Delighting in the stories

Berbers prefer to be called Amazigh. We praise Jesus for the delight many have hearing the stories of Jesus in small cities. We pray that through believers or through apps, the Amazigh will listen carefully to the Word of God, believe it’s true and wholly obey and follow Jesus. We pray for Amazigh believers to carry the word back to their families in the mountains and boldly and faithfully tell the true stories of Jesus (esp to those who don’t have internet or written Scripture that they understand.)

Counting the cost

Please pray for courage for those who now believe the truth but are counting the cost. One man’s words were: “I know the way but if I deny Jesus before my parents, will Jesus deny me? Pray for me… “ Ask for each one counting the cost to know that the kingdom of God is like a pearl of great price… worth everything… (Matt 13)

Hunger for the Word

Ask that the Amazigh (Berbers) continue to hunger for the Word of God, hear the truth in a way they can understand, and receive it with faith. Pray especially that those in the mountains who do not speak Arabic, that they would hear the gospel in their language.

Be courageous

Pray for the families who have said they want to understand scripture to be courageous and honest and willing to keep studying. Pray that they will see Jesus and for their hearts to be completely transformed by the Spirit of God and for boldness to share.

Be unafraid

Pray that those who hear the truth would believe the truth and follow Jesus unafraid of those who threaten them.

Released from fear

Pray that believers would be released from fear and that they would stand firm in Jesus…even in persecution.

Still difficult

Please pray for those still in difficult living conditions after losing their homes, livelihoods, and loved ones in the earthquake in Sept. Pray that seeds planted in expressions of care and the truth spoken would bear fruit and that the Father would use this devastating situation to grow His kingdom.

Hunger overcome fear

Praise Jesus for increased courage in the hearts of believers. Pray for those who have been asking of Jesus but are now afraid to keep searching because of the arrests. May their hunger overcome their fear.

Looking for Jesus!

A local Sister has a sister who lives in one of the villages outside Kesh. This sister said the last three nights all the women in the village have gathered outside their homes and just looked at the sky for hours. She asked them what they were doing.

“We saw a face in the sky so we are looking to see if we can see it again.”

The sister, who is not a believer but has read the Word a little bit, asked her Sister, who is a believer, “Is it Isa (Jesus)?”

So now they are all looking in the sky for Him! Amazing!! Ask Jesus to reveal Himself powerfully to these women and that they’d realize He loves them so much that He stepped down from His throne into our world to be Emmanuel!

Hold tightly

Pray for those in prison to hold tightly to Jesus, to acknowledge Him before men. And pray for God’s purposes to be done and pray for their release! May each one boldly speak of Jesus and hold out the word of life even in suffering

Listening and sharing post earthquake

Some of our folk were able to provide help and aid in the days following the earthquake disaster. Now, however, the government has taken over relief aid and so our focus has turned to visiting those in hospitals, listening as people grief, praying and intentionally trying to talk about eternal matters. Please continue to pray that the Father uses this sad event to bring beauty from ashes and growth to His kingdom!

None can snatch them

Pray for those believers who have been living in fear because of seeing others’ suffering for their faith. May they be set free from fear and be emboldened to know none can snatch them from the Father’s hands.


Fearless hearts

May the Berber believers know that in this world we have tribulation but Jesus has overcome the world. May they live victoriously with fearless hearts.

Needing courage

May God give courage to those who are studying the truth but afraid to follow Jesus because of the cost. May God shine the light into their hearts so they see the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ (2Cor4:6).

Find Hope and Peace

In our urban centers, many of the smaller shop owners, fruit/vegetables stands, and blue collar workers are Berber. They work hard to make a living and are often mistreated. Please ask that these gracious and patient people will find true hope and peace in the only ONE who can offer true hope and peace.


Mr. HW owns two hardware stores, one in our city and one about 2.5 hours east of us, in part of the area where a sub-group of Berber live. He and his family are of that people group. They are presently still an unegaged group. Ask that we can build a relationship that: 1. Brings Mr. HW and his family into the kingdom and, 2. Opens a door of entry into that group of people.

Under constant threat.

Amazigh (Berbers): Pray for believers living under constant threat of being imprisoned… that they would know how to proclaim the gospel boldly to the ones God brings to them.


Amazigh (Berbers). There have been some shaken by the bold public choice of some to follow Jesus. Although there is much suffering, praise Jesus for even Muslim family members who acknowledge the choice was made deliberately and thoughtfully and with joy. Ask for many to hear Jesus’ voice calling them.

Rural villages

Today marks the start of an exciting new ministry for the our team in reaching out to surrounding rural villages where, as far as we know, no outreach is being done. Each week two of them will visit a nearby village to initially pray over that area – walking through streets, and asking the HS to soften hearts and stir people’s interest in hearing the Truth. Then the second and third visits to that village they will be looking for opportunities to share the Word, hopefully get invited to people’s homes, etc.

Please ask for discernment from the HS, protection, courage, and especially that they’d be lead to people who are ready to hear about Jesus.

Let down the nets

May brothers and sisters not be discouraged by work that seems fruitless…fishing all night with empty nets. But ‘by the word’ of Jesus may they ’let down their nets in the deep.’ And as they follow Jesus and become fishers of men… may they call to other boats/families to come help lift the bursting nets. ” Lord, Let your disciples work side by side for the sake of the gospel even across family lines.” (Luke 5)

Unreached and Unengaged

There is a group of Berbers called the “G” who are unreached and unengaged. Pray the Lord of the Harvest will send workers to them.
There is a church interested in ‘adopting’ them for focused prayer and asking Father what part they should have in engaging them for Jesus. Some church members plan to visit the end of April to see. Pray Father will guide them clearly and for the G to finally have the opportunity to hear the gospel.


