Double Dunking

We have a new brother! Praising the Father! ‘Asher’ was helped to get a copy of the Word at Christmas and has been reading it since. In the last week or so he expressed a desire to ‘enter’ the kingdom. He just met with a local brother who explained things in more depth and Asher wants to be baptized. AND a new media contact who turns out has actually been a follower for a few months also wants to be baptized… a double dunking is being planned! Father is amazing!


Joy, a local sister meets with 2 of our colleagues regularly for fellowship, study, and praying together. Her younger son sometimes sits in and has started to read the word and is hungry for more. Please pray with us for protection over them and for continued growth in their faith and understanding of the Son. Joy is very lonely for local sisters to fellowship with. Would you please ask that Father would bring women to himself? Also, ask that His Spirit would fill Joy’s heart and she would be overflowing with the peace and love that characterize her life with God, the God of all comfort!

Small Eid

This morning is the beginning of “Eid Sghir”, the “Small Eid”, It is a 3-day celebration marking the end of the month of fasting and is a time to spend quality time with family and friends and practice various social and religious rituals and traditions. Eid Sghir typically begins with the Eid prayer, often held in a designated outside area where the men gather to pray, followed by a lavish breakfast and family visits. Charitable donations to the poor are also an important part of this celebration. As our friends across this country celebrate, please ask that there would be a time of sober review of this past month and that there would be a common sense of disillusionment and frustration at their inability to meet the required standards. Ask that there would be a new hunger and thirst for something that is missing.  Ask that they would begin a new pilgrimage in search of the only truth that can fully satiate that hunger and thirst, filling that void. Ask that they would meet the Son and trust in Him!


Jonah is a kind generous young man who loves spending time with us. He comes with a very dysfunctional family history and does not want his son John to grow up in that kind of environment. Pray that as we spend time together, conversations will turn to the ultimate, perfect Father and he will be drawn to His Son as he tries to ‘play it safe’ and participate in the fasting month here. He loves being a dad and is so proud of his son. Ask that this family will come to faith in the Son and that John will grow up learning the truth.

Night of Power

Tonight Muslims around the world will stay up all night praying and seeking God, asking for their sins to be forgiven, for revelation, and for dreams and visions. It is the holiest night of the year. It commemorates the night the prophet Muhammad received a revelation of the Quran. Pray that God will give many a revelation of Jesus.

Soften her heart

Theresa (Sandy’s sister) speaks excellent English and teaches it to high school students in a distant city. She is a joyful person but struggles with depression and loneliness as she lives alone away from family. Julia spends time with her whenever she visits her sister Sandy. Ask that the Son would soften her heart and that she would have a hunger to know the truth and seek it until she ‘finds’ the Son. We have shared scripture with her by text on her phone. Ask that she would download the whole Word and read it.


Jonah & Sandy and their little boy John are probably the neighbors we spend the most time with. They could be our kids. We have fun together and they are grateful to have some “adopted” grandparents nearby. They are a bit disillusioned with the belief system here. Sandy has said how fasting is such a burden and she feels God loves her anyway – and she is right! Pray for more conversations that point her to understanding that Jesus is the way the truth and the life. AND that we will be able to read the word together.

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
Matthew 11:28-30

Love and Joy

Sarah (Fred’s wife) has been a huge blessing to us, bringing us meals, helping Julia host events, and sharing her life with us. She faithfully does her prayers and diligently tries to follow their beliefs requirements, but she has no hope. Please ask that Father would show her that He personally loves her and wants to free her from this life of bondage and fear, and has provided a means for that freedom through His Son.  Ask that she would understand that her motivation for spirituality can be love and joy rather than fear and shame. Ask that we would have opportunities to discuss His truth with her.

“So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.”
John 8:36

I AM the Way

Fred and his family have been good friends, almost like family. He checks in on us, drops off food, is available and helpful for whatever we need.  Fred is a networker and he seems to know everyone. But, he is missing a very important relationship! Please pray that, during these days of heightened sensitivity to the spiritual world, Fred would have an encounter with Jesus.  Ask that Father would give us the words to help point him to the most important person he will ever meet! John 14:6 “Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”


This month of Ramadan is typically very intense…
-for those who are truly longing for a relationship with or help from Allah- it is not uncommon for Jesus to meet these earnest seekers in dreams and visions.
-for the moderate Muslim, the month often serves as a religious ‘shot in the arm’… a hope that strict adherence will serve as penance for the other 11 months of the year lived less intentionally.
-for those who are disillusioned with Islam and religion in general-  the perceived hypocrisy can leave them feeling further disillusioned, even outright disgust.
-for those who have chosen to believe and put their faith in Christ, it is an especially intense month. There are copious amounts of pressure to conform.
Pray the Lord would meet with each one in a special way this month.

