We are so glad that some of the teenagers that go to our youth program decided to be baptized. They went themselves to the local church and asked if they could be baptized. This is awesome! Pray they will grow and mature in the Lord and share with others the good things God has done for them.
Pray for holiness and effective witnessing of Bara believers to their families, that the Gospel will spread among them.
Pray for the Bara children that they can find Christ in the children’s programs. Pray for the Bara women that they can be set free from oppression.
New villages reached
Pastor Tomoeira has been broadcasting the Jesus Film for the past 3 months. He visited 21 villages and reported 25 Bara being baptized in one of these villages!
Blessed be the name of the Lord!
Our partnership with the FJKM ( Presbyterian church of Madagascar) has been fruitful. In February we visited a village together in the region of Anaviavy. The famine was killing people. We went with relief supplies and donated rice. The Bara of this village said: “No one has helped us! Thanks for helping.”
The result is last March, 40 Bara came to Christ, burned their witchcraft things and are being discipled. Praise the Lord.
Waiting for seeds to germinate
Mahabo Village is one of the most dangerous places in the Bara region. Home to many cattle rustlers and constant attacks on villages, rocky and slippery roads, dangers by night and day. However, it was in this region that the Lord opened an extraordinary door for us to preach the Gospel. Together with Pastor Eric Sy Mana and other dear workers, we visited two villages in the area.
Suspicious with the arrival of a “white man” for the first time in their village, they didn’t pay much attention at first. However, when they discovered that we spoke their language (something unbelievable for them), and that we were there to show a movie, they became friendlier and invited us to stay. The gospel was preached, the Jesus Film broadcast and now, with hope, we wait for the seeds to germinate.
Famine continues
We recently visited a village where 5 people have died of famine. Although the rains have come, they will not harvest until the end of April. Famine is still devastating the south of Madagascar.
With the local church (Reformed church of Madagascar) by the grace of God, and the help of donors, we brought some relief to the suffering and hope to the Soul.
Pray for many to believe the gospel message.
Village of Mahabo
Our Partners from FJKM church (reformed church of Madagascar) have also gotten the vision to evangelize! Blessed be the Lord who empowers and sends His church!
They have visited 7 villas in the village of Mahabo so far this year! Pray for the gospel seeds that were sown to bear much fruit.
Glory of Christ shown
The church is made of straw, but, in spite of the simplicity of the place, Christ’s Glory was shown today, when 5 old Bara ladies renounced their past ways and were baptized.
What a glorious moment in this remote rural area of south Madagascar.
Church growing
The church is growing. The Gospel is pushing back the darkness surrounding the Bara people. And new disciples are coming.
In partnership with the local church, a Bara church was born in the village of Matsinzo. It started small but today there are almost 180 Bara coming to learn about Jesus! Pray for these disciples to grow in the knowledge and grace of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Common vision for 2023
This Tuesday (6 Dec) we will meet with our partners who work among the Bara. We need wisdom to develop strategies for 2023. We want to evangelize the Bara but also disciple and mobilize the churches to do evangelism and discipleship.
Pray for this meeting, for the partners and for resources. Please pray for our 6 sponsored evangelists: pastor Emanoel, Zoromana, Rema, Jelly, Elodry, and pastor Erik, that God give them grace for the work among the Bara and may they be fruitful.
2 years of drought
Our region is suffering from 2 years of drought. There’s been no rain at all! Even the manioc is dead. For this reason, and also because of Ukrainian war and COVID, the price of food has gone very high making Madagascar the fourth poorest country in the world. Pray for rain, please. Lots of rain! So people can plant and have life normalized.
Because of this insecurity, we’ve started having assaults, break- ins, and thefts.
People are hungry, jobless, there’s no food, no crops; they come to steal. Very sad and frightening. However, Tthe gospel is being preached throughout Bara land, please
pray for the seeds to germinate.
Two new churches!
1. We praise God that 2 churches are being born among Bara!
The village of Matsinzo ( Bara Tevondro) received us and the evangelist we sponsor to be there. Pray for people to believe the message and be saved.
2. We visited the village of Bekisoly on Saturday 24/09 and preached the Gospel.
Sunday, 86 Bara Tevondro people came to the “house church” of the evangelist Zoromana that we sponsor and said that they wanted to learn how to pray to God-Jesus. Pray they grow strong in the Lord.
Blessed be the name of the Lord!
Children’s ministry
The children’s ministry has started again in full force. The first day (today) more than 340 children came. Hallelujah! Pray for these children to learn and grow in faith.
Also we had 2 days of training with 5 pastors from the Reformed Church of Madagascar, and our partners visited 4 new villages with the Jesus Film.
We are not saved.
“The harvest is past, the summer has ended, and we are not saved.”
Jeremiah 8:20
This is the reality of millions of people and many UPGs.
The Bara are still one of these UPGs and maybe this is the cry of their soul, surrounded by the darkness of animism.
For this reason, we make every effort to bring Christ to them.
