Praise Jesus for bold sisters who are telling their family of Christ! Their mom declares Jesus is Lord, but wants the Koran and Mohamed to also fit in somehow. Pray for continued boldness for each believer to testify to the gospel of grace. Ask for fathers and brothers to believe too.
Praying for true faith
She is still trying to gain a reward by suffering to feed the poor in Ramadan, but she studies daily the truth of Jesus and knows that He is Lord. She prays to him for true faith and sincere repentance. Please ask that she and others who are seeking let go of all the lies of Islam and surrender completely to Jesus and follow Him.
Pray for families to believe
Praise Jesus for some bold sisters who are telling their family of their faith; pray that families would believe. Pray for believers to find believing spouses, for parents to teach their children.
Let not your hearts be troubled
Pray for those who are suffering from PTSD or depression or anxiety because of past or present persecution. Ask that each believer ‘be filled with joy and peace as they believe in the God of hope’ (Rom 15)
Pray for faith on Easter
So many are willingly receiving passages and reading of the cross and resurrection of Jesus…please ask that hearts would be stirred and unwilling to rest until they recognize the truth of Jesus.
Needing deliverance
Several of the new believers battle panic attacks and depression. Two have said that when they try to call on Jesus’ name, their tongues feel heavy, unable to move. Please ask for deliverance from fear, from unforgiveness and lies. Ask that each be overwhelmed by the Holy Spirit and be freed by calling on the Name of Jesus in the moments that fears and lies try to rise. Pray that believers would ‘set aside any deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light.’
Sisters and Moms
Pray that God would continue to give boldness to his children to speak with their families! A set of sisters keep bringing their mom to hear the gospel and one courageously explained personally the gospel to her mom two days ago and her mom seemed ready to hear more. She said her third sister would believe if she heard, but her oldest believing sister is afraid for her to tell her.
In a separate family, the believing daughter is afraid to tell her family… but she brought a foreigner to share… and the mom wants to study the Word! The daughter also wants to invite a local sister to join in. Praise God for this boldness! May God continue to draw families to Himself!
Asking for mighty signs and fruitful lives
There has been increasing persecution, imprisonment, threats. Please pray that each believer would not be overcome by evil, but would walk in the authority of the Spirit. Ask that each would be transformed by the Spirit to be bold for witness and filled with praise in sorrow, asking and believing for mighty signs and fruitful lives for their time here on earth.
Increasing courage!
Praise Jesus for increasing courage!! One recent believer has been afraid to tell anyone in her family, but a few days ago, she shared with her sister. Her sister had already been receiving verses from another local brother online! Two days later, she heard the gospel again and believed!! This newest sister is already boldly praying for family members and said she’s sure her mom is open!! Pray that each believer would love Jesus more than they fear persecution and share with those they know!
One new sister invited a friend to come hear the gospel. He believed last Tuesday and both were baptized Saturday (and an Arab believer too)! Pray for courage to be a witness and for unity among the believers. The Berbers love the Berber songs from Algeria…the Arabs love the songs from Egypt… May they encourage each other and sing together!
Needing courage to obey
Ask for a family who want to be baptized… that they would have courage to actually do it, and that they would hear the voice of the Spirit more clearly as they obey and walk in repentance.
Suffering and Deception
Ask for an increasing desire to walk in truth and courage. Recently in a situation of sexual abuse, there was increased deception to cover the abuse because of fear of death … and the abuser received no correction or rebuke. She truly believed there was no option and said, “It’s always the girl’s fault. My 12 yr old neighbor was cast out after being abused. What can I do?”
Another girl lies to her mom about where she’s going… when she’s going to study the Word. She believes but denied Jesus when her brothers threatened death. Pray for freedom that comes with truth even if it includes suffering.
Desire for fellowship
Ask for an increased desire for fellowship with believers and an increased desire to be discipled and to disciple others. May each one know they are not made to survive alone but are created to be part of “the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grow[ing]and build[ing] itself up in love, as each part does its work.”
Ephesians 4:16
Reject old lies
Pray for believers to stand strong in the freedom of the truth of the gospel of grace. May the old lies of the spirit of Islam have no hold over them. When they doubt the truth of Scripture, pray that they will recognize it is the voice of the enemy whispering old chants that the Bible has been changed. May each one learn to battle in the Spirit and declare the truths denied by Islam: Jesus is the Son of God. Jesus died on the cross and rose again. The Word of God is true.
