The Didinga New Testament with the Old Testament books of Genesis, Exodus 1-24, Ruth and Jonah was dedicated in March of 2018. There are audio files for these books and the Jesus film. Pray for this people group to read and learn from God’s Word and be taught. May they see in the lives of true Christians the great light of God’s plan for how to live their lives and know his love.
Bible stories
Pray for the pastors being trained in Bible storying. There are now 16 listening group leaders and 22 Bible stories in the Didinga language. The 16 trained pastors want to train 2 more pastors. Pray these Bible stories will reach into the hearts of the Didinga and they will believe them.
Please pray for Wanda, a young Didinga woman who is enthusiastic for the work of the Lord. Wanda has a heart for missions, and after she finishes her medical schooling, she plans to be a medical missionary wherever the Lord may lead her. Praise God for this young woman who has taken to heart Jesus’ words to his followers: that “those of you who do not give up everything you have cannot be my disciples” (Luke 14:33).
Bible study training
The Lord says, “My name will be great among the nations, from where the sun rises to where it sets” (Malachi 1:11). Please pray for the students of the Kingdom builders school to go out from their training and make known the great name of Jesus among the peoples of this nation. Pray for the Lord to bring new students, possibly men and women like Lukolong in Nagishot who need more training in Bible study and sharing methods. Pray God will give Steve, Gina, and the leadership team wisdom to know how to offer this training to those who do not live in Torit.
Equip and strengthen
“Look, there on the mountains, the feet of one who brings good news, who proclaims peace” (Nahum 1:15). Jordan was very encouraged by his time with Lukolong in Nagishot. He was able to join in the Sunday morning service that includes Lukolong’s wife, one elderly man from the community, and many children and youth (overflowing the small church building!). While Lukolong would love to pursue finishing his primary education (equivalent to grade 8), he feels compelled to remain in Nagishot and continue to lead this young church. Pray that he will be equipped and strengthened to do so.
Do not fear, I am with you
Last month Jordan traveled to Chukudum and Nagishot with Eunice of the Evangelical Free Church and Bishop Lagos of the AIC Church. One of the purposes of the trip was for the bishop to spend time with the local church in Chukudum and its pastor, Jacob Lodio. This was an encouraging time for all! Jacob has been discipling a number of youths who are now leading services at prayer centers in Didinga villages outside of Chukudum. As the believers continue to reach out with the gospel despite challenges and opposition, pray for them: “’Be strong, all you people of the land…and work. For I am with you,’ declares the Lord Almighty…’And my Spirit remains among you. Do not fear’” (Haggai 2:4).
Seek the Lord
Pray for the Didinga people, that as local believers share God’s Word with them, they will “seek the Lord while He may be found; call on Him while He is near…the wicked will forsake their ways and the unrighteous their thoughts… [they will] turn to the Lord, and He will have mercy on them…He will freely pardon” (Isaiah 55:6-7).
Faith’s light
Faith is a young Didinga woman who has been discipled by Jacinta in Fara Sika. Recently she came back from school and went immediately to the village to spend school holidays with Jacinta. Faith is a committed believer with a heart for her people. Pray that Faith would be a light among her people, declaring God’s salvation for all who will believe; that she will “say to the captives, ‘Come out,’ and to those in darkness, ‘Be free!’” (Isaiah 49:9).
Bible story sets
Steve and Gina were encouraged by the enthusiastic response from the participants at the Bible Storying Workshop last month. We thank God for the five different language groups that were represented (Juba Arabic, Latuko, Tennet, Pari and Didinga), and the groups of 3-4 men and women who worked faithfully all week long to practice putting Bible stories into their heart language. Pray for these men and women who expressed a strong desire to see stories from God’s Word put into the language of their people, to commit themselves to meeting together to create a story set that speaks to needs of their people. Pray that the stories they craft will be shared with the thousands of people from these tribes who have no other access to God’s Word.
