all the cattle in the world!
Needing healing
We prayed for Maria (from Kimatong) a couple of months ago after she had received injuries to her head when she tried to break up a fight. There seems to be lingering effects from the blow to her head, and she has been experiencing bad headaches and problems with her vision. The team was able to send her to Juba where she is staying with a Laarim family while she gets checked by a doctor. Please pray for wisdom and good, effective treatment, and a quick return to her home in Kimatong.
Former witch doctor
Suzanna is a former Laarim witch doctor who has become a follower of Jesus! Praise God for calling her “out of darkness into His wonderful light” (1 Peter 2:9)! Love and Lisa have been meeting at her compound every Saturday (at Suzanna’s request) for Bible study and prayer. Pray for Suzanna to grow in love and knowledge of God, and for the children and young women who gather on Saturdays to see the light of God shining through Suzanna’s transformed life.
On July 7th we prayed for Angelo caring for his ill brother Lobom. Lobom passed away a few days ago. Pray for Angelo and his family and our team as they grieve this loss.
Angelo has been working hard at his nursing program in Kenya, ever with the intent of returning to serve God among the Laarim. Recently his younger brother, Lobom, became terribly ill in South Sudan and was sent to a hospital in Kenya for evaluation and treatment. Angelo is now looking after his brother while busy with his studies. Please pray for these brothers: for healing for Lobom (physically and spiritually), and for strength for Angelo.
Please pray for Maria, a young Laarim woman who has been a committed Christian for several years. She was recently beaten quite severely on the head and hand when she attempted to break up a fight between two men. We thank God that she is healing. Pray that she would experience complete healing, and that she would continue to grow in faith, courage to do what is right, and the desire to share Jesus with others. Pray that with Love and Lisa on the team, Maria can experience encouragement and discipleship from other believing women.
Respond to the message
Pray for more Laarim to respond to the message that has been shared with them; pray that they will “declare with their mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in their heart that God raised him from the dead, and be saved” (Romans 10:9), and that those who trust in Him “will never be put to shame” (10:11).
Pray for Jacob’s disciple, Lokolong. This young man recently experienced a seizure and several episodes of double vision, which is especially concerning as his father died from an epileptic seizure some years ago. They were in Torit for a medical assessment, and after ruling out other diseases the consensus was to allow Lokolong to go back to the village and continue life as usual, but to take note of any further symptoms. Lokolong has testified that God has given him peace and that he is not worried. Pray for Jacob as he provides support to Lokolong, and for Lokolong to continue to grow in his trust in God’s care for him.
Jesus loves us. He will return someday.
While Jacob was away for nearly a month, he had Paulo stay on his compound. Paulo is the elder of the gathering of believers in Yei village. When Jacob sat down to talk with him, he begin singing a simple song he had composed while Jacob was away. The song in Laarim simply says, “Jesus loves us. He will return some day.” Paulo’s grandson told Jacob that his grandfather had come up with this song to encourage himself while he was staying at the compound alone. Pray for Paulo, that the Lord will continue to put a song in his heart and be the friend that is always near.
Partial healing
Lucia and her son, Marino, spent most of March in Juba getting treatment for a condition that has left Marino unable to speak for over a year. He needed surgery to remove growths from his larynx. We thank God that the surgery went well, however not all could be removed at once and Marino is still not speaking much above a whisper. We also thank God that the biopsy of the masses did not reveal any cancerous cells. The surgeon has told Lucia to return to Juba in May/June for further surgery. This has been a difficult journey for Lucia and her son, but she has not wavered in her belief that God has been her help and strength through it all – “Praise be to the Lord, to God our Savior, who daily bears our burdens!” (Psalm 68:19). Please pray that God would heal Marino completely, that his voice would be restored, and he would use his mouth to speak the praises of God.
Call on Jesus
Pray for Logwe, a Laarim believer who is facing much stress in his life. Pray that he would remain firmly trusting in the Lord and walking with Him. Pray that he would know “The Lord is near to all who call on Him, to all who call on Him in truth” (Psalm 145:18), and that he would call on Jesus for help in times of trouble.
Sharpen each other in faith
Lolimo is a young man in the village of Yei where Jacob lives. He is one of Jacob’s regular visitors. Even though Lolimo is only in second grade, he is able to read Laarim. This is truly good news for a mostly illiterate community! Pray this young man will read the Scriptures that have been translated into Laarim and share what he is learning with others. Jacob is encouraged by Lolimo’s growing faith and love for Jesus. Pray that he and his brother, Logwe, would sharpen each other in their faith.
Stepping out in faith
Pray for Kileng, Lowuyo, Kato, and Locii all stepping out in faith in one way or another to lead fellowships and serve their neighbors. At the end of December, Dan and Joel cooked a meal for these guys to celebrate finishing the 10-weeks of curriculum and to encourage them to continue growing and standing firm in the faith. Pray that even though the missionaries are gone, the Spirit who is with the Laarim believers will make them strong.
Please join us in praying for Cecelia and Angelo. Cecelia is the lovely young woman that we knew from Ikotos as a little girl, and who has been living with us for the last 5 years. She is truly like a daughter to us. Angelo is the young man who has been an integral part of the Laarim team. He has stated his desire to marry Cecelia, and she has returned the sentiment. We are thrilled! It is wonderful to see two strong Christians with a heart for ministry seeking a righteous path towards marriage. But in this context, it’s also really hard! There will be “negotiations” between the two families over the dowry, which to us can seem like insurmountable demands. Pray the Lord will make the way for these two to come together in marriage, setting an example for the church and believers.
Fara Sika
Fara Sika is a small village in the southern territory of the Laarim community. Jacinta has been a missionary there since 2005, together with James who joined her in 2007. They are both from Kenya. It is a joy to see how God is growing His church in Fara Sika after the many years that Jacinta and James have been investing in there. We thank God for these faithful servants! Pray for them, that they will continue to “live holy and godly lives as [they] look forward to the day of God and speed its coming” (2 Peter 3:11).
Pray for Khalifah who now has the responsibility of leading the small flock of God in Chauwa. Pray that the Holy Spirit will empower him in that responsibility. Noblesse hopes to continue encouraging Khalifha through periodic phone calls while he is in Rwanda. There are very few spots in Kimatong where the network picks up cell phone signals, so pray that these men will be able to coordinate these times to talk, and that it will be an encouragement to them both.
A change of heart
Lokwangan went to school outside the Laarim community up to grade eight. He speaks good English and is volunteering at a primary school in Napak. Lokwangan had been abusing alcohol a lot, like many other teachers at that school. After he and Noblesse spent time looking together in the Scriptures, Lokwangan’s desire has changed. He has stopped alcohol consumption and he is very interested in the Word of God. Noblesse and Lokwangan have been using the Bible in English, and a book by Navigators called “Knowing God” to study together. Pray that the truth of God’s Word will keep transforming him into a strong believer who will soon be ready to reach out to many others for Christ.
Pray for Lokolong, one of Jacob’s disciples. He has asked prayer for protection for himself and for others. Because of his age, this is the first year Lokolong has been given a gun and the responsibility to defend himself, others, and the cattle against potential enemies when they take the cattle out each day for grazing. He said this added responsibility has made him anxious. As cattle raiding (and subsequent shootings, death, and retaliation) are endemic in these cattle-keeping communities, pray for Lokolong’s safety, but also pray that as a Christian, he would “set an example by doing what is good” (Titus 2:7).