Proclaim the truth
Almost every child and adult can quote the ‘ayas’ from the Koran that deny the sonship of Christ, the death of Christ and the reliability of the Bible. Pray that these lies would be uprooted and that the truth of the gospel be welcomed. Ask that all believers proclaim: Jesus is the Word who is God! God’s Word is true! Jesus, the Word was made flesh, was crucified and rose again!
Reading but not believing
A woman just finished reading through the NT… but her sister came over and the two discussed how the Word has been changed. Pray that these women and all Berbers understand that God’s Word is true, that it reveals who God is through Jesus and His Spirit, and shows us how to love and obey Him, and how to be rescued!
Study together on Sunday
Two Arab women and one Berber woman… (who each have heard and loved the gospel, but not yet surrendered to Jesus as Lord)… have said they want to study the life of Jesus. They all know each other through social media and two pairs have met. One begins studying this Sunday… pray for wisdom and courage regarding if they can study together.
Desiring Truth
A woman agreed to study the Word to see who Jesus is. Ask that she continue to desire truth and that she would ask someone to join her in reading.
Eating or fasting in faith
Ask for courage as new believers go through their first Ramadan. Many are afraid to tell their families of their faith. Some willfully choose not to fast Ramadan because it is such a huge part of the Muslim identity… yet they want to ‘appear to be fasting’ because they are afraid. Pray for hearts of truth that know when and how to speak with others. (Four previously secret believers found each other thru not fasting Ramadan!) Ask that any eating will be from true faith (not indulgence while feeling guilty). Ask that any fasting will be from true faith (not hypocritical identification with Islam).
Needing unity
The Amazigh are struggling to retain their identity and language and are often more open to the gospel because of their history. As new Amazigh believers gather, there are those who want to only speak Tamazight… and others who grew up in a time it was forbidden to learn it… and know only Arabic and some basics. Pray that above any cultural identity will be their identity as those who love and follow Jesus. Pray for growing love and deeper community that extends grace and understanding. Ask that Tamazight not be an issue of division.
Meeting together
A family of believers going through their first Ramadan and an older believer are gathering for the first time to read, eat and pray this Sunday evening. May this increase their boldness, their longing for fellowship, their knowledge and love for the Lord Jesus.
Covenant with the enemy
When girls are about 12 or 13, a ritual is often completed over them to ensure protection until marriage. Often a demonic spirit is invited. Please ask for these covenants with the enemy to be broken and for these women to be set free. Many had very little understanding of what was going on at the time. Please ask that this ritual will be abandoned, that those in authority will be convicted of sin and will trust in Jesus.
FaceBook page
Four in the Diaspora just started a Facebook page in the local dialect. They are receiving many comments… some questions, many curses. Ask for discernment and clarity as they respond. May each one dwell in the Word of Christ richly…answering by His Spirit and not from their own hurt.
Tolerance vs Grace
Ask for the young college students to understand the difference between tolerance and grace. In their eagerness to rebel against the confines of Islam, they want to accept all. Pray that each will see that tolerance ridicules the cross, saying sin doesn’t matter, Jesus died in vain. Grace recognizes the horror of sin, the necessity of the cross, and believes that Jesus’ blood is stronger. As they hear bits and pieces of truth online and face to face, may they discern truth and believe the gospel of grace!
Heavy to bear
One young woman wants to be baptized but is fearful to tell her family because they have threatened to kill her. She is new in her faith. Pray for courage, for discipleship, for deep roots of unshakable truth. She also speaks of leaving… the threats feel so heavy to bear. She is young. Ask for her to respond to Jesus call: come to me all you who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest.
Believers leaving
Four believers (who came to Jesus in mid-2017) have left the country. Another family (husband and wife both believers) with five kids plans to leave soon. Most are leaving because of economic chaos here. This is a large percentage of the believers in the city and leaves such holes of loneliness. Ask that none would fear, that each would love Jesus above all, that each would hear and obey the voice of the Shepherd and that He would increase their love for each other.
Several women are reading the Word but have not yet believed. Four of them are right now traveling out of the country. Ask that as they travel, they would meet believers who will speak the truth to them. Ask that on their return (most come next week) they would hunger to regularly study with believers. Ask that each would surrender!