Medical students
Troy and Crystal have been encouraged by the Bible study group that meets once a week at the medical school. Pray that Troy and Crystal would be able to connect with the Didinga believers who are studying at the school, and that they would join the Bible study that focuses on God’s heart to reach the nations. Pray that God would raise up Didinga believers, trained in medical work, who have a heart to go to their own people to meet the physical and spiritual needs of the lost.
Be faithful
Pray for the church in Chukudum to be faithful in going up the mountain on Sundays for prayers. Pray that even in the absence of missionaries and local pastors, the believers in Nagishot would “continue to work out [their] salvation with fear and trembling” (Philippians 2:12), and that God would work in them “to act according to His good purpose” (2:13).
Flora and Abuba
Pray that Flora, Fiona’s translator, would choose to follow Jesus. She has heard and translated the gospel message – pray that she would believe it. Ask God to keep reminding her of His Words of truth.
Please pray for Elly’s good friend and disciple, Abuba. She was baptized back in 2017, but recently renewed her profession of faith with the group of women who prayed for salvation with Fiona and Elly last month. The Lord is working in her and transforming her heart and mind. Pray that she will read the Bible Elly left with her and continue to grow in her understanding and faith. Pray that she will be a light in her home to her three children, and to her mother who is heavily involved in witchcraft.
13 new believers!
God works in mysterious ways. During their last week in Nagishot, Fiona and Elly met for the last time with a group of young women at the women’s center, where they again presented the gospel message and invited the women to respond. Praise God for 13 young women who accepted Jesus into their lives! We don’t know how these women will be discipled, but we trust God has a plan for their growth, because “The One who calls you is faithful, and he will do it” (1 Thessalonians 5:24). Pray for Abuba, Apule, Ihulang, Nadai, Nojore, Ikuju, Naclai, Atee, Nabui, Akongo, Najore, Flora, and Nakiru.
Seeds to grow
AIM has had a presence in Nagishot for the last 15 years and AIM missionaries have done much to sow the seeds of the gospel. Though we are leaving this site, we trust and pray that God will cause those seeds to grow in a new season of ministry with the local church and South Sudanese believers. Join us as we continue to pray for much fruit among the Didinga.
There is a Didinga family in Narus who have a desire to serve in Nagishot. Please pray for the E-Free church and Paul and his family to discern whether God is leading them there, and if so, to trust that as they seek first God’s kingdom, He will provide everything they need.
Hearing and believing
Pray for the Didinga, who are hearing Bible stories from the team, to understand truth and what it means for their lives. Pray for a growing desire to hear more and understand better the message of the gospel. Continue to lift up Victor and his household, that they will be true followers of Jesus. Pray for Lino to grow in his shepherding of the new believers. Pray for every child and youth who have heard the gospel to believe and be transformed.
The Law of the Lord is Perfect
Pray for fruit from the storying sessions and youth ministries in Nagishot. As the team continues to share stories from God’s Word, pray the Didinga would understand that “the law of the Lord is perfect, reviving the soul. The statues of the Lord are trustworthy, making wise the simple. The precepts of the Lord are right, giving joy to the heart. The commands of the Lord are radiant, giving light to the eyes” (Psalm 19:7-8).
Working together to make salvation known
Pray about a partnership between AIM missionaries and lowland churches for teaming up to proclaim Christ further and higher up in the Didinga Hills. This could mean a change in location for the base of ministry, with greater emphasis on training and equipping the local church for ministry.
“Therefore let it be known to you that this salvation of God has been sent to the Gentiles; they will listen” (Acts 28:28). Pray that the people of the Didinga Hills will listen with their ears, see with their eyes, and believe in their hearts that Jesus is that salvation sent to them.
Break the power
Pray that Victor’s neighbours will continue to come to hear the stories on Sundays at his place, and that those who hear will not only be hearers, but doers also, telling their friends and neighbours the good news of Jesus Christ. We pray, Jesus, “Break the power of him who holds the power of death – that is, the devil – and free those who all their lives were held in slavery by their fear of death” (Hebrews 2:14-15).