Let go

Three women are reading Scripture, eagerly asking questions and walking towards Jesus… but they are afraid to let go of Islam and believe Jesus is God. Pray that they would read Scripture with faith and believe God speaks the truth even when He is too awesome to comprehend (i.e. the Trinity).

True and honest

Ask for courage for each believer to identify with Jesus even during the Islamic traditions of Ramadan. May they know how to honor and serve family while still being true and honest about following Jesus.

Why care?

What is Ramadan and why should we, as Christians, care? During the entire month of Ramadan, friends here fast every day from dawn to sunset. It is meant to be a time of spiritual discipline — of deep contemplation of one’s relationship with God, extra prayer, increased charity and generosity, and intense study of their holy book. As they begin to quiet themselves and fast today, ask that Father would reveal himself to those who diligently seek Him. Ask for dreams and visions of Jesus.

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.” Matthew 7:7-8

Man in white

A teammate just had a conversation with a woman who had a dream of a man in white who told her to “Come”! The woman didn’t understand what it meant but she and our teammate plan to start reading the Word. PTL!!! He is doing amazing things! Pray she will come!

Ramadan starting

The month of fasting for Muslims starts either Wed or Thursday depending on when the moon is sighted. This is an important month for Muslims when they seek to fulfill their obligation to fast from sunrise to sunset. Pray as they seek to please God in this ‘work’, their ears would be opened to hear Jesus saying, “The work of God is this: to believe in the One He has sent.” John 6:29

Turn their eyes

“Father, when your children find bitter water in the wilderness and cry out… turn their eyes to see the tree that heals the water. So many still live in grief. May they look to the cross and know that Jehovah is the God who heals. May each heart receive healing through the wounds of Jesus and increasingly know Him, the resurrection and the life.”

Agreed to read

Sally (our friendly neighbor) came over to help teach our new family to make tea. While in the kitchen she and I had a very emotional heart to heart about knowing Jesus as the Truth. My new colleague prayed while Sally and I cried – that if she doesn’t know Jesus she can’t know the Father. She’s heard much Truth over the years and it seems to be penetrating her heart…. and she agreed to read the Word! So please pray that her heart would stay tender and hungry! Also pray that as I try to set up time for her to read the Word with another friend, the enemy would not get in the way of that!

Salvation in no one else

Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved.” Acts 4:12. Please ask that the Spirit of God would move among the Berber and Arabs of North Africa, that they would hear about and understand the one NAME by which they can be truly saved!

New church

Pray for a new church planting effort between local believers and expats. Pray for growth in maturity in the local fellowships and wisdom for the local leaders.

Purify your church

Come Holy Jesus and purify the church by your blood. Remove the hatred and unforgiveness. Let each one live at peace as far as it depends on them. May your children long to gather and fellowship and praise God together.

Walking with Jesus

Heidi and Lucy continue to walk with Jesus. They spent the morning today walking and praying in the park. They are growing and reading Scripture daily. Zohar, their sister, is afraid to surrender fully to Jesus, but continues to join us when we read Scripture together. Elise is boldly sharing the gospel online and rejoices with two brothers choosing to follow Jesus. Please pray for these precious ones.

God has gathered his children.

God has strengthened the men to keep gathering faithfully and reaching out to invite the others to join them. Paul, Andrew, Jimmy, Mayor, and Fraz study the word of God and pray for each other, give to the poor, enjoy fellowship together. Also, Meryl meets at the same time with Kathy and her two girls to read Scripture and pray together. These believers are growing in faith and love. Praise God for these faithful ones.


In Matthew 5:14-16, speaking to His disciples, Jesus said, “You are the light of the world.  In John 8:12, Jesus said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” His light is in every one of His followers. Please ask that every follower, whether a local or foreigner, would let their light shine brightly, in word and in deed, so that those lost in darkness in North Africa would see the light and be drawn to the “true Light” (John 1:9).

Healing from Fear

Pray for Y. He was called in several times to the intelligence offices and asked questions and was afraid and sent me a text denying Jesus and saying that he was going back to Islam. A few days before Christmas, he came over to our house in repentance asking for forgiveness. Pray for deliverance from fear. Rose also denied Jesus when she was pulled in and questioned. She is now alone and disappointed with the other local believers for not helping her. Elizabeth and Zechariah and kids cut off contact after Rose turned names of local believers into the intelligence officers. Their primary fear is that their children will be taken from them. Please pray for healing from fear and that they would disciple their children and worship Jesus as a family at home.

Fall on your knees

As we continue our celebration of Christmas this weekend, pray that many in our city would fall on their knees and receive the gift of Heaven. Please pray for the many seeds that are sown to find good soil and bear much fruit.

Christmas events

A number of Christmas parties/meals/coffees/breakfasts have already happened across our city with another full week of them this week. Please pray for seeds that were planted and for wisdom this week as we seek to share of the “Love that came to save us!”


