Going to trial

Please pray and fast with us on June 11. One of our imprisoned brothers is going to trial that day. We pray that he will have a settled heart knowing God is sovereign, God is powerful, and God loves each one. We are asking for families to be reunited and fear to be removed from the church.

If you would like to sign up for a slot to join the 24 hour prayer and fasting group, please click on the link:







Gospel is powerful

Pray that those living in slavery to sin would feel the weight of those chains and meet believers who speak the gospel. Pray for hearts of stone to be softened to hear and believe the gospel. We know the veil is lifted only in Christ and that the gospel is powerful to change hearts completely.


Teresa came with her sister one night last year to ask questions about their belief and ours. She is spiritually hungry and on a journey searching for truth. She appreciates scripture and songs I send. She sees many fallacies in the belief system here. Please pray that she reads the word that is on her phone and that we can study together.  Ask that she has a dream of a man in white calling her to follow Him. She loves the fact that our belief refers to followers as sons & daughters, not slaves.

For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened. Matthew 7:8

Ask that Teresa would continue to “seek until she finds”.


Continue to pray for those imprisoned in Libya for speaking and believing the gospel. It has been one year. Pray for lawyers who were courageous enough to take the case and for authorities and guards in the prisons to see the light of Jesus in His children. Pray for breakthrough for the church in Libya, for fearlessness and Spirit-filled resurrection power as well as fellowship in suffering.

Be strengthened

Pray for believers under pressure to recant their faith to be strengthened with might by God’s spirit in the inner man. (Eph 3:16)

Night of Power

April 5th or 6th is a night known as the “Night of Power.” Many Muslims will pray through the night hoping to gain special favor with God. Pray for the Holy Spirt to reveal Himself to many, and for revelation that we can receive special favor with God through His Son Jesus Christ.


Please continue to pray for the believers in jail for their faith. Pray that the God hope fills them with all joy and peace as they trust in Him, so that they may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. (Romans 15:13) And pray they will be delivered!

New brother

We have a new brother! He’s been having dreams about JC for about 5 years, has been reading the Word and sharing with his sister. And he has decided to follow Jesus!
Since he chose to follow JC on Sunday, Sam’s family kicked him out of the home and he wasn’t able to get any of his belongings. He said beforehand that he knew his family would persecute him, and that JC is worth it, but now he is actually experiencing it. Please lift this new brother up. Ask for the Father to miraculously provide for his needs, and to fill him with joy and strength. Ask for wisdom and discernment for the team as they walk this journey with him. Pray for his family to soften and his sister to continue seeking Truth.


Pray for all those in prison because of their Savior, Jesus Christ. May they know His comfort, His freedom despite chains, and in the lonely times apart from family, may they know the companionship that only God can give. Remember their families, as they miss and long to be together. “Release them Lord!”

Repent and believe

Pray for humility to listen to God, to believe that He has authority and speaks the truth in Scripture. Ask for repentance from rejecting God’s grace and from oppressing the weak.

Pray for those in prison

Pray for those who are still in prison for the sake of the gospel to have sweet intimate times with Jesus, be used mightily to reveal the glory of God… and that God would reunite them with their families soon!


Pray for local brothers and sisters as they feel the isolation poignantly if they don’t have anyone to celebrate Christmas with.


Many teas and Christmas parties happening these coming weeks. As people ooh and ahh over the decorations and sweet treats, ask for opportunities to share the story of Emmanuel.

Real story of Noel

Joy, a local sister, has invited her neighbours for tea this afternoon and hopes to tell them the real story of “Noel” and how it is different from New Year (which they often assume is what we are celebrating). Please pray they come and she has the opportunity to share Truth with wisdom and winsomeness.

Hungry for Truth and Love

We’re seeing people are hungry for Truth and Love. Seekers are finding us! Pray for one seeker in particular, Faith, that the Father would continue to draw her to Himself and that we could read the Word together.

Meeting together

Praise God for two local believers meeting together. Pray God will protect their times together and bless their fellowship.

Heard the gospel!

The team went out Friday and Saturday from noon to midnight looking for people interested in talking about spiritual matters. The Father enabled them to engage with 99 people and 76 of them heard the full gospel message! Lots of them are interested in follow up conversations to discuss further. Praise the Father with us and ask that the HS would water the seeds that were planted. All glory to Him!

Find Jesus

Ask for repentant humble hearts that feel the weight of sin and long for grace and the yoke of Jesus. May they have visions and find websites and meet believers who reveal Jesus clearly and truthfully.

Kicked out

A new believer has been kicked out of the house by her mother and brother for her faith. Please pray for Celia as she looks for a new place to live. May this experience strengthen her faith and cause her mom and brother to have a ‘Saul-to-Paul’ experience with the living, loving God!

