feeling cut off

Please pray for the small groups of believers who were meeting but because of curfews and quarantines cannot meet now. All live at home with unbelieving family so they are afraid to do digital meetings. Ask that each one learn anew how to read Scripture alone, and that they will have boldness to encourage each other even through texting/chats.


Please pray that older believers would be patient with new believers. May they be humble and compassionate, willing to speak the truth with understanding and discernment and wisdom. May God strip away all self-righteousness and spiritual pride… and may the new believers and older ones dwell constantly in the Word.

Arab believers interceding

Praise Jesus for online prayer groups of Arabic speaking believers from Lebanon, Syria, Palestine, Egypt who pray sometimes through the night for their Berber sister when she is afraid . They have been faithful to call to repentance, to give words of knowledge, to battle with the Word on her behalf. Ask that these scattered Arabs continue to walk in the Spirit and pray fervently. Praise Jesus for how their prayers are changing lives here.


Three Arab and two Berber new believers are now talking about baptism. Please ask for unity and trust and discernment for each one to know what to do together/separately. Ask for obedience and growing faith.

Bold evangelist

One young woman is a bold evangelist, broken-hearted over friends that refuse grace, boldly identifying with Jesus, diligently declaring the gospel, unafraid to face the mysteries and questions. Her physical health is not good; some of her family are involved in witchcraft. Pray for strength and protection from the evil one. And praise Jesus for her classmate that just believed and received a Bible and is reading, sending screenshots and questions!!

Not alone

Please pray for several isolated believers – some because of threats, some by choice, some because of distance from other believers. Ask for increasing love for the brothers and sisters, for unselfishness, and for boldness and perseverance. May each one know that they are not alone. May God Almighty guard their hearts against the lies of the enemy.


Praising Jesus for increasing willingness to lead. Ask for more believers to be faithful in encouraging other believers and to be willing to gather, willing to study, willing to share what they are learning in a group.

First love

It is beautiful to see one new believer who can’t stop reading the Word and feels the presence of God as she reads; two other older believers are systematically studying and obeying, loving to hear the voice of God and obeying. But pray for those who have known Jesus a few years who have lost their first love, who used to love to read, study, gather, pray… but are overwhelmed by the things of earth now. Pray Rev 3, for each to love Jesus as they did at first.

20 pages at a time

One young woman has been sharing with her classmate and she asked for a Bible. When she brought an Arabic one to her, she was afraid and asked that instead this friend send 20 pages a day! May she read and understand. May each believer have courage to speak of Christ!!

prayer for unity

Ask for unity as a handful of people gather. Some want to bring friends that haven’t yet believed and others are afraid. May there be respect and submission and love.

Needing the armor of God

Ask for freedom from evil spirits. One young believer said they feel evil heaviness when they enter their home (because of witchcraft done by a family member) and it feels difficult to pray. Pray that believers would learn and practice Ephesians 6 and put on the armor of God.

Answer to prayer!

Praise Jesus for giving increasing love for each other, for renewed first love, for renewed hunger for the Word. We asked together for this and see God’s gracious answer!!

Meeting and needing boldness

Praise Jesus! A group is gathering again in this city …but each one comes with fears and hurts. Pray that they would encourage each other and pray Acts 4 together for boldness to speak His Word.


Pray especially for the increasing number of agnostics who exalt education, knowledge, and tolerance above truth. Many are researching on the net and find resources that are filled with clever sounding lies and barely disguised despair and yet reassurance that ‘sins don’t matter.’ Pray that the Spirit of truth would guide them to all truth, that they would discern lies, and receive eternal hope in Christ. May each one see that tolerance despises the cross; that grace honors the cross.


Pray that new believers would learn true repentance. May each one increasingly see the holy beauty of Jesus, and increasingly mourn over sin and recognize that it is not simply a failure to ‘preform well’ but a breach of the intimate relationship between Christ and His bride.

Be ready

A woman spoke about waking up in the night, afraid that she would die before her sins were forgiven… crying out to God: ‘Please forgive me!’ She has been reading the prophet stories online and was amazed that God accepted Abel’s sacrifice of a lamb. She spoke of judgement day coming and how we need to always be ready. God has been speaking to her and many others… may they not reject His grace! May each one feel the weight of their sin and may it lead to repentance!! She loved reading 1John 1… may she and many more find the truth of salvation and forgiveness through Jesus alone!

