Monthly meeting

Pray for our monthly meetings that will begin the first week of February. Pray for the spirit of God to take control in the meetings and that the body of Christ will he equipped for the ministry.

Week of prayer and fasting

Pray that the Spirit of God will guide the body as they take one week of prayer and fasting. We pray that broken marriages within the body of Christ will be restored and the parties involved will understand the true meaning of Biblical Marriage. Recently one of the daughters of a follower who we also knew was a follower was married to a ‘cousin’. Pray for this family, that they will understand the true meaning of love, forgiveness and identity in Christ.


I plan to mediate between two couples whose marriages are in trouble. I’m grateful that each party on both sides have shown an interest in mediation and finding the solution to the challenges affecting their marriages. Pray that each party will allow the spirit of God to convict them even before the discussion so it goes well and their marriages are healed.

Jesus Film

A group of Fulani brothers recently came to our village to broadcast the Jesus Film. Thank the Lord for all the people who were able to see the film and listen to Brother M share the good news. Pray for the impact in their lives, that God makes what has been sown grow. Also grateful that there was no technical incident.

Kidnapped family members released!

Praise the Lord. We received the good news that the six family members of the Fulani chief who were kidnapped and detained were released after some successful negotiation and agreement by the kidnappers. Glory to God that the chief has united with his family again. Thank for all your prayers.

Lord have mercy

This year the rains were abnormally abundant in the Sahel, especially in August and September, which has extended the malaria season.  With the cold setting in, and the dust increasing, colds and other respiratory ailments affect many people. Due to this year’s famine, many people are malnourished and anemic. When malaria arrives, the consequences are serious. Many people cannot afford medication. Animist beliefs and traditions, as well as the fact that health spending is not a priority, are major obstacles, often with disastrous consequences. During the month of October, the community health worker and I made many trips to the clinics and the hospital in town, to help sick people receive care. All had to be transfused with blood. We also lost a child just as we entered the hospital courtyard. At home too, people come one after the other to look for medicine. Lord, have mercy.

Saving power

I received information from our area chief that a Fulani chief was bitten badly. Our area chief went to see him in the hospital where he was receiving medication three day ago. His son was gunned down and is in hospital too.The chief’s family were also kidnapped and we they don’t know where they are. This happened near the border of Niger and Nigeria not very far from where we live. Pray that these kidnapping activities very common in this area will stop. Pray that God will redeem the hearts of these people with evil thoughts. Pray for the healing of this chief and his son. Pray that the chief’s family will be safe and be released. Pray that the saving power of God will enter the heart of this chief and his entire family.

Medical work

The day before yesterday, I went with a sister to visit a young woman from the village who is suffering a lot because of evil spirits. We prayed for her. I invited her to come on Sunday so that the Christians could pray for her. I want to visit her regularly, with a sister, to share the good news with her. Indeed, if she does not accept Jesus Christ she will never be free. Her dad and her husband are both muslim leaders! The spiritual battle is great but God knows the sheep He wants to bring into the Fold. And, perhaps he will use this situation to touch the hearts of these two men, that is my prayer. Thank you for partnering with us.


Pray against Islamic strongholds amongst the 40 million Fulani people living across the Sahel of Africa. Pray the Lord would bind the strong man and plunder the house of Islam (Mark 3:27).


Please pray for a young Christian woman who has been separated from her (Christian) husband for almost 2 years. She is currently studying at a Christian-run sewing school. The head of the school called me yesterday to say that she had a long and intense conversation with the young woman last Saturday because she refuses to return to her husband even though he wants her to return. The director gave the young woman an ultimatum telling her to go pray and pour out her heart before God (her discontent, her pain) and to pray for her husband. She clearly told her that they, as the head of the school, do not support her in her decision and are very disappointed because they welcomed her as their own daughter. The young woman must give her answer today. Please pray for a miracle and that she chooses to trust God who can transform their relationship.

New believer

New believer: A young Fulani man recently turned to Jesus Christ. His brother shared a lot with him and then two other men from the Fellowship followed up. Ask the Father to protect him, strengthen his faith and draw his wife to Jesus.


This year has been a really tough one. Many people were out of grain for many months and managed, with a lot of difficulties, to feed their families. Many slept hungry and children cried out of hunger. Thankfully this rainy season was good and the new crops is almost ripe. Please ask the Creator to protect the crops until the harvest is finished.

