Prisoners’ verdict prayer time

After almost 2 years in prison (from March/April 2023), we were recently told the verdict for the believers jailed for their faith will be given February 4th. Please join us in praying for their release. Here is the link to invite you to join us in praying/fasting Feb 2-4 for the believers imprisoned in Libya. Feel free to pass this on to others who you know will pray with us. We will be turning to Jesus as our Advocate, our Intercessor, and our Deliverer.

Hearing and sentencing

Thank you for praying with us.
*The hearing did take place.
*The lawyers presented the case.
*The defendants were all present.
These are actually quite big milestones. It has been a long road to even get to having people show up and hear the case, but the final result of the hearings was to declare that the verdict would be given on Feb 4, 2025.
Please pray for mercy and for all the prisoners imprisoned for their faith to be released unconditionally.

Church to be one

Pray for believers to learn how to trust and be trustworthy, to speak the truth and believe others, to forgive when hurt and to ask for forgiveness quickly. We pray with Jesus for the Arab church to be one, to use the gifts given for the encouragement of the body, to gather faithfully.

Keep their hearts tender

We pray for those caught in places of war and violence, to not be hardened or made callous to suffering. Keep their hearts tender and longing for the peace only Jesus gives. May they forgive quickly those who have wronged them and leave revenge to God. May they come and worship Jesus who said, ‘Forgive them for they know not what they do.’

Need rain!

The rain has not kept up here and the farmers are having to decide soon to plant their grain or not. Our friend Hank planted grain last weekend. We told him we are asking the father to send rain and give his family favor. May the rain come and bless this dry and weary land but only if that’s what will soften their hearts to the Son!

Making cookies

I’ll be having Iris and her kids over sometime soon to visit and bake cookies. May our time be full of things that open their eyes to the Son and his goodness and truth!


It’s the rainy season now and we’ve had a few good days of rain. May the Father send even more rain to help fill the reservoirs and his Holy Spirit to rain on the hard soil of their souls. ‘Lead us to the ones who are ready to hear and follow oh Lord!’

Watch the film

Update on Karl and Iris: She took a card with the code to download and watch the Mary Magdalene video of the Jesus film. She seemed very interested in watching it and still asks questions. May she find the opportunity and data to download and watch the film. May the Father give me a time to follow up with her about it.

Make her curious

Rose’s mom had her heart surgery and has recovered now. Hallelujah! Please praise for that and lift up her sister who is in a hard marriage. May our family’s interactions and my words bring glory to the Son and make her curious about our Father.

New trial

The 7 believers are going to trial tomorrow. Please pray for courage and peace to reign in their hearts. And pray the Lord would prevail over the judges and they would “Let His people go!”


Please continue to lift up the 7 followers of Jesus from NA3 that have a new trial date for NOVEMBER 19TH Please pray for their continued endurance in the midst of this suffering and that Jesus Himself would be their cell mate. Pray He would bring to their mind His Word and songs of worship. May they stand with Him even stronger as time continues. Pray that the prison would be transformed by the Good News and MANY would come to faith!

Accept the One

We found out Hank and Violet are expecting a baby. Please ask for a healthy baby and for continued good news interactions with them and their whole family. Several of the extended family have had exposure to the good news and have questions. May they all come to accept the one who is the way!

Soften hard hearts

Pray that hearts that have been previously hard would be softened by the Spirit. We ask that God strip away the arrogance and self righteousness, that people would become poor in spirit and bow before the cross. Lord, break up the fallow ground, may the painful gorges clear a way for seed to be sown and bring a harvest.


Our friend Rose comes weekly to clean. Her mom had heart surgery last week and needs prayer for recovery. Ask that Rose and her family would have their eyes opened to the Father.

Second trial

Continue to pray for believers in prison. May they endure faithfully and be victorious by the blood of the Lamb and the word of his testimony. Some will stand trial again: Nov 19. No verdict was given at the Oct 1 trial.
James 1:12
Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him.

