
Diaspora in Ontario: A fatwa was recently issued locally and published on TikTok against a Christian family from our favorite people group, mentioning them by name, and also against us, mentioning the bike ministry, tutoring, our location, my name, and declaring us to be enemies of Islam.  We’re still going ahead with the bike ministry and local visitation, and it’s being well received, but please pray for all our protection.

Still has questions

Diaspora in France: One young university researcher, Mr. Lee, is interested in the Bible and knowing more about Jesus. He has already achieved “a lot of success” according to the world, yet he still has unanswered questions about life. As we continue to meet with him, pray the Holy Spirit will open his heart to believe!


Diaspora in DC: Pray for A. He is undergoing treatment for a cancerous tumor in his brain. Pray for miraculous and complete healing of his body in Jesus’ name.

Children coming

Diaspora in Hong Kong: Children’s Bible Class: Praise the Lord that five Muslim children, with open hearts, are taking an advanced Bible literacy course to learn about the Son’s story. Pray for them and their families to come to the Lord.

Creation to Christ

Diaspora in Alberta: Praise for the ESL Bible study we help with on Mondays that has 21 students attending, primarily from Asia, although a few from the Middle East, Africa and South America. Monday the 12th is the final study where Doug (leader) will tell them about Jesus. It’s a very short study, meant to be a quick Creation to Christ overview and also show us students who are interested in studying the Bible. The majority of Bible study students this summer are women. Pray that I will be able to connect with some of these women before the start of the September semester.

Reaching men and women

Diaspora in Florida: Pray for continued close relationships for me with my imam friends and for God to banish the spirit of deception that keeps them blinded.
My wife’s ministry with Muslim women is flourishing and keeping her and the other volunteers quite busy. Pray for them for strength and creativity. And balancing priorities.

New students

Diaspora in Brazil: Pray for the reception of new university students, may there be a man and a woman of peace among non-Christians arriving on campus. Pray for blessing on outreach events to get new students plugged into Bible studies and other programs.

Summer activities

Diaspora in California: Pray for our summer activities with International students. Praise for the Ladies’ Bible study going well. Whatever we do, may the students come to know God’s grace and salvation. Specifically pray for salvation for Thomas and Chris.

Summer Camp

Diaspora in Germany: Pray for the Injil Summer Camp that will take place near Passau, Germany later this month. Pray for open hearts to understand and respond to the gospel. Pray for Jamal and team as they prepare.

Family picnic

Diaspora in Michigan: Please pray for all the details to come together for our family picnic outreach on Friday 8/23, including school supplies to give away and the final funding. Pray that people would come and begin relationships or sign up for a program where they can have regular gospel exposure.


Diaspora in England: Pray for the East Midlands Community outreach week Aug 3rd to 11th.
We give thanks for the willingness of several local community leaders to encourage people to attend the week’s events.
Pray for opportunities for team members to share their faith during the week.
Pray for culture nights – that these events which the community organize for the volunteers will be an opportunity to build bridges and strengthen relationships.
Pray for protection for the local volunteers from a Muslim background as they engage in outreach and share their faith.

Camp Rhino

Diaspora in Canada: July 21 – 26 we have Camp Rhino – a kids camp for newcomer children to Canada. Some will likely hear the gospel for the first time. Please pray for the camp logistics, but most importantly, that children will give their lives to Christ.

Bible club

Diaspora in Michigan: Pray for the backyard Bible club I am leading at our Welcome House July 8th-12th. A handful of Muslim families are signed up to come, many who have been asking good spiritual questions. May God use this to draw them into His Kingdom.

Summer classes

Diaspora in Alberta: Pray for the ESL Bible study and summer conversation classes that will be starting on July 8. Pray God will open students’ hearts and many will put their faith in Him.

Sue’s salvation

Diaspora in Georgia: Please pray for the salvation of my neighbor “Sue” and her family. She’s been coming to my house to read English. We also read a little of the gospel of John each time.

