Almost two years ago, Passion Week 2023, several believers in Libya were taken from their homes and streets and put in prison.
Now the announcement of their verdict has been postponed until Passion Week 2025 (Tuesday, April 15th.)
The timing is significant.
As Jesus allowed himself to be arrested, he said: This is the hour of the power of darkness (Luke 22:53). And after Jesus died, in the days of uncertainty and waiting and fear…the disciples hid together. Together locked in the room. Together going to the tomb. We continue to pray together remembering those who are suffering… let us not stop.
We wait for the next ‘togethers’…
Together eating with the risen Jesus, together seeing his wounds, together hearing his voice and feeling his breath as he breathed on us His Spirit…
As Lent begins in a few weeks and we remember the dark days before the cross… please keep praying for God’s children suffering around the world.