* We praise God for English classes running successfully for the first month at all three sites! Please pray for consistent attendance and deepening relationships between students and teachers. Pray students will ask good questions about truth and faith.
* Please pray with us for the first Trauma Healing Group among our staff and volunteers that will begin this month. May God grow and stretch us closer to Him and provide healing for our heart wounds through Jesus and be equipped to help others.
Diaspora in Brazil
Pray for the new university study room A and W are opening in their home. Pray that God would bring in just the right students to participate. Pray that they would have wisdom and courage in knowing how best to reflect Christ to these African Students.
Pray for the African immigrants J and A are teaching Portuguese to. Pray for their salvation and that God would bring in other longer-lasting, stable students. Pray for courage and wisdom in sharing God’s love.
Diaspora in Canada
* Please pray for our Impact Kids Fall program – that as families hear the gospel, God would grant them repentance and faith.
* Please pray for our men’ soccer night: Tuesdays at 9pm, we’ve rented a big gym and will have a bunch of people from church playing with a bunch of Muslim men to foster friendships and gospel sharing.
* We are launching a “homework club” in October one day a week to further develop our relationships with the Muslim families who go to Impact Kids- please pray as we invite families and determine how best to use this as a bridge to the gospel.
* Please pray that as many from our church connect with their Muslim friends/colleagues and even family members through our Bridges course- that seeds would be planted and that we would even see some come to faith.
Diaspora in Europe
* Pray for Jerez team in South NA1 to conduct a medical mission among two Berber UPGs. Pray for the follow up we will do from October 10-16th.
* Pray for D.S. as she begins a new work in Toulouse reaching international students.
* Pray of all the new international students that came to first events in Nantes, Strasbourg and La Rochelle during the first week of school. Pray for ongoing good Gospel connections.
Diaspora in UK
Ask God to open hearts and provide opportunities to demonstrate and speak of His love to the international ladies, children and young adults we work with, many of whom have experienced trauma as they seek asylum in the U.K.
Diaspora in Minnesota
Pray for the group of Somali grandmothers as they learn English and we teach them how to drive. Praise for all the opportunities to share the Gospel news to those that I am teaching to drive. Pray for my Afghan friend, that he will continue to seek the truth found in Jesus.
Diaspora in Canada
We ran Camp Rhino Manitoba from August 21-26. We had 18 kids from 6 different nations. Praise God that it ran smoothly, no major hiccups, or incidents. 5 of these kids made decisions to follow Jesus and make him Lord. We had several others respond to
putting Jesus first in their lives. Please pray for us as we plan follow up with our campers. Pray that they would remember their commitment and that the Holy Spirit would go with them and protect them as they go back to school in a week.
Diaspora in Canada
Last month, we asked for prayer for a new Iranian couple (M & M), friends of a student attending the Christianity Explored class that we teach and they accepted the Lord and are planning to get baptized! Praise God for His work in their hearts!
This month, another Iranian couple (A & M), family members of another student joined the class. Please pray for the discipleship & commitment of the new believers, as well as the salvation of the new couple attending.
Diaspora in UK
We are thankful for the 60+ families from 15+ language groups who have participated in Sewing class, English class or Homework Club this past academic year.
In June, English and Sewing classes ended with parties that provided an excellent opportunity to speak of God’s love with these international ladies. Pray that the gospel seeds that were sown would bear much fruit.
Diaspora in Hong Kong
Recently we had a new classmate who didn’t know English since his father arranged for them to study in the madrasa (Koranic school). Now he hopes to learn English and Chinese more. May he find the truth through God’s words.
Please pray for our Chinese Class members who are mainly from W. Africa and we hope they will get to know Jesus more through our class and relationships with our teachers and God’s words.
Diaspora in Canada
Praise that my friend H is faithfully attending church with him and is continuing to grow in his faith. Please pray that his siblings will be led to Jesus as well.
ESL classes on line and in person are beginning soon, as well as in home tutoring with our friends here. Please pray for many opportunities for gospel engagement here.
Please pray that as the weather cools, people will be drawn to faith around the fire – backyard meetings at our house. Please pray particularly that our high-rise neighbors will come.
Diaspora in Atlanta
Praise the Lord for a successful first African Friends Party, and that one woman put her faith in Christ that evening.
Praise the Lord for new introductions to African women at the local hair braiding salons.
Pray that many Africans come to the ESL classes and meet Jesus there.
Pray that our local churches will be prepared to welcome and incorporate Africans into our fellowship.
Diaspora in Spain
Please pray for wisdom, discernment and open doors as I look for bridges to love, serve, and build friendships with Saharawi people in Jerez.