As we enter this season of advent and ‘waiting’, we reflected yesterday on how not only are we now waiting for the Messiah’s return while celebrating that He came, we are also waiting in expectation for Him to pour out His Spirit on our city and open hearts to the knowledge that He has come! Please pray with us as we seek ways to intentionally share Truth this month, that we would find those who are genuinely waiting to know our Emmanuel.

Christmas opportunities

As followers of Jesus, the Christmas holiday offers many opportunities to point our dear cousins to the greatest gift ever! Whether it is some simple decorations, a nativity scene, a children’s story book about Christmas or having neighbors and friends for a holiday meal, each of these open doors for questions leading to answers that point to the beautiful Christmas story and true hope it offers. Please pray that we will take the opportunities and represent well His truth. Please pray the Holy Spirit will take those truths and draw our friends and neighbors to Himself.

Peace and Joy

Abigail has been hearing a lot of truth for a long time, as members from our group meet with her and walk life with her. Recently, she was invited to breakfast and time was spent talking about aspects of truth. Please ask that Father would open Abigail’s heart and mind to her specific need to know the peace and joy that only Jesus can bring.

Taking part

Our colleagues again met with a local sister along with her friend and she brought a relative, to study the word. Our sister participated In leading the study and the friend actively engaged while her relative listened. At the end, they both want to meet again. Father is stirring in their hearts and our sister is taking an active part! Praise Him!

Set free from fear

Laws are becoming increasing Islamic. One who had talked about leaving Islam to follow Jesus said yesterday, “it is impossible now”. Another who was reading Scripture said, “If one believes in Jesus, she just can’t tell anyone.” Pray that this thinking would be exposed as lies and as the spirit of fear so prevalent in Islam. May Jesus set Arabs free from fear.

Reaching out

A colleague and local sister met with another young lady interested in truth. Together, they looked at the word, with the local sister very involved. Praise God with us for our local family who are stepping up and reaching out! Pray for much fruit!

Gathering others

A young woman who does not yet follow Jesus has been gathering other women who are interested in Jesus and they come to study Scripture together! Pray for their salvation.


Update on older post:

by jennyio | Nov 21, 2021
A young believing girl has been trying to leave the country for a while… but from all we see, she has a loving family. She wants more freedom and says she is suffering. She disappeared yesterday and her mom has been frantically calling. (Over 15 times in 2 days.) We have talked to all our connections but can’t find her. Pray for her and her family.

She is back in contact with her mom and is in a neighboring country. Believers are helping her and actually her mom is sending her money and helping her from afar too. She has had a difficult time… and her mom now wants nothing to do with Christians bc they ‘took her daughter’. But she is being discipled and is being cared for.

1pm prayer

In our country of North Africa, many of us have set the alarm on our phones to go off at 1:00 pm daily, for the purpose of stopping and praying for our dear cousins here.  Would you consider doing the same?  Please set your alarm for 1:00 pm. When the alarm goes off, pause for a moment and ask Father to transform the hearts of our cousins here and around the world and to open their minds and hearts to Jesus’ love for them. Pray John 15:7-8 “If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.” Based on this promise, ask that He would be glorified in bearing much and lasting fruit here!

Needing courage

Father is using the internet to draw people in North Africa to Himself. They google a question about Jesus and are led to a site where they ask questions. They are invited to study the Word and, if they complete the study, are invited to be connected with a believer in the area they live. However, taking that leap to meet face to face is frightening and often logistically hard for these seekers. Please ask that Father would give these seekers the courage to meet and talk with other believers, who can encourage and walk with them. Pray that gatherings of believers would result. He will build His Church!


Oh Lord, humble those who still believe self-righteousness saves. Please rescue these rebellious ones. Let them see they are helpless. Only God is righteous; only Jesus redeems and cleanses us. Silence the lies of the evil one and let the lost hear the truth through your children and through your Spirit.

Truth declared

Pray for opportunities to share the Truth declared at the Queen’s funeral with locals this week. Everyone knows about the funeral here so its an easy conversation starter.
Today I visited Abigail and we discussed how the Queen was a person of service… and how JC came to be a Servant in order to mend our relationship to the Father. Please ask that Abigail would think deeply about this important characteristic of JC.

Ask for healing

Pray for our friend Adam who was recently diagnosed with cancer. Ask for healing in the name of Jesus. We have shared the good news many times with this family and they are open to prayer. They love the person of Jesus, but do not believe in His death and resurrection.

Have mercy

Joy’s father had taken a turn for the worse and he’s in hospital… maybe he won’t leave. Joy is desperate for him to meet Jesus before he passes. Would you pray with us for the Father’s mercy on Joy’s father? And comfort and peace for Joy.