Summer activities

Diaspora in Hong Kong: Pray for the upcoming children’s biblical-based summer activities with Muslim children at church. May the children meet Jesus.
Pray for Muslim women to join our Bible study group.

Hunger for God

Diaspora in Washington DC: Praise God for new brothers and sisters! Please pray for roots that grow deep and abundant fruit for Jesus! Please pray with us that God would draw students, who have spent months learning English and have scripture in their hands and heads, to understand more deeply and hunger for God.


Diaspora in Ontario: Pray for our local Christian friends from the Horn. Particularly for H who has been attending church faithfully with us for a long time. Our church is disbanding due to declining membership, and H is heartbroken at losing that fellowship. Pray that we and he will find another church soon where he can grow and be blessed. Please pray for his siblings who were raised in a Christian home but have left their former love.
Pray also for one family whose daughter married a Muslim and who have refused all contact with her since. Pray that she’ll be restored to Jesus and her family.


Diaspora in Ontario: I met Omar, a Muslim high schooler originally from Pakistan/India, during street evangelism. Coincidentally we met twice at different street intersections over the last 3 months. Omar questions why we don’t believe Islam is the truth. Pray that Omar will be open to reading the true word of God, the Bible.

Summer study

Diaspora in Georgia: Pray for the Lord to keep bringing a Pakistani neighbor to study English (and Bible!) with me on Fridays this summer. Pray the Lord would grant her faith to believe.

Summer Day Camp

Diaspora in Quebec: Praise- We have a youth team helping us lead a week- long day camp this summer for North African kids ages 5-12, August 19-23. As we will be openly sharing Bible stories with the children throughout the week, Muslim families will, apart from God, be very wary of sending their kids. We are praying for 35 kids, from families that God is already at work in, to join us, majority being from North African families. Please pray along with us!

Bible studies

Diaspora in Hong Kong: We will start weekly women’s Injil classes in two centres. Pray that God will prepare the hearts of the participants and lead them to Him.
Praise that L, an Ugandan Muslim lady, has found a church to attend for bible study regularly on Friday and weekend evenings. Meanwhile, we still meet with her on a weekly basis. Pray for God’s guidance in her life, and pray she has a pure heart to pursue Jesus.

“Bible speaks to me”

Diaspora in Quebec: Praise God for Dani’, an Egyptian (Muslim background) student who has been studying the Bible with me for several months. She has said now multiple times how the Bible seems to speak specifically to her, and to circumstances she is facing daily. Pray for her that she would fully understand the gospel, her sin and need to repent.

Summer ministry

Diaspora in California: Pray for summer activities with International students. We hope to have a bible study with some of the ladies. Pray the students come to know God’s grace and salvation. Specifically pray for salvation for Thomas and Chris.
Pray also for Sam, a student from India, who was baptized but then went through much persecution, including being cut off financially by his family. He has decided to continue to pursue reading his Bible and is being discipled by one of our volunteers. Pray for his faith to grow strong and his witness to be bold.

Parenting class

Diaspora in England: Praise that the latest parenting course went well. We had 6 Som’ women and 2 Sudanese women participate. And we had a chance to share our faith with them. Pray for continued contact with these women and that they would ponder the truth they heard.

Console and share

Diaspora in Brazil: Pray for discernment in the deeper faith conversations that are arising as a result of the death of one of the African students last month. Pray for wisdom in how to console as well as share the truth of our Savior in these moments.

New mosque contact

Diaspora in Minnesota: Praise for a meeting at a new Somali mosque yesterday. It was a first at this mosque and we brought a group of Somalis and Christians together to meet. Pray for good connections and followup.

Imam friend

Diaspora in Florida: At my request, my imam friend recently presented me with his eight strongest evidences for Islam. Pray for wisdom to respond well.
We often meet for coffee and gospel conversations and now our wives are saying they ought to be allowed to come along. Pray this would happen.