New storying group
Chris and Fiona recently had contact with an old Didinga man named Victor. He is a believer and has agreed to a storying group starting on his compound. Pray that neighbors and friends of Victor will come to hear the stories the team share from the Bible each week.
Needing Salvation
Pray for Joseph, that Jesus would save his soul and set him free from the bondage of alcohol. Pray that Jesus would heal him from the trauma in his life so that he would become a testimony in his community of the transforming power of the Holy Spirit.
Way Forward
Pray for wisdom for the way forward with the ministry that has started in Mahiria. Pray for Chris and Leno (a Didinga believer) as they look to discipling the five who gave their lives to Jesus. And pray for wisdom about the way forward to reach others in the community of Mahiria (which is several hours from where the team lives in Nagishot).
Pray for Unity
We are encouraged by recent conversations with Joshua, the AIC pastor in Chukudum (a village down the mountain from Nagishot), and Pastor Luka of the E-Free church in Torit. These men are starting to talk about partnership between the AIC church in Chukudum and the E-Free Church in Nagishot. Pray that God will strengthen the partnership between the AIM missionaries and the church in South Sudan in these Didinga Hills, so that together they can reach more of the Didinga with the gospel of Christ.
In some of our storying groups we have just shared the story of the Messianic prophecies and the Virgin birth of our Saviour. Pray the Lord will increase the Didinga listeners’ understanding and stir their hearts to hunger for more spiritual food and fruit.
Working together
Please pray for growth in relationships between the Didinga team, the Evangelical Free Church, and the AIC church leaders in Nagishot. Pray that God would open doors for them to work closely together in the Didinga hills to reach more people with the gospel of Christ. Pray the believers will “stand firm in the one Spirit, striving together as one for the faith of the gospel without being frightened in any way by those who oppose [them]” (Philippians 1:27-28). Pray also for more translators to help in the outreach.
Sunday story-telling
Please pray for the Sunday story-telling times in the compounds of several families in Nagishot. The team goes out two by two and shares stories from the Old and New Testaments that are related to the gospel narrative. Pray for those who sit and listen in Charles’, Julietta’s, Margareta’s and Lino’s compounds – pray for good listening, understanding and interaction to deepen their understanding. And pray that more families will want the team to share in their compounds.
Sharing in compounds
Please pray for our Sunday story- telling times in the compounds of several families in Nagishot.
Our team goes out two by two and share stories from the Old and New Testaments that are related to the gospel narrative.
Would you pray for those who sit and listen in Charles’, Julietta’s, Magareta’s and Lino’s compounds. Pray for good listening, understanding and interaction to deepen their understanding. Please also pray for more families to want us to come share in their compounds.
Courage to be obedient
Lodai is a young Didinga man who has been an active member of the church in Torit for years. This year he was in Uganda at a Bible college until all schools closed due to Covid19. He expresses a desire to share the gospel among his people in Nagishot but has not made any active steps towards that. Would you pray that God would put a clear calling upon his life, and that Lodai would have the faith and courage to be obedient to that calling?
Pray for Charles, Margaretta…
Pray that God will open doors and hearts to the message of the gospel in Nagishot and the surrounding hills. Pray specifically for a number who have expressed interest in hearing more from God’s Word: May God draw Charles and his family, Margaretta and her family, Night, Mayo, Leno and Elly, Dominique and Gothil into the kingdom of light where there is love, peace, honour, life and freedom.
Suspicious and fearful
The Didinga people are suspicious by nature, and fears (and misunderstandings) surrounding Covid19 have led to a wariness of our team up on the mountain. Because of this, the team has opted NOT to have any planes land up there to bring them supplies. In a place with no market this is a very short-term solution. Please pray for the emotional impact this decision has on the team, as it makes them feel even more isolated and cut-off from the world. Pray that remaining in Nagishot will give them many opportunities to share hope in Jesus with a people who are “darkened in their understanding and separated from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in them due to the hardening of their hearts” (Ephesians 4:18).
