Ramadan pressure

Pray for believers who are living with Muslim family members during Ramadan. Pray that they not deny Jesus, that they do not fear, that they find deep satisfaction in Jesus, the Bread of Life.

Needing rescue

May those who are prideful in their education and wealth be humbled and recognize their need to be rescued by Jesus the Lamb of God. May those studying Scripture believe that the Word from God is true; Jesus is the Son of God, perfect and holy; He did die, his substitutionary death satisfies the wrath of God; He did rise and overcome death and sin.


Just met B, a mother of a 9 month old and 4 year old who just got divorced. Life is hard for her! No real interest in talking about spiritual things but I got to share of the personal joy that comes in knowing Jesus is near rather than distant in hard times. Please pray that seed would cause her to ponder.

He’s given up

Roza is really enjoying the year long air stewarding course she’s on… even after a teacher called her out in front of the whole class as a believer! She wanted everyone to know… but not like that! A few students have been a bit ‘cold’ since, but most have been accepting. Ask that as they watch her, she would shine brightly.
Her sister no longer identifies as a muslim (though not yet a Sister), much to her parents’ anger. She seems to be slipping towards depression so pray that she would surrender to Jesus and find joy and peace.
Roza’s father has ‘given up’ trying to persuade Roza to give up Jesus… after she agreed to research with him and ended up using his special library books (he teaches at the mosque) to discredit their ‘prophet’! She’s becoming quite the apologist! Pray that the arguments she presented would really cause him to ponder the Truth

New sister!

We’re celebrating a new Sister… heard yesterday that a friend of Roza’s who she met in April, gave her life to Jesus on Christmas day! Pray for Roza as she walks with this new Sister and that as this Sister ‘comes off the mountain top’ over these next weeks, that her joy would be rooted in the Light and Life from the King of kings!

Tea times

Continued concerns over Covid mean our usual big Xmas parties aren’t happening this year, but many tea times are instead. The smaller context actually makes it easier to have spiritual conversations and many in our group are using the character of Joseph in the coming of Jesus to talk about how God talks to us, obedience, and Immanuel/God with us. Ask for courage in these conversations and receptiveness to the Word.

Run to Jesus

There are still a handful of new believers (less than a year old) who experienced death of a near family member and continue to doubt the goodness and love of God. Please ask that they run to Jesus instead of from Him in their grief, that they keep abiding, reading the words from God, repenting, believing.


There are new believers who are doubting, shrinking back, writing publicly that they no longer follow Jesus because of fear/family pressure/or because of disappointed expectations of what God “should have done.” Pray that as believers share with others, they would disciple them faithfully and that each one would be rooted and built up in Christ, strengthened in the faith.

Deep Sorrow

There continues to be sorrow and doubt in the lives of believers who have experienced the loss of family members. Pray that they will believe the goodness and justice of God even in deep sorrow or difficult trials.

Eid al-Adha

As Muslims celebrate Eid al-Adha (the Festival of the Sacrifice) by sacrificing a lamb or other animal this week to remember Abraham’s sacrifice, pray they will hear of the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. Ask the Lord to remove the veil that blinds so many Muslims to the truth of the Gospel.

May fear not rule

Continue to pray that fear not rule and that as people suffer for the sake of Jesus, they will not deny him.

Lamb of God

Pray that as believers get ready to celebrate the Eid next month, they will reject the spirit of Islam, identify with Jesus and boldly tell their friends/family about the lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.

No cracks

May there be no cracks of unlove and unforgiveness in the foundation of the fledgling church. May each believer relentlessly pursue reconciliation, truth and love because of the gospel. May they greet each other sincerely with grace and peace and live in this truth.

Grieving and suffering

Please ask that God would increase the faith of believers who are being persecuted or grieving. Several have said, ‘If God cared and was powerful, he would have stepped in.’ One wrote: ‘God is not useful.’ Please pray that each see that God is not expected to obey us (even if our orders are framed in prayer) or our definition of good. Ask that each one know the true goodness of God and surrender to His higher better way despite suffering.

Growing faith

Praise Jesus for the growing faith of several sisters and their mom. Ask for their three brothers to also believe and for men and women to be able to gather in their home to worship Jesus.

Evil ritual

Several women have spoken about a ritual done over them as young girls inviting a spirit to protect them from men. Please ask for deliverance and for this evil ritual to be broken.


Praise Jesus for a group of Berber women who are praying daily together during the month of Ramadan. Pray for others to be brought in to this sweet time.

Asking for sight

One young woman felt like God was asking her and others to go to a center for the blind to pray for healing and to speak the light of Jesus. Right now the only book in Braille they have is the koran and this Berber believer said, ‘Someone needs to tell them the truth.’ But the trips have been rescheduled several times partially because of fear in another sister’s heart. Ask that each be delivered from fear and that God provide miraculous sight.


A young believer (less than a year) has been sharing the gospel with a mother and her five daughters who live next door. She gave them her only copy of the Word and goes often to talk with them. She said, ‘I’m discipling, right?’ So grateful for her obedience and praying that each one who believes will speak the Word of God to their neighbors.

