Diaspora in Florida: Pray for a meeting between a church and a mosque happening in September to discuss, “Who is Jesus”. Pray for a clear presentation of the truth. Pray for open hearts.
Good gospel conversations
Diaspora in Washington: Pray for the English classes that begin this month. Pray for good gospel conversations after the daily Bible lessons and for great relationships to be built that lead to gospel proclamations across the nations in the name of Jesus.
Pray for our friend, S, to choose to make time for discipleship and regular fellowship with a body of believers.
Jesus be real to her
Diaspora in Canada: Pray for one friend who is facing deportation and is very concerned for her safety. Pray for us to be a comfort to her and for Jesus to become real to her.
International Friends gathering
Diaspora in Georgia: Pray for our International Friends Gathering on Monday. Pray that many will come looking for friendship and open to learn about Jesus.
Diaspora in Michigan: Praise God for the many gospel oriented conversations that are happening, pray the Word of God grows into faith in Christ in many hearts.
Pray for our picnic on Sunday 8/27. We are expecting 40-60 families to come join us. May God use this time together to deepen relationships and open opportunities for gospel conversations that would continue.
Come along side
Diaspora in France: Praise God for the deep discussions we’ve had with various friends when they have visited us at home.
Pray for wisdom with one Iranian friend who is seriously struggling in her faith and believes God doesn’t love her anymore because of the hardships she’s experiencing. Pray for her heart and for us as we come alongside her.
Diaspora in Florida: Praise my friendship with a young Muslim man “Larry” continues to grow in love and in truth. Pray that God would pierce Larry’s darkness of mind and heart with the light of the gospel.
Pray for the Aug 19 meal with Baptist Church and Islamic Center. The imam will talk for 15 minutes about Jesus in the Quran and the pastor will talk for 15 minutes about Jesus in the Bible. This was the imam’s idea!
Pray many will believe
Diaspora in Georgia: Pray for many immigrants in our ESL classes to believe the gospel and come to Christ this year.
Pray for a discovery Bible study at the Pregnancy Center to be well-attended by immigrants, even some Muslims who would not be afraid to participate in a group setting.
Pray for a Bible study in the home of an African Christian who wants her neighbors in the mobile home park to know the Lord.
Pray for an international Bible study in my home this fall to be well attended and to help new believers grow.
Neighborhood trauma
Diaspora in Toronto: Pray for our neighbourhood traumatized from gunshots in the apartment complex where most of our friends live while our bike clinic was operating, then machine gun fire a block from our home; murder suspect wounded by police. Pray that our home will indeed continue to be the House of Peace and Reconciliation (“Guriga Nabaddda iyo dib u Heshiisiinta”). Pray for more openness to our message of peace in Jesus.
Diaspora in Washington DC: We praise God for the faithful way he continues to deepen relationships with friends like at our recent July 4 Picnic! Thank you for praying with us!
Praise God for summer Grow English at the park. Pray with us for our volunteers and students who have faithfully participated and continue to learn about the love of Jesus while they grow their English. Pray for many gospel conversations.
Spiritual discussions
Diaspora in Wales: Praise that the final day activities for this past term went well focusing on the theme of God’s love (English class) and the reason Abram was asked to sacrifice his son (Sewing class). Earlier this year, one lady who attends English and Sewing classes as an asylum-seeker from a Muslim country was baptised at a local church.
Pray for for good spiritual discussions as team members visit with ladies at a joint English class and Sewing group picnic on Aug 7th.
9 year old
Diaspora in Spain: Continue to pray for the 9 year old Saharawi boy that I am hosting for the summer from the refugee camps. Pray the Lord would work in his heart and the hearts of his family members so they might one day know Him!
Diaspora in Minnesota: Pray for Mr. H, that he will understand the difference between Christianity and Islam, and see the beauty and holiness of Jesus.
Pray for our Listen event on Aug. 5, a public event which I am hosting. We hope to have about 150 people attending. Pray people will listen well and be intrigued.
Outreach this weekend
Diaspora in England: Continue to pray for the East Midlands outreach which runs until August 6th.
Give thanks that the first day of community events was well attended and God gave opportunities for team members to share the Good News.
Pray for good weather for Saturday the 5th when we have an outdoor event planned in a local park. Pray for many to come with open hearts for friendship and good news.
