Good restart

Diaspora in Wales: Praise God for a good restart this term of the Women’s English and Sewing classes. Pray that God will continue to provide ladies to attend and volunteers to teach/help.
We are thankful for the opportunity that women have to discuss simplified chronological Bible stories in the Women’s conversation class. We pray for receptive hearts.


Diaspora in Florida: Pray for one of our imams, “Bruce” leading a group on an Umrah. Pray that God would show him the superficiality and emptiness of it all.
Pray for continued open gospel discussions with our Muslim friends.

Celebrations and Challenges

As I write this, I am on my way to India for 10 days. Twenty-five years ago, God used us to start a work in India to reach the K people. K had only a handful of indigenous believers and no full-time field workers. God has used earthquakes, persecution, and passion stirred by His Holy Spirit to grow the beginnings of a movement of K people to following Him. So we are celebrating the accomplishments in K: the NT, the Jesus Film, gospel radio broadcasts, a K themed gospel movie, gospel music CDs, many field workers, new believers, and more.

But challenges continue – the authorities are persecuting believers even more this year, funding field workers is becoming more difficult, and some are tired and discouraged that things are not happening as fast as they’d like. Pray for God to bring joy, a new passion, and great excitement from this time with gospel workers.

Seeking Allah Finding Jesus

Diaspora in Florida: Pray for a young Muslim man, “Larry” reading “Seeking Allah Finding Jesus.” Pray that God will use it to expose the lack of proofs for Islam and to open his heart to Jesus.

Life-changing work

Diaspora in Hong Kong: Pray for the resettlement ministry, specifically aimed at helping Middle Eastern and African asylum seekers in Hong Kong who cannot return to their home countries due to ongoing war and violence. Praise God for the recent significant breakthrough, as we have established communications with churches in Canada who are willing to assist us in initiating a few resettlement cases. Pray for additional Canadian churches and Christians to join in supporting and partnering with our ministry in this life-changing work.

Set free

Diaspora in Georgia: Pray that the Lord will bring Africans and Mslm’s to the ESL classes and the pregnancy center. Pray that the Lord will break open the two local mosques and set free the captives in them.

Street corner

Diaspora in Canada: Praise God for people being more receptive to receiving gospel tracts at street corners in the cold winter. Victor had good conversations with A (a Caucasian high schooler who had decided to become a Mslm) and M (a Canadian high schooler with parents from Chad and Nigeria). Pray for these young men’s salvation.

Prayer this year

Diaspora all over the world: Our prayer this year is, “Lord, over 19 million Africans are living off the continent. Most of them are not part of your Kingdom. We want to see more disciples made and for that, we need more workers. In obedience to Luke 10:2, we pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into your harvest.”

Seeking asylum

Diaspora in Hong Kong: Please pray for refugee B and his family who fled from Y*men. Since their arrival, B has been volunteering with some Catholic nuns at a shelter in Hong Kong while seeking asylum for a few years. Recently, an opportunity to resettle in Canada has arisen. A church in Canada is now considering helping him and his family to resettle and continue the gospel work with this family. May this process leads this family to encounter Jesus. May God guide us in exploring creative ways to engage with M*slims through resettlement ministry.


Diaspora in Minnesota: Pray for a new English class started at an apartment complex Friday, Feb 2. Pray for the students who showed up for good connections being made.
Pray for a few S people who attended a Christ-centered Christian wedding this weekend with us. Pray that it will lead to good discussions about our faith.

Seeds beginning to grow

Diaspora in France: Our team’s holiday camp outreach for international university students was a big hit, and many gospel seeds were planted. Some seeds have even begun to take root and grow! Please pray for them.

University break time

Diaspora in Brazil: Keep praying for the Lopes family during university break time, which means that the MANY African students have nowhere else to go. Opportunities are PLENTIFUL in the Lopes’ home, where they have many plans to host meals, watch movies, and even host events for these African students. Pray for good times of fellowship, discipleship, and sharing of God’s Word.

