Pray for creative ways to include our Muslim neighbors in our Christmas celebrations. Pray for opportunities and boldness to speak of good news of great joy for all people.
Pray for Matthew*, a man we’ve shared the gospel with many times. He recently said God gave him a dream about one of the men on our team 20 years ago. Pray God would give him another dream telling him our message is true!
Language partner
Pray for my language partner Maha’, with whom God has blessed us with great gospel conversations, for him to place his faith in Jesus.
Searching for God
Pray that God would bring people to us who are searching for Him. That God would show us what’s really in the hearts of men and women here (their true desires, what drives them). For God to do signs and wonders amongst the K.
Discipleship in church- pray that God would grow a hunger for growth in the hearts of believers here.
Do a mighty work Lord!
• Pray for the Jesus film to penetrate hard hearts.
• Pray for continued discipleship in the church with two young men.
• Pray for the Holy Spirit to do a mighty work amongst the Kanembu people.
Dreams and visions
Pray for dreams and visions of Jesus for the people. Pray for God to show our team what’s really in the hearts of the people so they can effectively share with them.
Good news
Praise God for English classes starting off well. We have a level 1 and level 3 class with nearly 50 students total. This has been a good avenue for relationships, and we have had many opportunities to share the good news outside of class. Pray for open hearts to receive this news!
Cry out to Jesus
Pray as we walk with our house helper who has been beaten severely by her husband several times recently, that she will cry out to Jesus for healing.
Pray for the community to see the unity of the spirit on our team and ask questions.
Pray for Muslims to know the truth that sets them free from the spiritual bondage of Islam. These people are spiritually blind- from the time that they are young they are indoctrinated in the ways of Islam and taught many lies about Christianity. Pray for them to know the Truth – the truth of who Jesus really is and what he accomplished for them on the cross. Pray that they encounter Christ and that they would see the lies of Islam.
Blindly following
Pray specifically for the women here. Many of them know nothing of their religion. When I ask basic questions, they tell me to ask their sons who go to qaranic school because they don’t know. Many just blindly follow because that is what they are supposed to do. Pray for hearts to be curious and want to know about a God who came for them and wants to know them.
Christmas opportunities
Praise that the Jesus film was just completed in the local language! Pray we can get a copy soon and that we have opportunities to share the good news with neighbors and friends via the film. Pray for opportunities to share truths as Christmas is approaching.
Spiritual rain
The rains have been good this season. Everyone is very happy with the growth of crops and anticipating a bountiful harvest. Pray that the Lord would send spiritual rain to this spiritually dry place bringing a plentiful harvest.
John 17:20
“My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message.”
When moving day to M-town finally came for the new team leaders, they came to an isolated part of the road. B says they were struck with loneliness, as they drove farther than they’d ever been, alone on that road, and contemplated the work they were going to start. But before that moment had passed, the Lord helped B realize that the road he was driving on had been “paved” with the prayers of many people and they were not alone! Even Jesus has prayed for the K people who will believe in Him, as B and C go in His name and with His message.
Influential people
The Kanembu people are known in Chad as business-people, with influence and power. Please ask that the team there will meet the “Lydias” and “Priscas and Aquillas,” – influential people who will accept the message of Jesus and open their homes to the church. Each team member (soon to be 5 adults) would like to make 2 -3 friends in M-town, with whom they can share the message of Jesus.
Have Mercy
Pray for the Spirit to move among the people. We know apart from His work we will see nothing significant happen here. Pray for God to have mercy on the Kanembu people and visit them even though they have rejected him.
English classes
Pray for the English classes that we’ve just started. Pray for contacts through this class, for students who want to go deeper. Pray the community sees Jesus through the way we serve.
JF for Kanembu
The Jesus film is currently being translated into the language of the Kanembu. Please pray for the process of this translation. Ask that the voice actors and others involved in the project would be protected as they work, that they would remain faithful to do their tasks, that equipment and communication would work well and efficiently and that the translation would be true to the Word. May Jesus’ words and life come alive for the Kanembu people as they watch this film.
Gospel coming
The Team Leaders for the new team to the Kanembu people will be moving to their new town soon. May the Lord soften hearts of their Kanembu neighbors and others they will meet. May the, “…gospel [come to the Kanembu], not only with words, but with power, and in the Holy Spirit and with full conviction.” (1 Thessalonians 1:5)
Jesus Film
The Jesus Film is being recorded into the Kanembu language this month. Pray for good recording process. And pray many would watch the film with open minds and hearts.
New team
God has answered our prayers and has called people to go to the Kanembu! The team leaders are travelling soon to the location to secure housing for team members. Pray for God’s guidance to houses whose neighbors have open hearts. May God prepare many people to hear and respond to the Gospel.
Good soil
A team is preparing to go live amongst the Kanembu next year! Ask the Lord to go before them and prepare many hearts to hear and respond to the message they will bring.
Pray for Light
We are searching for team leaders to lead a team to bring the Light of the Gospel to the Kanembu. Pray the Lord of the Harvest to send laborers into this harvest field. The Kanembu are asking us to come. Who will go?
Pray Lord of the Harvest
Ask the Lord of the Harvest to send laborers into His harvest field among the Kanembu. They have been waiting a long time to hear the gospel and see it lived out among them. Please pray for team leaders and members.
Finding new believers!
About a month ago I heard about a small group of Kanembu believers gathering here in the capital. Previously we had been told there were only around five believers amongst the whole UPG (750,000). We are encouraged to hear about this other small group (about five) that have come to faith through the testimonies of other Chadian believers.
Translating film
Pray for those who are currently involved in translating the Jesus Film into Kanembou – a project that has seen several false starts over the years but now seems to have some real momentum.