Praise God for my visit with a Saharawi friend, S. She told me that she is interested in learning English and will talk to her friends to see if there are others who would like to learn.
Pray for a disciple making movement among the Saharawi that spreads farther and faster than anyone could ask or imagine (Eph 3:20).
Diaspora in Portland
A Syrian young man and I have been meeting and texting back and forth for a while. This week, he told me his refugee mom in Lebanon had just asked about me. He’s told me that his deceased Orthodox father had a love for Bible study with Syrian evangelicals. Pray this Portland son would carry on his dad’s love for God’s Word!
Missouri, USA
Pray for more students to join the Noel ESL classes. Pray for good interaction with students and opportunities to talk about spiritual things. We are asking for receptive and soft hearts to listen and not just hear the Gospel news.
Diaspora in South Carolina, USA
Our Congolese refugees are getting settled here in the Charleston, SC area. We are able to take the Congolese refugees to church so pray their hearts will be open. God is giving opportunities to share our faith.
Diaspora in Florida
Pray for deepened friendships and communication with our 3 imams with whom we interact.
Pray for renewed relationships with the ladies’ side of the ministry, Sarah’s Daughters. The imam’s wife has withdrawn a bit. Ask the Lord to bring women to us with open hearts.
Diaspora in UK
Refugees in the Croydon area, a mixture of UPG’s including people from Sudan, the Horn,
Afghanistan, Turkey, Syria, Iran, and Iraq.
This month, the Croydon Refugee Day Centre is starting a new ‘Wednesday Welcome’ drop in session which will focus on relationships and social needs. Please pray for the Lord to draw many refugees to the center with open hearts to hear the gospel.
Diaspora in Portland
Please pray for fruitful conversations as we take a group of internationals to the farm in Trout Lake, WA on Saturday. Also pray that God will be preparing the hearts of our students to hear the Good News this new term.
Diaspora in Detroit
Please pray for our family Picnic on 8/28. We usually have around 200 at this event. Please pray for clear gospel conversations and for details to come together.
Please pray for boldness to proclaim the Word in all our summer get togethers!
Diaspora in Atlanta
* Please pray for a gathering for African clients of the Pregnancy resource Center and the local prayer team on August 26 at my house. Pray that many Africans come and enjoy the time together. Pray that the first gathering opens doors for further gatherings like it. Pray for friendships to begin that afternoon.
* Please pray for each member of the prayer team to meet Africans as we go about our days in the south Atlanta area, that the Lord would bring them across our paths and into our lives. Pray for us to cultivate friendships with them, and that our lives will be woven together.
* Please pray that many Africans will sign up to attend ESL classes this fall.
* Please pray for the Holy Spirit to open doors and give us conversations with people about the Bible, about Jesus and the gospel. Pray that through these friendships people will begin to meet to read the Word of God together on a regular basis.
Diaspora in Missouri
Pray for many new students to enroll in Noel for the Fall semester ESL classes. Pray for the ESL staff working together in Noel. All of us have a Kingdom focus for the community.
Our Truck Driver friend from Noel has moved to Louisville, KY. We are trying to connect him to friends in Louisville. Pray that his transition to Louisville will present more opportunities for him to hear the Gospel.
Diaspora in France
Praise for occasional WhatsApp connections with island friends in Marseille. Pray for B, currently in the islands until September to meet bold sisters/brothers who will proclaim truth to her and other islanders on vacation. Pray for a receptive and soft heart.
Diaspora in UK
* Praise God for the international ladies and families (60+) who have participated in activities we have organized this past year. Pray the Holy Spirit will testify to their hearts to the truth of the gospel message they have heard.
* Join us in asking God to provide His direction for English classes, Sewing, and Homework club activities in the new academic year starting in September. Currently we have no volunteers to help with pre-schoolers who know no English and have experienced trauma.
* We also need more volunteers before we can restart Homework club for international students (ages 11-18) in the Som neighborhood. Pray for students to be able to hear the gospel!
Diaspora in Canada
* Please pray for R., A., and K. who have shown great interest in Jesus through our Bible studies, but who are still holding on to Islam. Please pray that all they have learned through the gospels would penetrate their hearts and that the HS would convict them and bring them to repentance.
* Please pray for L. and M. (an Algerian mother and daughter), and their whole family. The kids come to our Impact Kids program, and recently the two of them took home French New Testaments. Please pray that they would begin to read, and that we would be able to follow up soon.
* Please pray for the North African believers at our church that they would continue to grow in their love of Jesus and their love of his church- particularly that they would become more involved!