Beacons of love

Diaspora in Canada: Pray for several of the Som brothers and sisters’ families who are struggling with kids leaving the faith. Pray for the families to be such beacons of love and grace of Jesus that the lost will return.
Most of our Som believing families are having serious issues with mental illness and physical disabilities. Pray for their healing and for us to be channels of God’s peace to them.


Diaspora in Wales: In spite of the reduced attendance due to illness, we are thankful for those who came to the December Women’s English and Sewing classes which explained how and why Jesus was born. Pray for the followup (before the start of Ramadan in March) further exploring why everyone needs Jesus.

Revelation of the truth

Diaspora in Florida: Pray for our Muslim friend “Timothy” who invited us to his Christmas party where the story of Jesus’ birth was read from Matthew and Luke in front of about 30 of his Muslim friends. I hope to visit Timothy again soon. He seems very despondent. Pray he would cry out to God for revelation of the truth.

Promised to read

Diaspora in Florida: Pray for Imam “Barney” who has promised to read the New Testament with a local pastor. Pray the Lord will open his eyes to the truth as he reads.

Clear testimony

Diaspora in Georgia: Please pray that all the students in my ESL class will attend faithfully and each one will give a clear testimony of faith in Jesus by the end of the school year. Praise the Lord that several have already done so. Praise the Lord for Sayaka from Japan who meets weekly with me for further Bible study.
Also, please pray that Muslims and Africans will come to our ESL classes.


Diaspora in Wales: Illiteracy is something the women in our classes work hard at covering up. It remains a source of shame for each lady and their families. Pray for wisdom for how to provide additional assistance beyond Monday and Tuesday classes. Pray for a spiritual awakening that each one will embrace Christ who removes all shame.

International Student night

Diaspora in Florida: Pray for the International Student night on Jan 13th- pray for good conversations and connections.
And pray for Hannah, a new contact from North Africa, for good conversations with her.

Only Jesus

Diaspora in Hong Kong: Please pray for the many Africans I meet in Hong Kong- for their resilience and mental well-being. Whether they are Christians or unbelievers, they are all waiting for relocation or deportation, and many of them are suffering greatly from mental illness or captivity. May they see that Jesus is the only one who can set them free.

Peace and reconciliation

Diaspora in Canada: Several families near and dear to us have hurt each other deeply, some very recently, others nursing long term hurts. Impulsive behaviour, deep wounds, and lack of forgiveness have contributed to huge rifts, much pain, and alienation. Please pray that God will intervene in this terrible situation and use us as His agents of “nabadda iyo dib u heshiisiinta” (Peace and reconciliation).

Truth take root

Diaspora in Michigan: Praise God for the 27 families who came to the Christmas party. Pray the truth of the gospel of Luke would take root in their hearts.

Break time

Diaspora in Brazil: This is a very strategic break time during the month of January where the university students don’t have classes. The African students have nowhere else to go so this is a great time for Alexandre and Walquíria to invite them into their home. Pray for open hearts and minds!

Christmas and Yalda celebrations

Diaspora in Finland: We give praise that the Christmas parties went well.
I was invited to an Iranian traditional Yalda Night celebration after a conversation with an Iranian man at one of the Christmas parties. It was very interesting being the only “foreigner” among about 30 Iranian Muslims. Most were students or professors at the University.
Pray for wisdom in following up with people from the Christmas parties and with 2 of the Iranian men from the Yalda Night party. Pray God would open their hearts to receive Emmanuel.

Drawing Yemenis

Diaspora in Germany: Praise God for 2 new Yemeni friends that I met in another city in Germany. Our visit went wonderfully well with R&M, R gave his life to Jesus today, praise the Lord! Let’s keep praying for him, he is 200 km from us. He was asking if there is someone who can disciple him and he would love to get baptized! He already started talking to the other Yemenis in the Camp.
We know other Yemenis brothers, two are part of Injil and one is leading a group. Praise God how He is drawing Yemenis in Europe.