Maybe we can say with Paul, “I will spend for you everything I have and even my life”, till the Bara , instead of saying, “ We are still not saved”, say, “ Worthy is the Lamb!”
We keep announcing Christ from village to village; from mountains to mountains, until the last village is reached with the Good News of Christ.
Sharing the gospel and food
With hearts that love Jesus and want to make His name known among all the people groups of the earth, we keep sharing Christ with our dear Bara people, and also blessing them with food. We have done two rice distributions to people here in the village. The famine is still on going. Pray many would respond to the gospel.
3 new villages
Together with our partners and myself, this last week we visited 3 new villages with the Jesus Film:
Pastor Tomoeira went to Atanambao
Pastor Haja to Sakamahily
Me and Pastor Emanoel to Besakoa.
All Bara villages. Pray that many will respond to the gospel message.
Pray for unity of heart and vision among pastors to reach the Bara. Praise God for a recent breakthrough in healing of relationships and pray for a fruitful season of outreach together.
The price of fuel has increased 44%! This will have a major impact on our main ministry (driving to remote villages showing the Jesus Film) as well as the cost of food, supplies, and electricity for everyone. Pray for God’s provision.
Wind blowing
It was amazing yesterday, when we went to the region of Analamary, to the village of Maheryrivotra (which means ‘a great wind’), we saw how the wind of the Spirit is blowing among the Bara!
We found a village with more than 30 converted believers among this most difficult to reach with the Gospel, The Bara Zafindravala.
We showed the Jesus Film, the Coming of Jesus and testimonies of converted Bara.
Surprisingly, another village was present too; so we could reach 2 villages.
Pray for many more to believe!
Believe the message
Pray that more Bara will open their villages to watch the film Jesus. This is a very effective tool to introduce people to Jesus. Pray the Holy Spirit will speak through the film and many would believe the message.
Pray for the Jesus Film project.
About 232 villages have already watched the Jesus Film, but we are starting to have some kind of demonic resistance to visit villages.
Please pray that we will find a “highway” for the Jesus Film to be broadcast in Bara villages.
Pray for fruit among the villagers and that the name of Christ grow glorious among them.
Lots of Jesus, lots of rice.
And in this way the Gospel has spread among the Bara.
The cross in the center, Jesus Christ the only Way, and the good deeds to prove God’s love for them in times of distress.Today was “rice day”. 400 children from our program will have a good meal for 4 days at least.
Word take root
The Lord is calling and sending workers to the harvest field in Betroka, and finally opened the border doors to allow them to enter! The Bassos (team leaders) have returned to continue to serve the Bara people, followed by 3 new team members in March. Pray that the team and community will bond and form good relationships as they partner in Christ to reach the lost. Ask that the word of God would take root in many souls and flourish.
Compassion in Drought
In the face of more than 2 years drought that has hit the South of Madagascar, bringing famine and misery to the local people, we, as servants of Jesus Christ, are compelled to help our dear Bara People. For this reason, we decided that again, a hand of compassion would show them what it really means to be a follower of Jesus Christ.
So, we are providing food (rice) to locals. Our priority is children at risk, widows, elders and sick people among the Bara.
We are working in partnership with the local Evangelical church, we intent to distribute the rice donated in 4 Villages. We have 3 more to go.
Pray Christ would be glorified and many would believe in Him.
Over 140 evangelists and Bible teachers have been trained to work among the Bara.
Please pray that God the Holy Spirit will remind them of all the teachings and strategies we have taught them and also give them a passion to preach Christ and Him crucified.
May the Bara open their hearts to listen to the Gospel and turn to Christ.
Bara Children’s Program
In the Pandemic year, with little resources, God has grown our children’s ministry to over 700 children who come every Saturday and Wednesday. We were afraid of not having enough support, but God proved Himself faithful, and, by His grace, He has provided for us. We estimate that between 15 to 20% of the children are Bara.
Pray that the children will have their hearts open to the Gospel and become a new generation of believers among their people.
Since 2015, in partnership with Pastor Emanoel, 232 villages have been visited and shown the Jesus Film! We calculate that more than 80,000 Bara has been exposed to the Gospel of Jesus.
The film we use starts in Genesis and goes through the ascension of Jesus, and is in the Bara language.
We still have some more villages to go to.
Please pray that the story of the Gospel will remain in Bara hearts and bear fruit for the Kingdom of Jesus.
New outreach
PASTOR EMANOELA has reported that they were welcomed in a new village to show the Jesus film last week giving many (300 or so) people the opportunity of hearing the Good News of the Gospel. Pray for decisions for Christ from this village.
Jesus Film
PASTOR MANOELA continues to visit many villages showing the Jesus film. Pray that the village people will not just view this as entertainment, but will consider their need of a Saviour and will be drawn to faith in Christ. Pray for the Holy Spirit’s preparation of hearts in the villages as plans are made for the showing of this film.