Scripture engagement

Diaspora in Georgia: Please pray for the salvation of some of my Muslim friends, specifically through regular Scripture engagement with me: Naya, Humor, Nama, Amy, Ali, Sue, Sara, Mia, and Anna (pseudonyms).

Battling addictions

Diaspora in Quebec: Praise God Adam is following Jesus! He is reading the word. Please pray for him and his wife that the Holy Spirit would guide them as they study his word. We have concerns for their current church that it is preaching some false doctrine. Pray for them as well.
Praise for Ismail, an Algerian believer, reading the Bible and attending church regularly for the first time in his life, as well as participating in a small group Bible study. Please pray for him as he battles addictions with alcohol and smoking and trying to trust God in a marriage with a non-believing wife.

More people studying

Diaspora in Michigan: Please pray for more extended Biblical conversations and a thirst for the Word with people we meet. Pray Mr. I would follow through and have a Bible study with me. Pray for 7 people actively studying the Bible by the end of 2024.

Gospel conversations

Diaspora in Florida: I am tutoring Muslim kids. Please pray this turns into gospel conversations with the kids and their parents.

Witnessing the power

Diaspora in Canada: Through our resettlement ministry, our Mus* friends are witnessing the power of prayer in Jesus’ name and seeking God’s amazing guidance together. We pray that more churches in Canada will take part in this ministry, and pray for our friends to bow their knee to Jesus.


Diaspora in Hong Kong: Please pray for L as her emotions have not been stable. Pray for God’s mercy to be upon her and for Him to nurture the seeds He has sown in her heart.

Many opportunities

Diaspora in Brazil: Pedro and Benvinda have had many opportunities to reach out to African immigrants in Toledo through an NGO. Praise God for many contacts that seem so open and ready for relationship. Pray for wisdom and words of life in these conversations.

Receptive hearts

Diaspora in Wales: The women in the Tuesday English conversation class read and discuss chronological Bible stories. Most have never heard these stories before. They would like to meet for additional class time so I will be teaching Thursday classes beginning this week. We thank God for their openness. Pray for receptive hearts to the Truth.


Diaspora in Quebec: Praise for the fun weekend and lots of great gospel conversations during the men’s Algerian retreat. Please pray that God’s grace and truth would penetrate their hearts and that this desire to know more would result in a spring weekly Bible discussion. Those who were particularly interested are (names slightly altered): Chari, Hamil and Khalil. Pray for them.
Praise for the four Muslim women planning to come on a retreat this weekend May 10-12. Please pray that God would open up gospel discussions, and for boldness for us Christian women. Please pray for God’s peace and truth to penetrate their hearts. That their fears of the Bible and of the true Jesus would be transformed into a love and desire to know more. Please pray for their salvation.

Vulnerable women

Diaspora in UK: Pray for the vulnerable international women that we have met. I cannot mention any details of these situations even by alias name due to the danger it could bring to these women and those who know who assist them. Pray in their distress they would cry out to God and He would hear them and answer them.

Kunle and Yusuf

Diaspora in Ontario: I met Kunle, a Muslim refugee from Nigeria, during street evangelism. He had personal questions about sin, in regards to disobeying parents and doing business under the table. I used Bible stories and teachings to address him and Kunle sensed wisdom from God’s Word. Please pray for Kunle’s salvation and a desire to read the Bible.
I also met Yusuf, an Afghani Muslim high school student. The conversation attracted 3 of his Muslim friends from Bangladesh and Pakistan, and we all spoke for over an hour. The gospel and the authenticity/trustworthiness of Scripture was shared. Criticisms against Christianity were addressed and a challenge for them to read the Bible for themselves was given. Please pray for Yusuf and his friends’ salvation.

New brothers and sisters

Diaspora in Washington DC: We’re excited to be seeing new brothers and sisters join the family through baptism last month and this month. Please pray as they share their testimonies with their families back home for understanding and open ears and hearts.