Camp Soar
Preparations are progressing for Camp Soar, August 13-18. Jay & Laura are very thankful for the team of volunteers coming from Central Baptist Church to staff the camp. A Nigerian seminary student, Zubby, is lined up to speak at campfire and share the Gospel. Sponsors are needed for at least 60 African newcomer children/youth, to enable them to attend camp and hear the Gospel. Pray that many of these campers will come to know Jesus.
Outreach week
Pray for the AIM Borderless Team’s Midlands Outreach Week beginning this coming Saturday. A Midlands city centre church is seeking to reach out to the diverse community on their doorstep.The church building is situated in the middle of a community of people from a North African background. They have asked AIM to provide a team to help them run a special events week. Pray that God will prepare the logistics to run smoothly, prepare the Church leadership as they plan and prepare, and the hearts of the team to be filled with the Holy Spirit’s compassion to reach the unreached with the gospel in this community. And pray for many to hear and believe the gospel!
Build friendships
Diaspora in Georgia: Pray for Muslim ladies N, R, and others that we met at a mosque visit, that we can connect with them and build friendships for sharing the gospel.
Pray for the Lord to work in the heart of an Indian Hindu lady, M, to draw her to faith in Christ.
Loves to read
Diaspora in Hong Kong Praise the Lord. L, the Ugandan Muslim lady we prayed for who loves reading from the book of Luke. She continues to read, just as she used to recite the Quran. I often pause so that she can stop and reflect on what she has read. Please continue to pray for her, that God may use His Word to touch her heart. Now she is no longer homeless, but the room lacks air circulation and the summer heat has caused her skin issues. Please pray for her to find relief from these conditions.
Needing deliverance
Diaspora in Canada: Pray for our friend Asher (pseudonym) whose love for Jesus is very strong, but who struggles with alcohol abuse to the point that his health is deteriorating severely. Please join us and the other S. Christians in praying for his deliverance and healing.
Pray that the bike ministry may result in many bicycles going to kids who need them, and many people being blessed by hearing Jesus’ good news in the process.
Several students want to continue with Bible lessons this summer, including a Wednesday evening ESL Cafe at our place. Pray for them.
Loving Luke
Diaspora in Hong Kong: Pray for L as she has started reading the book of Luke and is loving it. We pray that she may experience more about Christ.
Praise that a local church, which is situated near a large African community, has provided us with a space to reach out to non-Christian Africans. May God prepare their hearts.
Kids camp
Diaspora in Canada: Praise the Lord! Shah’, the Iranian man interested in studying the Bible, accepted Jesus as his Saviour in early June! Pray for his continued desire to learn about God’s Word, and for me to have wisdom in discipling him.
Pray for MAC Kids’ camp that starts the end of July. We hope to sign up 150 pre-teens and teenagers for camps in Ontario and Alberta. Right now we have around 60 paid campers (40 for Alberta, 20 for Toronto). Pray that the Lord will fill the camp seats and bring children ready to listen openly to the gospel, and for the children’s salvation in order to change their lives and follow Jesus faithfully.
Shared Abraham and Isaac’s story
Diaspora in England: Praise for the good visit with the Sudanese woman (M) and that she was happy for us to pray for her and her family.
Pray for the conversation class – we shared the gospel last week using the Abraham/Isaac story. May the women continue to reflect on what we shared.
July 4th
Diaspora in Washington DC: Pray for our July 4 picnic hosting friends on our church grounds with our pastor and his family.
Praise God for our co-laborer, Katheryn, who is heading up summer Grow English events beginning in July. Pray with us for our volunteers and students to faithfully attend and continue to learn about the love of Jesus while they grow their English.
Summer camp
Diaspora in Germany: Pray for us as we organize a summer camp this week in North Africa to train MBB’s in discipleship, read the Bible & answer questions, and promote fellowship with one another.
Pray for protection for the summer camp as the police are very active again. We want to be invisible to the enemy and visible to God.
Pray that MBB’s are encouraged, strengthened in faith, and filled with the Holy Spirit.
Pray for protection during the trip and that nobody gets sick or has an accident.
Diaspora in Washington DC: Pray for S, a new believer. Her husband has divorced her because of her faith. They have joint custody of their daughter. She is fearful of her husband’s influence over their daughter. Pray for S to grow strong in the Lord and for her daughter to believe as well.
Pray for L
Hong Kong Diaspora:
Father God, please strengthen the faith of this homeless Muslim single woman, L, who loves reading the Gospel but struggles to believe in Jesus’ miracles. Lord, may you provide for her physical needs, including shelter, food, and safety, and surround her with people who love and care for her. Open her heart to the truth of the Gospel, and help her to see the love and power of Jesus. Show her the depth of your grace and mercy, and draw her close to you.