Church decisions

Please continue to pray for the church among which our team works. The church has certain important steps and decisions before it which are:
•⁠⁠ the acquisition of land,
•⁠ ⁠joining one of the denominations present in the country
•⁠ ⁠put in place one or more leaders of the church, preferably from within them.
Please also pray for a Fulani brother who will help the church in some of these discussions and decisions. May God give him wisdom and endurance.

Bold in the face of danger

A. teaches in an English center in the Sahel. She has lots of opportunities to spend time with students, friends, and neighbors. Let’s pray that conversations become opportunities to share The Word. Let’s also thank the Lord for the 2 new believers whom she has the opportunity to meet with  to discuss, read and pray. Pray that the Lord will help them to continue to be bold, in the face of real dangers!


Pray that heads of families, clans, and villages will be open to the changes brought by the Gospel. Pray for key men to open doors to the gospel. Pray that God will raise up leaders in His church!


Nine Fulani believers and I attended a Fulani conference recently. We were encouraged to be strong and grow in faith despite persecutions. Pray for the local church to grow in love, unity, and forgiveness.

Chief ill

Our village chief is very ill. He recently had to have his leg amputated. I have taken him to the hospital several times for treatment. He is getting weaker and weaker. Pray for his physical and spiritual healing.


Pray for the brothers and sisters of the Sahel who are undergoing trials, persecution, and suffering for their faith. Pray for faith, trust, holiness and purity to be manifested in them through the testing of fire.

Dreams and Revelations

As the month of fasting has ended, pray for those who received revelations and dreams, that they may seek to understand them and come to know who the true God is. May He continue to manifest Himself to them in His great goodness.


Pray for four Fulani followers who face different challenges especially in regard to their faith. I have started a cross cultural training with them. Our first meeting was held at the Fulani conference in the South for 4 days. We plan to meet each month and intentionally call them each week to see how they are doing with the training. Pray for this cross cultural ministry training program that is aimed at preparing them for the cross cultural church ministry task ahead.

Standing firm

The situation of one of the sisters here is difficult, she suffers violence from her husband and pressure from the family who hope that she renounces her faith. She continues to stand firm, refuses to renounce her faith and testifies in exchange for persecution. Pray for this sister, that she will be carried by God, that the hearts of her husband and her family will be touched and that their attitude will change. Let’s also pray for the small assembly of brothers and sisters, that it grows and becomes independent.

Price is high

A brother from the small community of Jesus’ disciples is having doubts. He feels it is not safe to continue in the faith. The pressures are very difficult for a follower of Jesus because all of life and traditions here are anchored in the fear of ancestors and Islam, thus, wanting to honor the God of the Bible, young believers are constantly confronted with choices, rejection, family and community isolation. Let’s pray for this brother, his family, and all those who would like to follow Jesus but are discouraged because the price to pay is very high!

Pray for RAIN

The Sahel is dry in every way, physically and spiritually! Let’s pray that it RAIN on this earth and in the hearts of these people, and that this rain brings LIFE! Let’s pray that the power and glory of God will be manifested in this place!


Thank you for praying for reconciliation. The two Fulani brothers have forgiven each other! Together they organized a Christmas celebration for the entire community- a powerful testimony to their reconciliation. People from the village came and were able to hear the Christmas message. I spent some special time with the children and also told them the story of Christmas with illustrations. Let’s pray that these seeds of the Good News fall into hearts ready to welcome it.

Still needing reconciliation

Pray that the main challenge that is dividing the two old men in our ministry location will be solved and that the body of Christ will unite and worship the Lord together.


Following their conversion, many people in this West African country are ostracized, making it difficult for them to find work and feed their families. Pray that God will care for them and that they will have the faith to trust Him in difficult times.

Pray for peace

My host country is currently going through a political crisis. Please pray for peace. Pray for wisdom to know when to return. Pray for the Kingdom to advance.

Enemy seeks to divide

The Fulani brothers and sisters in the village are going through a difficult phase. The rivalry between two men of the Assembly is slowing down its spiritual growth. Pray for a spirit of repentance, reconciliation, love, and unity of this young flock that the enemy seeks to divide.

