Walk together

Pray for the local body of believers to identify with an existing local church that they can walk together with and build a good relationship.

Marriage problems

Pray for some local believers who are having difficult marriage problems. Pray the Lord would speak to them and give them grace to love.

Week of prayer and fasting follow-up

After our week of prayer and fasting, the tough situations are the same for now and darkness around seems even bigger ! Our enemy doesn’t like to see us on our knees so he tries to discourage us. But the Lord reminded me that my part is to be faithful.
Please continue to pray for perseverance, wisdom, discernment, patience and boldness.

Church planting

Pray for us as we prepare to have some conversations with the organization here, some local church leaders, and our team about church planting. Pray for a fruitful conversations and unity of vision.

Continue to pray for God’s kingdom to come. We are praying and fasting this week for a breakthrough and for wisdom and discernment for us to know God’s will and plan.

Prayer points

We have dedicated this week for prayer and fasting. Please pray for the following prayer points:
1) That God will deliver those who are attacked by spiritual forces of darkness and being threatened to abandon their faith.
2) That the body of Christ will be united to share the good news to the many unreached families across the areas.
3) That there will be fruitful conversations between different parties here on how to reach out to the lost.
4) That the local perception of “help” won’t hinder the spread of good news.
5) That God will prepare those we are specifically mentoring and training for the future of this ministry.
6) That those who want to meet the redeemer in DG community won’t be scared and threatened by the forces of darkness and the local religion.

Prayer and fasting

Our local Fulani church has decided to take this coming week to pray and fast. We invite you to join us. We believe when we unite in prayer and fasting, we will see the darkness recede and the power of God transform lives, heal broken relationships, and restore the broken hearted. We also want to listen to the Lord because we need wisdom and discernment to know how to advance. Please pray with us.


We just visited one of our disciples studying in Bible school. We had dedicated a lot of our time as a team in mentioning this couple.The wife was the first one to believe and prayed a lot for the salvation of her husband. After the husband believed they started to serve God but the extended family of the wife were not happy and eventually persuaded her to abandon her faith. She left her husband in Bible training with their four children. Pray for the husband as he continues his training and cares for his children. Pray that God will provide for him and give him wisdom. That even through these difficult circumstances he will be obedient to the Lord.

Partnering with local churches

Pray for our plan to have some conversations with local church leaders on missions awareness and partnering with us in ministry.

Visiting and envisioning

We’re looking forward to visiting with some of the local believers we have discipled who are in different biblical training schools. We intend to prepare them to think about helping the local church here and some adjacent areas once they finish. Ask the Lord to call them to this work.

Critical time

One of the believers I have mentored recently went to a Bible training with his wife. But after just a few days the wife left him. They have had some challenges in their marriage for the last two years. The husband still wants to continue with his studies despite the fact that his wife left him. Pray that God will reveal himself to this man and his wife at this critical time.

God is the solution

Pray that locals will see God, and not missionaries, as the solution to their physical and financial needs.
Pray God will provide us with new people to engage with during this farming season. Pray for opportunities to teach about good farming practices and the Good News.


As we seek to partner with local churches, pray that they will understand missions better and desire to be involved in it. Ask God to give us the right people in the churches to engage with. We need more people on our team to help with the ministry.

Calls for genocide

Please pray for the protection and safety of the Fulani of Burkina Faso. This week there were hatred-filled audios shared on social media platforms calling for the genocide of the Fulani. We thank God that the Gendarmerie (special military wing) were already able to arrest a Muslim cleric, the main author of such audios against Fulani.
Please pray for the hatred-filled audios to stop, please pray for peace, security and safety of all people groups in Burkina Faso particularly the Fulani as they are currently put in the spotlight by these audios calling for their genocide.
Please pray for God’s kingdom to manifest powerfully in our country that faces many challenges. Thank you for your prayers.


Ask the Lord to soften hard hearts amongst the Fulani people. Pray they will seek peace with God and find the Prince of Peace.

Local believers

Pray for local brothers and sisters who have a burden to share the good news with their families. Pray for wisdom and boldness to share the good things God has done for them.

Stand firm

Pray for the few Fulani believers to be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might, and to put on the whole armor of God, that they might be able to stand against the wiles of the Devil.


Lift up ‘Nathaniel’ who I’ve not seen for some time. Pray he sees the benefit of fellowship with the body. May our Father reveal the hidden things to him.
“Heaven is full of answers to prayer for which no one ever bothered to ask!” b.graham

Come together

Pray for our ongoing discussions regarding working together with a local Fulani Body. May His hand lead us to them, or they come to us. May there be fruit from our discussions.

“Prayer lays hold of God’s plan and becomes the link between His will and its accomplishment on earth. Amazing things happen, and we are given the privilege of being the channels of the Holy Spirit’s prayer .” – E. Elliot

Learning to read

Praise God for a group of Fulani MBBs as they gather this week to learn to read and write. Praise God for this opportunity and ask that they can use these new skills in order to deepen their faith as well reach out to others.


Fulani men are caught in fear of their relatives and the religious teachers. Recently one of them, who had started to join the believers and wanted to hear more about JC, turned back because the other men were laughing at him saying he is following his wife and so she is the head of the household. He felt shamed and after weeks of pressure went back to his previous religion.
It’s really hard for the men to follow, even if many recognize JC is the Way.
Please ask for a breakthrough and whole families to come to the Lord.

Fulani church

Thank God for the ones who follow Him. Pray they will abide in Him and learn to trust that He is able and powerful to draw other people to Himself despite the hardship. He is building His Church and the gates of Hell will not prevail against it.