Reason for our hope
Diaspora in Wales:
Pray for the upcoming end-of-term activities for Women’s Sewing (June 26th) and English (June 27th) classes.
Please ask God to open hearts and minds of the attendees as we discuss the reason for our Hope through Jesus Christ.
Kids camps
Diaspora in Canada:
Pray for MAC kids camps this summer. I am hoping to sign up 150 pre-teens and teenagers for camps in Ontario and Alberta. Please pray that the Lord will lead children ready to listen openly to the gospel, for the their salvation and changed lives to follow Jesus faithfully.
Please pray for the Holy Spirit to lead me in preaching the right message through street evangelism at street corners.
Christian friends
Diaspora in Canada:
Pray for several of our S Christian families suffering stress due to mental and physical illness, and challenges with wandering children. Pray for harmony, forgiveness and for the lost to return home.
Pray for two young S women, to connect with Christian women friends this summer. Both eagerly desire to be friends with English speakers.
Church and Mosque meeting
Diaspora in Florida:
A church group and a mosque have met for a meal at a mosque. Now the church group will host a meal for the mosque group at the church. Pray for many to attend and for open hearts as the Pastor and Imam will share on what they believe about Jesus.
Faith to believe
Diaspora in France:
Praise God for several students from unreached people groups that spent a week at a renovation camp with us in April and heard a clear presentation of the Gospel.
Praise God that we are continuing to build on those relationships and are now in small Bible study groups with some of them. Pray for them for faith to believe!
Students’ testimony
Diaspora in Georgia:
Praise the Lord that Ma’ra, Na’eli, Ed’m, Sa’aka, Pao’a, Ver’nica, and Eri’a all gave testimony to personal faith in Christ after going through the gospel of John in our ESL classes this year. Pray for their protection and growth this summer, and that they will be ready to not only continue studying English but also will come to a home Bible study next fall. Pray for the Lord to be getting ready all those who would profit from a “home Bible study for internationals” next fall.
Exchanging books
Diaspora in England:
Pray for me and two co-workers to have a chance to visit M, a Sudanese woman from the conversation club who’s just had a baby. Pray for an opportunity to share our faith.
Pray for A, from my advanced English class. We’ve exchanged books – a Qu’ran and Luke’s gospel in S…ali. Pray that she’ll read Luke’s gospel. She’s offered to answer my questions about the Qu’ran, so pray for a fruitful first conversation about the Qu’ran (and hopefully Luke’s gospel too!).
Trafficked women
Diaspora in Hong Kong:
We pray for the African women who engage in survival prostitution. Many of them were once human trafficked to Hong Kong. In the name of Jesus, we pray that God will mobilize churches to help these women who cannot help themselves to get out of this trafficking system. We hope to share the Gospel with them, so that they may find hope in Christ.
Complicated and beyond capacity
Diaspora in France:
Pray for “Carla”, a Brazilian single mom of 1 ½ yr old twins in a really difficult situation relationally with her ex, and legally. We’ve started studying the Bible, discussed the Gospel a few times, but she has a hard time understanding why Jesus had to die. Please pray for her salvation, and that God would work miracles in her life, with situations really complicated and beyond her capacity.
Parenting course
Diaspora in UK:
Praise the Lord that the parenting course finished well and was very encouraging. Praise for the 7 S. women and 1 Nigerian woman who were very committed and engaged. At the end we had a “graduation ceremony” where each woman received a framed certificate and a big bouquet of flowers. The women each gave a speech and brought gifts for us too. Pray for ongoing relationships with these women and for the long-term impact of the course.
Bow his knee
Diaspora in Minnesota:
Praise God a S friend joined us for church on Easter. Pray that he will understand the gospel and bow his knee to the Lord Jesus.
Follow-up visits
Diaspora in Florida:
Praise God for excellent mosque visits and conversations during Ramadan. Pray for powerful follow-up visits.
Pray for deepened relationships with Muslim friends, especially the imams.
Gospel of Luke
Diaspora in UK:
Praise God for the opportunity to share the Easter message in my English classes. I’ve given one woman a copy of Luke’s gospel in her mother tongue based on our discussion after the lesson. Pray that she would read it and believe.
Truly loved
Diaspora in Brazil:
Pray as I walk with my Egyptian friend facing court hearings and seeking help for her family after suffering domestic abuse. Pray this woman will turn her heart to Jesus and find that she is truly loved.