Teaching reading and writing
Many Bara children cannot afford school fees. So, in 2020, THE BARA PROJECT built a school to teach, free of charge, reading and writing. Today we have 140 children studying. Some of those children are Bara. Daily they are taught not just to read and write, but also Bible Stories. Please pray that God will bless them and they will be converted. Also pray that they may share the stories in their homes and in this way be a channel for the Gospel to Bara people.
The gospel being proclaimed by evangelists
Since 2015, more than 130 evangelists have been trained to witness in Bara land. Pray that God will empower and strength them to accomplish their work of witnessing to such great salvation. Praise God for this “army” of evangelists that are in Bara area, and ask God that they may be fruitful to His Kingdom.
The JESUS film in Bara language, in partnership with Pastor Emanoel Blandino, has been shown in 201 villages as of December. We have news of much fruit. Please pray that Bara will understand the message of the Gospel, and will turn to God. Please pray for boldness for our partners in going to more villages. Our goal is to reach 100 more Bara villages this year.
Pray that God will use this simple tool to open many eyes to the truth of the Gospel.
Since January 2019, Bara people have been facing a difficult period of drought. There has been very little rain, which makes life even more difficult than it already is. No crops. No rice. And the last of the manioc was consumed last month. Because of COVID-19, the price of food has risen, and made life even more complicated for Bara people. Famine has spread all over southern Madagascar, and this includes Bara land.
Please pray for rain and also for a change in people’s mentality. We have been teaching Farming God’s Way since 2014. May God use this to help this people come to Himself and to change their way of life.
Recently, we had a Bara king come to Zaona’s house (Zaona is a Bara converted man). The king of that village is not a Christian. Sometime ago, we gave him one AudioBible with Bible stories in Bara language. Last week he told Zaona that he was interested in praying to Jesus. So, he invited us to go to his village and broadcast the Jesus film. This is a great opportunity to share the gospel to this people group that is so resistant to the Gospel.
Please pray for JESUS FILM PROJECT opportunities and fruitful work.
The Well
Please keep praying for a well we are drilling here in the village. We have faced many problems. The drill broke three times, the compressor of the truck malfunctioned and water has not come out as planned (1,5 m cubic/ hr). Moreover, some people are against the construction of the well (like Tobiah and Sanballat in the book of Nehemiah). Please pray that in the middle of all this distress, God will give water to bless our children, farmers and the sick Bara people of Toby Betesda.
Judgement Day
The Jesus Film has been largely broadcasted in more than 100 Bara villages. Please pray that the Holy Spirit will remind the thousands who have watched the Judgement Day and that He who sits on the throne is merciful. Pray that the light of truth will penetrate through the darkest lands and bring salvation to the very last village in Madagascar. May God strengthen the church by bringing a revival of holiness and love for the kingdom of Christ. May He awaken His church, open doors to spread the Gospel and provide new strategies to reach His people.
Salt and Light
We have 380 children in our children’s program! Please pray for them. Many of them are Bara. Pray that Christ will touch their hearts and that they will become children of God, willing to follow Him from their childhood and sharing the Gospel with their families. Pray that their families will fear God and not mislead them from the path of righteousness. Also pray for all converted Bara. There are a number of Bara Christians, but also a huge growth in nominalism. May God raise Bara people to be salt and light in their villages.
The Good Fight
Please pray for our 37 evangelists from FLM (Lutheran Church of Madagascar) and FJKM (Reformed Church of Madagascar) who have been trained in Missions and Evangelism. Pray that they will use all the tools they were given and in the power of the Holy Spirit will boldly share the Gospel, going to the villages where Christ is not already known. Also pray that our partners will focus on unity and working together for the sake of Christ, leaving behind all intrigue, envy, and unholiness. May they fight the good fight and show the church how to be more gospel-centered and mission minded.
Redemption and Rain
Pray for all the strategies God has given us to reach the Bara: Children’s ministry, Farming God’s Way, The Jesus Film, Social Relief, Audio Bibles and Training. May God use them to glorify Himself and may support never lack for these projects. Please also pray for our coworkers in the field to be strengthened and emboldened during this time of Covid-19 as food prices have increased and there is a lack of support due to the closing of churches. We also ask for rain. This has been a difficult year. The drought has dried up vegetation and famine has started creeping in. Abundant rain is needed so that the Bara can plant and have food. We are desperate for an overflow of God’s grace in a dry and thirsty land.
Hard times bring salvation
People in Bara land are so afraid of this virus that they are crowding into the churches! Our partner churches here are doing 4 services every Sunday to accommodate all! Starting at 4 in the morning! We’ve seen many Christians repenting from their sin and committing themselves to be faithful.
We’ve had many Bara villages pleading with us to come; they want to see the Jesus film. We can’t go but Pastor Emanuel is going. He has been in more than 6 villages the last 4 weeks broadcasting the film (and following the recommendations for COVID-19). More than 1000 people have watched the Jesus film and The Last Judgment.
So the hard times bring glory to God and salvation to people!