Came to church

Diaspora in Washington DC: Praise God for a former English student who came to visit us and came with us for a worship service at church. His English has grown tremendously and he seems to be growing in his depth of conversation as well. Praise God for his openness to attend church. Pray the Lord will continue to work in his life and draw him to Himself.

Women meeting

Diaspora in Canada: A small group of North African women meet twice a month to share a meal and discuss a theme. We take a biblical text to begin the discussion. 4 women participate regularly and really enjoy this time. Pray for them, that the Holy Spirit enlightens them and gives wisdom in the discussions.

Have mercy

Diaspora in Hong Kong: Please pray for Y, an Indonesian Muslim who is married to a Malian Muslim. Her weary soul yearns for You. May You show us the way to share the gospel with her.
Pray for L as we have been reading the Injil, but her mind has not been stable. We ask for Your mercy upon her.

Chance to share

Diaspora in Minnesota: Praise God I was given a chance to share at the Somali Community Center event. Pray for opportunities to have follow up conversations.

Winter camp

Diaspora in France: Pray for the AEM International Student winter camp from
27th Dec – 2nd Jan. Pray for many students to register and for the team as they prepare the program and share the Gospel and live as Christian community for the week. This has proven to be an excellent time for students who have been participating in the international students gatherings throughout the year to go deeper in discovering Christ and his church.

Parenting class

Diaspora in England: Praise God that the Kids Matter parenting course finished so well and for the new relationships built. Pray for these mothers to seek God.
Pray for opportunities to share the Christmas story in English classes.

ESL party

Diaspora in Georgia: Pray for the Lord to work in the hearts of my ESL students during the Christmas season, and especially that they will understand the gospel so they can celebrate the birth of Jesus with His joy this year.
Pray that the ESL party tomorrow will be well-attended.

Christmas party

Diaspora in Michigan: Please pray for our Christmas party Saturday the 16th. We are having an open house style party and highlighting the Biblical narrative from Luke 2. Pray for all those who come to listen well with open hearts.

International students and refugees

Diaspora in Finland: Pray for a new group who are developing into a outreach team to reach international students and refugees. Pray for successful development for a Christmas outreach on the Oulu University on the 16th of December. Pray also for the formation of three DBS groups with refugees.

Live nativity

Diaspora in Michigan: Pray that our Refugee Christmas party on December 16 goes well, that many will come and interact with the live nativity to learn what the True Christmas story is all about. Pray for wisdom for me and the others helping with this to know how to explain things well so God’s story is understood and sown on good soil.

Church-Mosque meeting

Diaspora in Florida: Pray that the meeting between a mosque and a church discussing “Who is Jesus” will happen in December. It’s been postponed 4 times.

Christmas parties

Diaspora in Florida: Pray for upcoming Christmas Parties/student events today, and on Dec 18 & 20th. Pray for clear gospel presentations and receptive hearts to respond.

Street evangelism

Diaspora in Canada: Victor also plans to teach Christianity Explored to seekers coming to church in January. Pray for seekers to sign up through December.
Pray that the Lord would open the hearts of people hearing the gospel through street evangelism and Christmas carols through December.

Christmas party

Diaspora in France: Tomorrow we will have a Christmas party here. It is in some ways going to be the climax of all our work this semester. We are expecting around 50 students, a vast majority from unreached people groups, and they will all step inside a church for the first time and also hear the Gospel for the first time. We have also mobilized multiple local churches so that we can work together and also mobilize workers. So please pray for us. We would really appreciate it.

Gospel conversations

Diaspora in Florida: Linda is tutoring the son of our Muslim friend “Gigi.” Pray for gospel conversations with her and her son. Kevin gave “Seeking Allah Finding Jesus” to his Muslim friend “Larry.” Please pray that they can follow up this week.