New trial date

The believers in prison for their faith are going to trial Oct 1. Please pray the trial would go ahead (and not be postponed again) and the judge would rule for their immediate release.

Oct 1 trial date

The trial has once again been postponed. The new date is Oct 1. Please pray for encouragement for the brothers and sister in prison for their faith. May they know the precious presence of the Lord Jesus in a profound way. Pray God would care for their families. And pray for their deliverance!

Soft heart

Pray for our dear friends Iris and Karl and their 4 kids. Iris asks me lots of spiritual questions, recently specifically about Jesus. Ask that her heart would soften to the truth and that their whole family would come to know Jesus Christ.

Trial Sept 3

Pray for the Lord to go before the believers going to trial tomorrow, Sept 3rd. Pray for courage and peace for them to stand strong. Pray for the Lord to trouble the judge and that he would hear and obey the Lord, “Let My people go!”

Pray the trial would not be postponed and all would be released.

Holy Father, these prisoners are your true children. Please give them patient endurance. Purify their hearts from any doubt or fear that the accuser has spoken.  Fill them with patience and kindness.  May the presence of your Holy Spirit be so clear to each one who sees them. Let sincere love shine from their countenances, for their brothers and sister, for those trying them, for the lawyers, for their oppressors, for Jesus.  Remove any thought of speaking self-protecting lies.  Let each one faithfully preach the truth.  We know that your resurrection power is working in them.


Know His presence

Pray that those persecuted for Jesus would know the presence of Jesus as they wait for the trial on September 3 and that the believers who are not imprisoned would remember their brothers in their suffering, and that they would be bold and courageous to speak the gospel.


Lift up our country as it’s been in drought for 6 years now and in our area specifically, most of the farmers didn’t even plant last year because there wasn’t enough rain and reservoirs are very low. Bath houses and car washes have been forced to close for 3 days a week. May the lack of rain and the hard times push people so seek the one who has living water that never dries up!

Update on trial

The hearing did not happen on Tuesday. It’s been postponed until 3rd September. Reason given was that not all the defendants were brought to the court and the hearing cannot happen if one of the defendants is missing. Pray for encouragement for the prisoners and their families after this disappointment. Pray the Lord will trouble the judge until he lets His people free.

Trial Aug 13th

The prisoners’ trial was postponed to Aug 13. Pray for comfort and courage for the believers as they face the judge. Pray for the judge to be convicted by the Lord and for all the prisoners to be released.

Still in prison

Pray for those still imprisoned to know the presence of Jesus, the fellowship of his suffering, to declare their unwavering decision to keep following Jesus… (even if in pain or doubt they recanted in the past)… and pray for the court case Aug 13 … for the kingdom of God to advance and Jesus’ name be lifted high and families reunited.


Pray for the prisoners, that the God of hope fill them with all joy and peace as they trust in Him, so that they may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. (Rom 15:13). Pray for their families. And pray for the captors- that God would trouble them until they let His people go.

Small business

Joy’s candy floss cart is now up and running and she’s been able to finally earn some money to support her family. It was becoming increasingly difficult for her to get a job as a believer (she was fired from her last job for talking about Jesus), so this little bit of financial independence has been a real blessing. Pray for the Lord’s blessing on her business and encouragement of her faith.

Focused engagement

We recently carried out a focused engagement time in our community with the aim of sharing the Good News. It was such a joy to work alongside other workers from our city and surrounding area including three local believers! Pray for those who heard the Good News for the first time, that the Father will continue to draw them to Himself and that they will bow their knees to Him.

Pray again for the young man who was kicked out of his home because of his faith in Jesus; ask God to work in the hearts of his family and to provide for his needs.

Feast of Sacrifice

The Eid al-Adha (the ‘feast of sacrifice’, when Muslims remember Abraham sacrificing a ram in place of his son) was celebrated last weekend. Many meaningful conversations were had around the subject of sacrifice. Pray that as these seeds were planted, they would find good soil and many follow up conversations would take place.