Diaspora in UK
Our main prayer request is for the fruitful success of our outreach week on the estate in the East Midlands. We have an AIM short term team of 9 combined with over 20 volunteers from the church and the surrounding area. We are running a holiday club in the afternoons, followed by outreach in the late afternoon/evenings. Please pray for good conversations and gospel opportunities.
Diaspora in Calif, USA
* The annual International Student camping trip starts today thru the 9th. Pray for the students and Americans who will be hiking and enjoying God’s creation together. Pray the students hear and receive the gospel message as it is shared through evening storytelling.
* Pray for the new students arriving on campus. New student orientation is August 15. Pray for connections for our team as they reach out to help the new international students get settled.
Diaspora in Canada
I teach a Christianity Explored class to newer MBB from Iran. Recently, a married couple that just arrived to Canada less than a month ago from Iran, Med* & Mel* have been receptive to the Gospel and have attended 2 classes so far. Please pray for Med & Mel’s salvation, as well as wisdom in sharing, and discipleship growth in the other students to reach to their families and friends.
Diaspora in Canada
Pray for our Muslim pharmacist. He gave me his email to get together outside of work to discuss spiritual things and to spend time as friends! Praise God! Please pray that I would be bold and compassionate and the Lord would open his heart.
Diaspora in Washington
* Continue to pray for my friend from West Africa. She likes to visit in our home and ask great questions about life and what we believe as Christians. She is also worshiping with our local multi-lingual church which her young son thoroughly enjoys.
* Pray for our Moroccan and Afghan students who took Bibles and Biblical literature from our Bible boxes this past term. Pray for them to see the truth of the Jesus from Genesis to Revelation. Pray as English Lessons using the New Testament are developed and finalized for this next year. Pray that our students would continue to engage with the Bible stories from the New Testament with the same interest as they did this past year with the Old Testament.
Diaspora in France
It is some time since we saw our young friends Emile and Emily. He is returning to the islands during the summer break – pray that they will remain faithful to one another during the time apart. Pray for their son, Lee, who is headstrong and difficult. It will not be easy for Emily to care for him during Emile’s absence. Most of her family are also away in the coming weeks. We hope to see her – pray that she will be willing to discuss spiritual things with us.
Diaspora in UK
Pray for our outreach week at the end of July. We have a team of 12 coming from AIM short term and we hope to have many volunteers from the local church and other surrounding churches. Please pray for the ongoing preparation and for fruitful opportunities to share the gospel. Please pray for the follow up to this week, including gathering contacts, making friendships and possibly inviting people to an Al Massira course.
Diaspora in Canada
Children’s Bible camp ministry is beginning! Please pray that the Holy Spirit would move in parents and youth to prepare hearts and fill all 7 camps.
Our newest MAC member, M.M., leads a thriving ballet and dance school in Lethbridge, Alberta. Through the month of July she will be leading three 1-week dance camps especially for immigrant children. Please pray that Proclamation Dance Camp will open many doors to New Canadian kids and their families!
Diaspora in Arkansas
Continue to pray for our truck driver friend, MoH, that he will hear the Gospel while he is driving across the country. Praise for the continued contact with him and his willingness to see us.
Diaspora in UK
So grateful to God for the 30+ ladies who came to the final English and Sewing day presentations with Biblical messages. Please pray that they will remember these Gospel conversations and that their hearts would be hungry for the Truth.
Diaspora of Washing DC
Please pray for my friend from West Africa. She has received a Bible and often asks very good questions. This past Sunday, without prompting, she drove herself and children to church without us and worshipped with other brothers and sisters from West Africa. Please pray that the veil of islam from her family heritage be lifted and she will see “God, who said, ‘Let light shine out of darkness,’ has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.” 2 Cor. 4:6
Diaspora in Atlanta
Pray with us for the Lord to bring seeking African immigrants to each one on our team. Pray for friendships, opportunities to share the gospel, and churches to welcome them.
Diaspora in UK
Two of my language students are about to finish our Bible storying series. Please pray that God will move in their hearts as the reflect back on the stories we have covered.
Diaspora in Detroit
We have an outreach week July 11-15, with a youth group from Iowa. We will have a 3 day kids camp (grades 2-6) and a 1 day 3v3 soccer tournament (grades 6-12). May God bring the kids to hear the Word of God and see the love of Christ!
Pray for participants for our community garden and summer English classes. Pray for the Lord to us seeking friends and students.
Diaspora in Canada
Praise for one young Somali believer who has been going to church with me for the last few months. Pray for unity within his family, and for those members who have drifted from the faith to repent.