Pray for peace

I would like to ask prayers for peace in WA2 and that the local population will be able to meet their needs. Pray also that the WA2 Body will be strengthened and unified, that they will not be scared but will share the Good News. Pray for the Fulani men that the Lord will deliver them from fears and many will turn to Jesus Christ.

Movement across West Africa

The Fulani are the largest nomadic people groups in the world. God has opened their hearts for His word. These people groups are dearly in our hearts and we love them. The South Sudan mission trip made me think of the possibility of a movement of the Fulani people group to Christ across West Africa by doing short term mission outreach trips across West Africa and preparing more Fulani believers for church leadership roles and making disciples who will make disciples in those short trips.
Keep praying for the Fulani scattered across West Africa and the world.

Trip report

Praise God for a wonderful trip to visit the Falata (a Fulani tribe) people in South Sudan. Praise Him for many opportunities to share the Good News. Pray for gospel seeds to bear fruit.
Ask the Father to send workers to live among the Falata as nomadic pastoralists.
Ask the Father to establish His church among the Falata.

Threatened with divorce

I have just received a call from the village to tell me that the young woman who has recently turned to Jesus and who publicly displays her faith has been threatened with divorce. Yesterday her mother-in-law gave the paper asking her son to divorce his wife. The young woman’s husband does not want a divorce and agrees that his wife should follow Jesus. But the believer’s mother-in-law and brother-in-law are very opposed to Jesus. Recently they took the MP3 player which I gave to the young woman so that she could listen to the Word of God. Yesterday the village assembly was gathered for a time of prayer and the chief (who is a Christian) when he received the paper to sign the divorce, simply tore up the paper!


Please continue to pray for a Christian couple who have been separated for over 5 months. Pray for grace to forgive each other.

Impressive and encouraging

My colleague J, and two Fulani brothers from here, are still in East Africa sharing the gospel with other Fulani. The news we receive is impressive and encouraging. For the past two days they have been in a village where community had been waiting for them since morning because they heard that Fulani people from West Africa were coming to visit them. It’s interesting to hear that these Fulani have a similar culture to those here and share the same dialect! It is the first time in their lives that they are hearing the gospel. This evening the village chief and some religious leaders came to see them to hear more. Let’s continue to pray that the wind of the Spirit will blow mightily over this place.

Healing hand

A Fulani woman has seen the healing hand of God in her body and has been coming for over a month to listen to the stories of the Word. Pray for her so she doesn’t get discouraged in the face of people’s critical comments.

Sharing the good news

My colleague J is currently traveling with two Fulani brothers. They are invited to share the good news with Fulani living in the bush of the South Sudan! Pray the Lord would anoint their ministry and they would see much fruit.

Now a child of God

Praise God for H, a woman who lives in a village south of mine. She is the sister-in-law of one of the Lord’s disciples. She has been attending a Bible study for about 4 years. For a very long time we had the impression that H didn’t really understand what she was hearing. We were sometimes discouraged by the slow progress. Often she simply repeated words she heard from the MP3 player but did not seem to understand the meaning. Then, little by little, the Holy Spirit worked in her life and opened up her understanding. We can truly attest now that she is a child of God. Her faith grows stronger week by week and she stands firm in the face of the remarks and mockery she hears from neighbors. She now asks deep questions related to her faith. We praise God for His work. She would like to be baptized soon.

Praise for T

Praise God for T, a young woman from my community, who chose to respond to Jesus’ call to follow Him. She sees the Holy Spirit at work in her life in that she no longer gets angry with her mother-in-law when she makes a remark to her! She has already come to worship twice but for the moment she will first be taught by the women of the Christian family, in order to be ready to face all the remarks that await her when it will be obvious to all that she is part of the Christians.

May salvation come

It’s been two weeks since the start of Ramadan. In my community, most of the men and a lot of the women are fasting. Please pray the Lord Jesus reveals Himself to them in dreams, visions, and whatever other way He chooses. Pray for B, a son of the chief who has been trained as an imam. Pray that in his sincere search for forgiveness and God’s approval, he will find the True and only Way. Pray for the chief’s other children and wives that salvation would come to this family and many others as well.

Marriages needing help

We are on a week of prayer and fasting. You can join us by praying for some key people in the church whose marriages are being tested.
In addition, the last two weeks the believers shared their vision with us. Pray that God’s will will be fulfilled in those visions.