Need to believe and follow

A young woman read Isaiah 53, Luke 23, John 3 yesterday … and spoke of unexplained peace, of getting ‘chills’ hearing: ‘Today you will be with me in Paradise’, exclaimed over and over about the beauty of Jesus… even explained the differences between the Muslim view of Christ and believing the Messiah is God… but she has not surrendered to follow him. Please ask that she and many like her will not only exclaim over the amazingness of Christ, but believe and follow Him

Seeing the true Jesus

May each believer long to know Jesus… not the false idea of a loving Jesus who smooths over sin…but holy, just, merciful, loving Jesus, who died and rose to pay for and defeat sin. May each one turn to the Word of God and see who Jesus really is.

Meeting on Saturday

Three young believing women all said they want to study how Jesus cares for the oppressed, the hurting…and none of them have family members living with them who believe. They are willing to meet… but depend on others for work/transportation. Ask for a growing desire for fellowship and for God to make a way. This Saturday they are all trying to make it work…

Strongholds be broken!

Please ask for deliverance from the evil one. Several families are suffering because of a family member tormented by evil spirits. Most do not deny their presence. Some do. Ask for repentance from sin that gives permission to the evil one to build strongholds. May covenants and curses that bind them be broken by the Name and blood of Jesus. Ask for conviction for those in authority who have so grieviously hurt the ‘least of these.’ Pray for forgiveness and healing and freedom for the wounded. So so much darkness and sorrow. May they see Jesus with open arms ready to receive them, their names on His scarred hands.


Many Arabs are in times of turmoil because of hatred or war. Fighting is forbidden during Ramadan. Several have voiced their confusion as they flee violence and try to find a place of peace to fast. Pray that this will tear down the white-washed wall (Ez 13) and expose the false prophets who say ‘Peace’ where there is no peace. Pray that the church in these lands would rise up with words of hope and truth and with practical help and compassion.

Be watchful

An older believer just led a young man to Christ who is living in the Diaspora. Pray for this new brother (and the many other young believers living far from home) to find fellowship and discipleship. As evil ones ‘rise up and distort the truth’, ask that each will be ‘watchful.’ “Jesus, we entrust each one to you and to the message of your grace.” Acts 20

Studying the Word

An older woman who is studying the Word asked, “Is God angry when you go to church and worship Jesus?” After reading and speaking of the Deity of Christ, she said that she understood why we worship Him. She read aloud from John 3 and Colossians, and when asked who she thinks Jesus is, she replied, “He is the Son of God who died and paid for my sin.” Please pray that she will not only acknowledge who He is but also choose to follow Him. Her sister wants to study with us… and her nieces and nephews come to listen. Ask for this family to believe and follow!


Several young women continue to experience hopelessness and depression. Four are agnostic; they have rejected Islam, and are crying out for freedom and rights for women. Even as they long for independence and worth, they find everything empty, purposeless. Please ask that each would know they are created in God’s image for His purposes. Ask that they will understand the love of Christ, the sacrifice of the cross, and eternal hope. Three of the new believers also fight depression… usually preceded by fear, hiding their faith and a sense that no one understands and nothing will change. Please pray against the spirit of depression and ask for courageous hope that recognizes the resurrection power of Christ in them. Ask for boldness and truth and increased fellowship with believers.

Asking great questions!

A woman said yesterday: ‘We believe that to get to heaven we must wear the hijab, give to the poor and speak kindly… what do you believe allows you to enter heaven? “ Later she asked, “How do you know which prophets and books are from God?” And then later, “Do we (Mus) sacrifice the sheep in the Eid to get forgiveness of sin? Why do you not sacrifice?” She then listened to Adam and Abraham’s stories… and read from 1John 4, Heb 10. Please pray that Jesus would keep stirring eternal questions in the hearts of Arabs and ask that they receive His Word, believe and follow!