“Mark and Rachel” have fallen into some deep sin and are experiencing the awful suffering that accompanies it. They need Jesus’ healing and courage to forgive and get back on the path of True Life.

Very unwell

We visited “Jan” and her husband, whose cancer is slowly staking claim to his increasingly-frail body. We’ve been through so much with this family over the past decade and spending time with a man who’s been a sort of ‘uncle’ to our kids was important. The evening was rich with laughter, tears, food, storytelling and a lot of gosple-centred, pure-Love-inspired intercessions for one of the harder and more stubborn North African men we’ve known. Yet here I was, right next to him on his floor mattress while the traditional living room swarmed with dozens of others who love him… his own dear family and colleagues we’ve introduced them to over the years. The conversations we’ve had over the past year have been sweeter than we ever imagined possible. Please ask that “Justin” turn to Jesus or be healed… or BOTH(!!) in the coming months. They are hopeful but realistic. He is very unwell.

Burning coals

While praying through Rev 2 a believer received a picture of small candles trying to get charcoal going… one white hot spot directly above the candle… but until the whole chunk turns white hot… it doesn’t affect the ones around it. And if you take it out by itself… it burns out. But once the whole chunk is white hot those around it also burn… and you can pour lots of new charcoal on top and it will still burn.

Praying for each disciple to be baptized with the Spirit and fire, for first love to not grow cold, for strong deep roots and bold proclamation.

Cleanse from fear

Please cleanse your children from fear. Let them each stand in the day of suffering and refuse to deny Jesus’ name. May they pray at all times on all occasions with thanksgiving and live in your indescribable peace.

Pray for courage

A young Christian woman left the country but was recently brought back and put in prison and questioned about her faith and other believers. She told them names of others. Ask for courage for each one to still identify with Jesus and obey him and stand together.

choose to gather

Praise Jesus for increased boldness and proclamation. Pray that as people believe they will be willing to risk betrayal and choose to gather in obedience to Jesus.


Two sisters are boldly sharing with another young woman. Today they each took turns sharing the gospel from Gen 22 and John1-3 with her and began the Jesus film. In two days we meet again. Pray for her salvation and that many other believers would also speak the gospel.

Refusing to recant.

A young man was condemned to death Sept 18, 2022 for leaving Islam. He has been imprisoned since 2019 for following Jesus and has refused to recant. The execution date passed but there has been no news of either his death or his release. Asking that he will stand firm and that believers will not be afraid but instead encouraged by his faith.

Boldly speak

Help the new believers to be discipled faithfully and truthfully. May they have courage to seek out other believers face to face. Let them boldly speak of Christ and him crucified and risen. May they be filled with the Spirit of God and speak and live with holy power.

Cleanse your children

Cleanse your children, Lord. Deliver them from the old habits and the oppression of the enemy. May they boldly speak the name of Jesus with the authority you give and walk in freedom.

Healing and Hope

Please lift up our friend Jan, whose husband was recently diagnosed with liver cancer. Please pray for healing of his body. This family has heard the good news many times. Ask that they will turn to Jesus as their true hope.

Returning home

A Brother is preparing to return to his home with his family’s blessing to start groups.This Brother needs a job & identity once he returns to the region. Pray for God’s blessing, protection, and much fruit.

New believer

We have a new Sister! Sonia has been searching online for a few months, and recently put her trust in Jesus. She reached out wanting to meet with believers. Please pray for her as she learns what it means to walk as a Follower and wisdom for two of our teammates who will try to meet her this week.

Shrinking back

Lord of Heaven’s Armies, would you open the eyes of our brothers and sisters to see that your heavenly armies surround them? And God himself is their shield. Remove all fear please Jesus and let them not shrink back. Expose the lie that silence, shrinking back, keeps them safe. Let them see that shrinking back brings the soul of God no pleasure and destroys them. (Hebrews 10)


Father, please prune your children who are abiding in the vine that they may bear much fruit for your glory. Purify your church please Jesus, by your blood. Holy Spirit, bring conviction and discernment and let your church repent and live lives of victory. Give your children love for your Word; cleanse them by the washing of your Word.

Brought to fullness

Please pray for the new believers who have received very little face to face discipleship that, just as they received Christ Jesus as Lord, they would continue to live their lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as they were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness. Pray that they live believing that in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form, and that in Christ they have been brought to fullness. (Col 2)

Change hearts

Pray that believers would have a right perspective of suffering. Ask that they not fear, that they keep on speaking and are not silent, that they would believe that the Holy Spirit is powerful to change hearts. Acts 18


Ask that believers believe and therefore speak because they know that the One who raised Jesus will raise them also (2 Cor 4). May they increase in faith; speak what they believe; know the certainty of the gospel (Christ’s death and resurrection) and not fear because God raises the dead. What can mere humans do to us?

Cast off

Pray that each believer would cast off the old ways of thinking where lies are acceptable, where you are justified by good deeds, where safety is in silence. Pray that each would put on the righteousness of Christ, who is truth, who justifies by faith, who casts out fear with perfect love.