Vibrant churches

Praise Jesus for the vibrant house churches who pray fervently for those persecuted for righteousness’ sake in nearby countries. Pray for the Lord’s encouragement and that He would answer their prayers.

Feel the weight

May God reveal himself through his Word and humble those who are self righteous and blinded. Let each one who has heard your word feel the weight of their sin before our Holy God and receive the grace and forgiveness he offers only through Jesus.

Continue to meet

Pray for Asher, a new believer. Pray he would continue to meet with other local believers and that this could become a group that meets regularly.
Pray for peace with his family and blessing on his business.

Lethal storm

Pray for the people of Libya. A storm has caused major flooding. In one town the storm caused the collapse of two dams which caused a lethal flash flood. It is feared that more than 2000 people were carried away by the water.


There was a terrible earthquake in Morocco last night. So far, 1000 dead and 2075 injured. Please pray for mercy for those fearful of another earthquake, for healing for the injured, for God and his people to minister and comfort.

Medical outreach

Pray for our medical outreach in October. We have prepared everything and are just waiting for permission from the Minister of Health to distribute medicine.
Pray for many to be blessed medically and spiritually!


Pray for our dear friend Jan, who was recently widowed. She is visiting us along with her daughters. One of her daughters, Sally, has suffered from frequent demonic attacks. Pray for our time today, that God would have mercy and deliver her and bless this family.

Hit on head

A colleague has been getting to know a local butcher. Turns out he’s an agnostic but open to discussions. However, we just heard that the butcher had a bad accident. He was trying to catch a train and something hit him in the head really hard. He survived but with a lasting head injury. It’s a reminder how short time is to share Truth! Please pray for his recovery and that our colleague would be able to resume their conversations about the Truth!

That they may stand

Continue to pray for our local brothers & sisters in prison for their faith. Historically, they have 2 choices…to recant OR stay in prison, which may lead to the death sentence. Pray for them to stand strong in the face of extreme pressure and persecution.


Please pray for our sister Joy. She managed to get a cleaning job this summer but was fired for talking with her colleagues about Jesus. Ask for peace and courage in the face of this disappointment. Pray also that her husband Simon, who is not a believer, would come to see that Jesus is worth it!

Double in size

Summer is a time locals travel a lot, and towns on the coast double in size. Pray for divine appointments as teams go out into the crowds seeking to share the Truth.

Open the door

May the Arabs hear Jesus knocking and open the door and eat with him and fellowship with him.

Believe in the Son

May Arabs believe in the Son and receive eternal life. May they obey the Son and see life and may the wrath of God be removed from them. John 3:36

Still imprisoned

Over 3 months ago, at least 10 Libyan Christians were arrested by the Libyan government. They were arrested because they had left Islam. One Nigerian & one Pakistani believer have also been arrested because of their association with these believers. They are being held for proselytism.
Please pray with us that these men & women would be set free. Pray that God would touch the hearts of the captors & government officials. Pray that the Libyans would be given the right to gather & worship Jesus.
We love Libya & we want to bless the country with our prayers.

Be drawn

May those who have never heard the gospel be drawn to Christian websites and tv programs. May they meet true believers from any nation and may those believers speak the gospel. May Arabs believe the gospel and be bold to gather together in obedience to Christ.

Eid al Adha

Today is a big day across the Muslim world as many slaughter a sheep in remembrance of Abraham killing the ram. Some do it just because ‘they’ve always done it’ and don’t even know why…missing the symbolism we know from the OT. Others hope it will count in their favor before Allah when he weighs their sins. Many this year can’t afford a sheep because of rising costs and worry what their neighbors and Allah will think. Pray that they’d see the hopelessness of working for their salvation and realize their need for a Savior outside of themselves, The Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.

Precious holy intimacy

Continue to pray for those imprisoned for leaving Islam to follow Jesus. May they have precious holy intimacy with Christ more than they have ever known. Protect their hearts from lies of the accuser and his followers. Pray they would be released.

Find fertile soil

As many locals prepare for their summer holidays and travel around the country, ask that they would encounter believers and willingly talk about Jesus. Often when they aren’t in their own neighbourhoods being observed who they talk to and what they talk about, there can be a greater willingness to discuss important issues. Ask that many seeds would be planted this summer which would find fertile soil.

Share Life

Praise the Lord for ‘Asher’ who started reading the Word in December and recently decided he wanted to be ‘in the Family’. Pray for him to grow in his understanding of Jesus’ sacrifice for him and that as he reflects on those in his community as ‘dead’, he would have compassion to share the Life with them.


Praise the Lord for ‘Hank’ who decided to follow Jesus after an encounter on a language route walk. Ask that his hunger to read the Word would grow and that his wife and children would also decide to follow Jesus.

Prisoners for Christ

Please continue to pray for the believers in jail for their faith. Pray they would know God’s presence and grace in a profound way and that they would be released soon.