Celebrating Christmas
A young woman (who is studying the Holy Spirit but who hasn’t yet believed) just wrote to say she’s planning on celebrating Christmas with believers there! Ask that she and her two sisters recognize the love and grace of God coming to earth … to die and rise…to satisfy the wrath of God.
Listening to Christmas truth
A young woman who doesn’t yet believe said that on Christmas, she lights candles, listens to Luke 2 and Christmas hymns in Arabic (from Egypt and Lebanon)… and then listens to Hark the Herald. Ask that she would believe the truths she hears: ‘God and sinners reconciled.’ ‘Veiled in flesh the Godhead see…’ ‘Jesus our Emmanuel’
Feeling helpless
Lord Jesus, please stir again the hearts that you have rescued, but that are feeling helpless. Give power and strength to your children who are despairing when businesses crumble and roads are closed and water and electricity come and go. We ask for joy, joy that confounds the darkness…and strengthens the soul and causes others to long for hope.
No longer welcomed
Hope (a believer) just wrote about a recently orphaned young woman who is no longer welcome to stay in the home of extended family. She asked for prayer, and for verses to pass on. She was filled with compassion and said this woman is interested in Jesus. Ask that Hope and the believers that meet in her home will continue to reach out in compassion with the gospel of grace.
Peace in the midst of turmoil
You may have seen the news of militia clashes in the capital. It can seem distant until texts arrive from friends about jobs closing down, grenades hitting the neighbors’ homes, flights cancelled with closed airports and fearful children. “Ruth,” “Faith” and “Rose” and “Elizabeth” have all written quite often. Elizabeth sent pictures of their family business burning and car destroyed. She was thankful that all got out in time, but they are wondering what to do next. The government also just shut down FaceBook…unless you have a VPN. It all seems quite dark. Please pray that the believers would rise up with courage and hope and that those around will be amazed at the peace they display. Pray that those who are despairing will recognize that Jesus cries with them, loves them, sees, and offers peace unlike the world’s.
May they be granted faith
Ask that the women who have been reading Scripture will believe. Pray for clear understanding of the truth and a willingness to surrender to the Lord.
Abide in the word
Ask that new believers would hold tightly to the Word of God and be discipled in the truth. Ask for those in the diaspora and those in-country to humbly abide in the Word… and know the truth that sets them free.
Courage to share with their children
Ask that God fill his children with a Spirit of wisdom and revelation so that they know what God’s will is. Pray for husband and wife (who are believers) to share boldly with their children and have wisdom to know how to speak before grandparents who are against Jesus.
Open hearts
Praise Jesus for increasingly open hearts asking for truth. Ask especially for the veil to be completely lifted from the minds of four women who are actively studying the Word. Two acknowledge that Jesus is the Son of God. All recognize that Jesus died on the cross as the Lamb of God. Some are not certain that this brings salvation. One wants to believe Islam is also true because of loved ones who have died. One isn’t certain she should surrender her will to the Lord. Ask for complete breakthrough.
sharing with diaspora
Praise Jesus for Hannah in the Diaspora declaring the gospel to a young Muslim from Saudi. Ask for this young woman to believe and follow. Pray that each believing Berber in the diaspora would be bold to share the truth.
thankful for grace
Ask for new believers who are facing their first Ramadan to know how to interact with Muslim family members. Pray especially for children who watch believing parents eat…and then visit Muslim grandparents… to know when to speak and when to be quiet. Pray for a renewed thankfulness for grace over this month.
set their hearts on Jesus
‘Do you believe Jesus died and rose again?’ ‘Yes’ …. ‘Would you say you are a Christian?’ ‘You could say that.’ Ask that this man who has heard and confessed much would yield his life completely to the Lord Jesus. Pray for His wife to also believe and follow. Both are eager to study the Word and to receive prayer. Ask for courage for this family and those like them to set their hearts on Jesus above all else.
counting the cost
‘Will you send me verses every day, lots of them?’ Praise Jesus for the desire He has placed in Joy’s heart to read his Word. Ask for courage for her as she fears those who have killed others for speaking unacceptably. May she and her sister see the worthiness of Jesus, count the cost and follow Him. Ask for them and the many young people like them who are searching to believe.