Pray the God of hope will fill the prisoners and their families with all joy and peace as they trust in Him, so that they would overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. (Rom 15:13)
Pray the judge and other officials would have no peace and would be troubled by the Holy Spirit until they repent and free the Lord’s loved ones.

Trial update

Thank you so much for praying for those who went to court yesterday. I know that God is so delighted to hear his children praying in unity, remembering those in prison, choosing to identify with those who are suffering. The court refused the lawyer’s request to release them and set a new court day for August 13. Pray for those in prison, for their families, for the believers outside of prison, to be still and wait on the Lord in hope. May He lift up their heads and give them peace.


Pray for the believers standing trial for their faith tomorrow. They have been in prison for over a year. Pray for the peace of God to overflow in their hearts and give them courage to honor Him and stand firm. Pray the Lord would cause the judge to have favor on them and release them. May the Lord’s presence be tangible in the courtroom so that the believers are comforted and the Muslims are afraid.

Going to trial

Please pray and fast with us on June 11. One of our imprisoned brothers is going to trial that day. We pray that he will have a settled heart knowing God is sovereign, God is powerful, and God loves each one. We are asking for families to be reunited and fear to be removed from the church.

If you would like to sign up for a slot to join the 24 hour prayer and fasting group, please click on the link:






Gospel is powerful

Pray that those living in slavery to sin would feel the weight of those chains and meet believers who speak the gospel. Pray for hearts of stone to be softened to hear and believe the gospel. We know the veil is lifted only in Christ and that the gospel is powerful to change hearts completely.


Teresa came with her sister one night last year to ask questions about their belief and ours. She is spiritually hungry and on a journey searching for truth. She appreciates scripture and songs I send. She sees many fallacies in the belief system here. Please pray that she reads the word that is on her phone and that we can study together.  Ask that she has a dream of a man in white calling her to follow Him. She loves the fact that our belief refers to followers as sons & daughters, not slaves.

For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened. Matthew 7:8

Ask that Teresa would continue to “seek until she finds”.


Continue to pray for those imprisoned in Libya for speaking and believing the gospel. It has been one year. Pray for lawyers who were courageous enough to take the case and for authorities and guards in the prisons to see the light of Jesus in His children. Pray for breakthrough for the church in Libya, for fearlessness and Spirit-filled resurrection power as well as fellowship in suffering.

Be strengthened

Pray for believers under pressure to recant their faith to be strengthened with might by God’s spirit in the inner man. (Eph 3:16)

Night of Power

April 5th or 6th is a night known as the “Night of Power.” Many Muslims will pray through the night hoping to gain special favor with God. Pray for the Holy Spirt to reveal Himself to many, and for revelation that we can receive special favor with God through His Son Jesus Christ.


Please continue to pray for the believers in jail for their faith. Pray that the God hope fills them with all joy and peace as they trust in Him, so that they may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. (Romans 15:13) And pray they will be delivered!

New brother

We have a new brother! He’s been having dreams about JC for about 5 years, has been reading the Word and sharing with his sister. And he has decided to follow Jesus!
Since he chose to follow JC on Sunday, Sam’s family kicked him out of the home and he wasn’t able to get any of his belongings. He said beforehand that he knew his family would persecute him, and that JC is worth it, but now he is actually experiencing it. Please lift this new brother up. Ask for the Father to miraculously provide for his needs, and to fill him with joy and strength. Ask for wisdom and discernment for the team as they walk this journey with him. Pray for his family to soften and his sister to continue seeking Truth.


Pray for all those in prison because of their Savior, Jesus Christ. May they know His comfort, His freedom despite chains, and in the lonely times apart from family, may they know the companionship that only God can give. Remember their families, as they miss and long to be together. “Release them Lord!”