Covid benefits

Covid restrictions have led many people to spend much more time online. Many are “stumbling” upon Truth, which is causing them to ask questions. Pray the Lord will lead all of us believers to find the true seekers (not those who just want to debate) who desire to learn Truth.


Two young women feel that God is not answering their prayers. They are caught in abusive households and pray for escape. Ask that each will know they are set free by truth, that their families can be changed by the power of Christ, that we can love those who hurt us. And may the church have compassion and wisdom to know how to help and stand with them.


Please ask that new believers who are proclaiming and seeing fruit will be discipled well and disciple well… will teach to obey all Jesus commanded… will abide in the vine.


Two new believers in the south and one more asking of Christ. Hallelujah! Pray for the Amazigh sisters who are sharing the gospel boldly. One just sent Matthew 5-7 online and feels that the one seeking is close to believing. May each one be fruitful.

Come and hear

Two of the brothers who don’t yet believe have been softer and listening to their sister testify. Ask for their salvation… and for the extended family from the mountains that often comes and hears. May they bring the gospel back to their mountain homes.

Christmas celebration

Today one of the local brothers has arranged a Christmas celebration at an office building. About 25 local believers have said they’ll come… bringing food to share. Ask for love and grace and courage. Many haven’t met before. Two, including the one inviting had fevers yesterday. Ask for healing.

Love overcome fear

As boldness increases in the lives of some, family members fear for their lives. Praise Jesus for these who declare freely that they follow Jesus and that they would give up their lives before denying him. But pray for fearful moms and sisters who try to change the subject as they boldly proclaim. May the Spirit of fear cripple this church no longer. May love overcome the fear of shaming family or death.

New Ones

One woman and one man are extremely bold. Both are separately proclaiming the gospel to their own families face to face and to strangers online. Over these last few weeks each have rejoiced to see new ones surrendering to Jesus. Pray for continued abiding in the Word, humility and boldness and lasting fruit.

May brothers also believe

Praise Jesus: the father of the family of believing sisters (the one who has diabetes and kidney failure that you prayed for) confessed that Jesus is Lord God and believes He died and rose to save us! And another sister from the same family living abroad has begun to read the Bible and go to church to pray. Pray for the remaining three brothers to believe and may this be one of many families to follow Jesus together.

fasting and praying

Their father is sick with kidney disease and diabetes… and the believing sisters and mom are fasting and praying for his healing so that he has the opportunity to believe. Please ask for growing faith and growing boldness to witness. And like them, ask for each believer to be bold to tell their families.

Break fear

Holy Father, please give courage to your children to speak to family members about the Lord Jesus. We ask especially that fathers and brothers would be ready to hear and believe the gospel, and that the Islamic fear would be broken.

Bold believer

Our bold new sister has been sharing online and two from other cities have come to Jesus so far. One was threatened by his family but he has stood firm saying nothing can turn him from Jesus. Please pray that these young believers (and those we don’t hear of) would abide in the Word and be deeply grounded and not fear.

New believers

Thank you, Holy Spirit, for the way you are transforming individuals and families. Thank you for new believers within one family and for their boldness to share with other Berbers online and for new brothers through their witness. May each new believer continue to abide deeply in Jesus, eat the bread of truth, and speak the gospel.

Another sister!

One more sister has believed! It was beautiful to watch her biological sisters pray over her, tears streaming down their faces as she confessed that Jesus Christ is Lord. Please ask for the rest of the family (men included) to believe and may many more families turn to Christ together.

Meeting online

One woman is now meeting with 5 others online and is reading the Word consistently. Another just shared the gospel with a friend online and that friend believed! Please ask that all these online connections would be grounded in the truth of the gospel and ask for increasing consistent discipleship.

Bold sisters

Praise Jesus for bold sisters who are telling their family of Christ! Their mom declares Jesus is Lord, but wants the Koran and Mohamed to also fit in somehow. Pray for continued boldness for each believer to testify to the gospel of grace. Ask for fathers and brothers to believe too.

Praying for true faith

She is still trying to gain a reward by suffering to feed the poor in Ramadan, but she studies daily the truth of Jesus and knows that He is Lord. She prays to him for true faith and sincere repentance. Please ask that she and others who are seeking let go of all the lies of Islam and surrender completely to Jesus and follow Him.

Pray for families to believe

Praise Jesus for some bold sisters who are telling their family of their faith; pray that families would believe. Pray for believers to find believing spouses, for parents to teach their children.

Let not your hearts be troubled

Pray for those who are suffering from PTSD or depression or anxiety because of past or present persecution. Ask that each believer ‘be filled with joy and peace as they believe in the God of hope’ (Rom 15)

Pray for faith on Easter

So many are willingly receiving passages and reading of the cross and resurrection of Jesus…please ask that hearts would be stirred and unwilling to rest until they recognize the truth of Jesus.

Needing deliverance

Several of the new believers battle panic attacks and depression. Two have said that when they try to call on Jesus’ name, their tongues feel heavy, unable to move. Please ask for deliverance from fear, from unforgiveness and lies. Ask that each be overwhelmed by the Holy Spirit and be freed by calling on the Name of Jesus in the moments that fears and lies try to rise. Pray that believers would ‘set aside any deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light.’