Brother A

Lift up our brother A and his family as they share the Good News and teach the believers. They are living in an area where a terrorist group is killing more and more people and many people have had to flee.
Ask for protection around our brothers and sisters, and peace in their hearts because they live in fear due to the unrest.

Needing a breakthrough

Please ask for specific revelations for the men from our two communities who are caught in fear, even though some of them recognize He is the Way. May they be delivered from fear!
I have a special burden for the religious leaders in our communities and the surrounding ones. Please pray for a breakthrough and that Father will open their eyes.
The end of May should be the beginning of the rainy season, please ask the Creator to give enough water and a good harvest.


Praise the Lord for His faithfulness and for the Fulani brothers and sisters who are growing in their faith and standing firm. Ask that they will continue to grow in their knowledge of JC and walk in obedience. Ask for wisdom for them and courage to share their faith during this month of fasting.
Pray for 5 new followers to come to Christ in a neighboring community where there is only one sister, who is alone to follow.

Woman believes

A lady was drawn to Jesus by the changed character of her brother who is a believer.
When she decided to follow Jesus, her husband threatened to divorce her and chase her off.
Though the family no longer wanted her, she continued to believe, and remained devoted to Jesus regardless of the challenges she faced.
Because of her love for prayer, one day the husband asked her to pray for him.
He then allowed believers to come fellowship in his home, welcoming us very warmly.
He also attended our fellowship meeting.

Pray this woman will remain strong in her faith, and her husband will come to follow Jesus.


Recently we baptized some new believers. One is a young boy who read Bible stories and received discipling among us. When we gave him a bible to read at home, his mother warned him against reading it. But he continued reading.
She found it and took it away, which deeply saddened him, but he discovered where it was hidden. Instead of reading it at home, he took it back to the one who had given it to him. Thereafter, every morning he would climb a tree and wait for his mentor to wake and read it to him, and pray together.
His life began to be transformed, so we sought the permission of his parents to baptize him. Wonderfully, they agreed, having seen also that the boy’s character and behavior had changed.
The parents not only allowed for baptism, but let us share the Good news with their eldest son.
Pray for these baptized believers to grow firm in their new faith, and to become powerful witnesses among their people.

Baptism today!

Please pray for protection and blessings for 8 new baptisms today among the Fulani in Niger. Heavy spiritual challenges around this testimony!

Strength to overcome

Pray for the Fulani believers:
May they grow strong and be good ambassadors to their own people.
May God give them strength to overcome rejection within their own family unit.
Recently a woman believed, and decided to join our fellowship. The following day she was told to reject her new faith or else suffer a divorce. Ask God to help her overcome this challenge. Ask God to open her family members’ eyes to Truth.


Pray for the partnering process with local churches:
We need wisdom on how to best partner with the local churches.
We desire to love well the different local church workers we invite to partner with us.
May those invited to participate with us, learn together with us – in order to reach out to their own people.

Farming project

Pray for the ongoing farming project:
Strength for trainers doing farming with believers in the bush.
Wisdom and capacity for the farmers in planning their farms, on their own, in the coming years.
The believers to learn to love and help one another.

Lost lamb

Pray for a young man who seems open to the Truth. He is disillusioned with his religion. He has come several times to discuss Bible stories. Pray the Good Shepherd will bring him into the Fold.

More deadly than Covid19

Pray for God’s mercy on the Fulani during the Covid pandemic. Pray they will follow health directives from the government and not believe superstitions. Pray we can have many conversations about ‘the most deadly disease known to man’ that no one but God can cure. It started in the Garden of Eden and we’re all infected. Pray many would joyfully accept God’s treatment!

May the good news spread

Pray for Fulani believers to be faithful and bold in sharing their faith with their neighbors. Pray some will desire to spread the gospel to new areas. Ask the Lord to build His church among all Fulani peoples!

Sharing great joy!

Ask that the Child given to mankind will be proclaimed!
Ask for his name to be called out and heard:
Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,
Eternal Father, Prince of Peace.
Ask for his kingdom to be established, and
for justice and righteousness to be performed. (Isa 9)

May God go before

Pray that the power of God will change the hearts of people who are hard like a stone.
Pray for strength as we visit different homes. Pray that God will prepare the hearts of people before we meet with them.
Pray God’s direction for the best location for 3 new workers who also want to reach the Fulani.

New disciples

Pray for the family and 3 children we are now hosting. They are new believers and we are discipling and mentoring them. Pray they will grow to the full knowledge of God.
Pray also for S to be bold and not fear. He has come close to entering the Kingdom and we are sharing with him.

needing repentance

Pray for A, who claimed to be a believer but now we see only by mouth and not in heart.
He desires to cause fear among the believers, saying he will oppose anything to do with salvation. He discourages those who desire to follow in belief… claiming he will kill any new converts.
Pray against evil thoughts in his heart.
Pray that he will know that threat and intimidation is not the way of Jesus and will repent.

Needing a change of heart

Lift up Kad that God will change her heart and that she will hate lying and be free from the fear of spirits. Ask that she will love her father’s wife. Lift up her father who is sick and also losing his mind. May God work in his heart to help him understand what he is listening to.

Holy Spirit work

Please pray that the Holy Spirit would work in all the hearts of those we are spending time with and sharing the Good News with, and that the Father would grant them faith in Jesus. Lift us up (the team) as we disciple believers- that they will be true disciples of Jesus.

Pray for Kw

Please lift up D and Ab and Ar as they talk with Kw. Ask for light to shine in her heart, true repentance, truth and work of the Holy Spirit.  She took a megavoice recorder and asked what we had read in the morning.  We listened to the passage together and shared with her about what we had shared in our morning meeting. Despite many different things, she said she enjoyed it. I think she will continue to come and it is good to continue visiting and encouraging her.