Gin and avocados
Margaret recently came across an elderly lady called Maria- she seemed to be under the influence of alcohol but was saying the name of Jesus. Margaret was able to share a little with her and was rewarded with three avocados. May Maria come to know the one who will give her the waters of life.
New Year requests!
Please pray for God’s blessing on our outreach and for many to embrace the Gospel this year! Specifically pray:
1. That God would continue to encourage us as a team.
2. For a storying workshop Chris will be running in early Jan. That those with a genuine heart to further the kingdom would come.
3. For Margaret & the ministry she is beginning as a midwife in the local clinic. Also for a ‘FAT’ (Faithful, Reliable & Teachable) Didinga person to help with the literacy program so that adults can learn to read the Bible in their own language.
4. For Elly as she starts a children’s & young peoples ministry.
5. For Fiona as she starts working with the women at a local centre & a sewing ministry with the young mothers in the church.
6. For a solution to Lokulang’s wife Lucy’s on going health issues & that she can return from Chukudum so the family can be together again.
7. For Martha who recently gave her life to Jesus- that she would fully understand the gospel and walk in a manner worthy of the Lord.
8. For the ministry that has begun in Mahiria & Ligilic- that Jesus would build His church there.
Bible Storying and literacy
Pray for the Spirit to give Didinga a hunger for the Word and for God’s Truth as plans are put together for a Bible Storying workshop and literacy classes next month (January).
Open doors and Strongholds
Please pray for the team to know the right time to reach a village named Makiria about 10 miles from Nagishot to encourage the only believer there named Lino and to train him for outreach there. Several attempts to do this have been thwarted.
2. Please pray for the Nagishot fellowship leader, Lokulang, who is travelling between Nagishot & Chukudum every week where his wife Nadodo has been sick for several months & hasn’t seen much improvement. Pray for her healing.
3. Please pray for more team members for Nagishot, a couple or two singles.
4. Pray against the stronghold that alcohol has over the people in these hills.
Lord, make a way
Pray for C& F trying to reach out to the village of Napep, about a 4 hour walk from where they live. They are planning to visit Lino, one of the very few Didinga believers, who lives there, and to share Bible stories with other people in that community. Their first attempt to go had to be cancelled due to heavy rains. Pray the Lord will go before them and make a way for His Word to be made known to the people of Napep. Pray for many open hearts to receive Him.
Spirit come
Pray for the little church in Nagishot with so few adults & so many children to grow in maturity & to learn to love the Word.
Ask the Lord to send His Holy Spirit to hover over the Didinga hills, as He hovered over the earth during creation, to form a desire in people’s hearts for truth & to draw them to Jesus (John 6:44).
But be filled with the Spirit
Pray for a thirst for righteousness rather than a longing for the alcohol they are all about to start brewing as they harvest their maize.
Young disciple
Pray for Lookalong, a young disciple in Nagishot, that his “love would abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that he may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless until the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ” (Phil. 1:10-11).
Prepared hearts
As Chris and Fiona prepare to come and lead a team among the Didinga in Nagishot, pray for God to prepare the hearts of the Didinga to be good soil so that “the man who hears the word and understands it…produces a crop, yielding a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown” (Matt. 13:23). Pray for a Christ-centered church with strong Didinga leadership to grow in Nagishot.
Life without fear
There are Bible stories available in the Didinga language. Pray the people would be keen to listen to the stories and would believe them! They are a people steeped in witchcraft traditions which keep them living in fear. Pray for them. Pray God would send them messengers who would bring the wonderful news of salvation through Jesus Christ, and for them to know a life without fear.
God is moving many hearts
Praise God that He is moving in the hearts and lives of the Didinga around Nagishot, and that He is calling missionaries to serve there even as He is preparing people to hear the Gospel.