Sufficient courage

Continue to pray that each new believer “will have sufficient courage so that now as always Christ will be exalted in [their] bod[ies], whether by life or by death.” Philippians‬ ‭1:20‬ ‭
Ask that love would overcome fear and because of the same “spirit of faith” each would “believe and therefore speak.”
2 Cor 4:13

Asking questions

A young man came asking questions about Christ and is eagerly listening to truth. Ask for courage and clarity and love for the two brothers (one S. Asian, one Lib’) who will connect with him.

Courage to rise up with faith

There are people who contact radio or TV stations saying that they believe, but when they receive a phone call from a brother/sister, they say they do not believe. Ask for courage and discernment, for fellowship, for each believer to rise up with faith!


Several new believers are fighting depression, loneliness and despair. Ask that each would learn to “rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulations and be constant in prayer.” Pray that as each goes through times of pain, they would receive the tribulation as threshing, a means of separating chaff from grain… (a tribulum is a threshing tool). May all dry husks of self and flesh be peeled away and the true grain of the Word remain.

Called together

Praise Jesus for a courageous older believer calling the fearful ones together! Praise Jesus for renewed courage and for a deep desire to display faith through obedience! Ask for perseverance and faithfulness!


Please pray that each new believer would be courageous to read the Word of God and obey it. Pray for roots in the truth to grow deep. So many are alone, afraid to meet, afraid to have the Word seen on their phone, afraid to pull out a paper copy, afraid to tell others. Many want to leave because of fear, as well as the conflict, explosions, and physical difficulties. Ask for perseverance.

Battling believers

A new sister wrote to say she has been fighting evil spirits in her dreams. When she calls out the Name of Jesus, they go away. She said it’s scary but amazing to know that God is real. Yesterday at 1:30 am she wrote asking for verses…so that she could sleep. Ask that she and other battling believers stand strong according to Ephesians 6.

Obedience and fear

A young new believer just asked to be baptized and wanted a believer of 1 year to be there with her. Jesus came to her in a dream a few weeks ago and told her to tell others of Him. She is afraid. She dreamt last night that she saw unbelievers in fire, and she was in a room alone but was being beaten and had the scars of Jesus. She said it hurt physically. She asked her family for help and no one would. Pray for courage for new believers.

The beauty of Jesus’ sacrifice.

A new sister just asked if the Eid l-Adha (celebration where Muslims sacrifice a sheep to remember the ram provided for Abraham’s almost-sacrifice of ‘Ishmael’) was wrong to celebrate. Please pray for new believers as family members sacrifice. Ask that they know the beauty of Jesus’ final sacrifice and have opportunities to share the truth of Heb 10.

Walk worthy

Praise Jesus for the boldness of a young believer who is reading with several seekers. Ask for perseverance and hope and continued courage. May she and the other new believers walk worthy of the calling they have received with all humility, gentleness, patience and love.

Sisters seeking

Three sisters are all asking questions about Jesus; one wants to look at the Spirit throughout the Word. One wants proof and a sign. Pray for Jesus to reveal Himself personally to each one and for this family and other families to believe and follow the Lord Jesus.

Courage despite fear

Pray for the young man and his friend who asked for and received the Word from a local believer. Praise Jesus for increased courage. This brother had previously been very afraid and the last time he gave out the Word, the man was connected to the militias and threatened his life repeatedly. This time, the man who received the Word is excitedly reading. Ask for new life and continued increased boldness of witness!

pray for more courage

Pray for those who have confessed their faith to others online, but are afraid to meet brothers and sisters face to face. Ask for courage for them to speak the truth among their families. Pray that they will discern who to speak with and how. Ask that fear not control any follower of Christ.

the beauty of full surrender

‘I believe all that you are saying; just give me time.’ Pray for Robin to not only hear and understand but fully believe and follow Jesus. As she meets with another local sister, may she see the beauty of full surrender to Him and may they experience the sweetness of Spirit fellowship.

New believer!

An Arab woman just chose to follow Jesus last week. Ask for growing hunger and for consistent discipleship. Ask that she and each new believer courageously identify with Jesus and boldly discern how to testify of grace to their community. Ask also for fellowship with local believers.